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Everything posted by robdyck

  1. You could add it to your tool bar or it is found under the "Trim Tools" parent tool.
  2. No, that's the graphics card. The PC RAM is 16 GB.
  3. Make every wall use the default top and bottom heights. There are quite a few issues with your model, maybe a few too many for the forum. I'd kindly suggest seeking some 1-on-1 training from an expert. Remember to define rooms before manually adjusting wall heights. For the Brick wall, change the brick ledge settings to 'zero'.
  4. Perfect. That means the default height is being used. Check the box for the top height as well. We'll use the room 'STOOP' to define the wall heights.
  5. I experience many crashes every day. I use my pc for nothing but Chief and Google Chrome. Nvidia and Chief tech support haven't been able to provide a solution so I couldn't tell you if the problem is Chief or Nvidia or Dell. This isn't exactly helpful, but I'm not overly happy with my Alienware PC or X13 because of this. There is a known conflict between some Alienware software and Chief Architect, but even disabling it has not provided a reliable experience using Chief.
  6. If you don't want this wall, then why have it in the plan? Delete it or change it.
  7. Select all rich text items, open, then press 'OK'.
  8. See what happens if you stretch the roof plane to build up against the osb instead of against the siding. Maybe Chief is programmed such that if you won't draw it the way it'll be built then neither will Chief?! Who knows? Forget all that! I got excited when i saw them switch to 1.5" thick. They just became sub-fascia. Weird though, I clicked on it and I was sure it said rafter at the bottom of the screen.
  9. Slow times? No! I say fast times! That's when your speed increases on your mountain bike and you start placing in races!
  10. @emmabrownnn I've replicated your scenario, then added some reference lines along the cabinet face to help with accurate snapping. Plan is attached for your reference. bf3.plan
  11. robdyck


    You may want to add some info about your system specs. I resolved that issue by spending $4000 on a new computer, and then unresolved that issue with too many crashes to count. I must say though, that Chief's auto save has never worked so well or so hard!
  12. I used a 3" wall so the piers would be centered under a double rim joist, material: Lattice. 187021078_HillResidence.plan
  13. Did you get your foundation sorted?
  14. @ChiefUserBigRob You should leave Floor 1 structure as default and instead change the floor platform default. Turn on auto framing for everyhting.
  15. Yes. Read Ryan's post again.
  16. Your issue comes from the fact that your plan does not have the room shapes defined completely on both floors. You currently have overlapping rooms. The ceiling height in the entry cannot be higher than the floor above. So, define the rooms on the 2nd floor using walls, railings, or room dividers. Ensure alignment with the rooms and walls below. You will then be able to make the necessary adjustments. 2nd Floor: The landing portion needs to be separated from the area over the garage. Main Floor: the entry will need to be divided in line with the wall dividing the stairs to allow for separate ceiling heights.
  17. Edit All Roof Planes is definitely a super quick way to get the rounded area to the OIP, no doubt about that. So I get to choose between using rounded areas or including the totals row. I think the totals row trumps the rounded area.
  18. That happens! Way too often, there are changes other than just edits! I know you can edit / copy a roof plane, but if you forget and add a roof plane, now your schedule is incomplete. I can't be the only one who has already got enough places where user error sneaks into a plan set.
  19. I'm not sure how or where you'd setup a default Roof Label...
  20. Yes, but if there are changes to the completed plan then that work will need to be redone.
  21. Thanks for the confirmation Joe. That's what I suspected. I will submit a formal feature request. I'd prefer to give my customer's as much information as is reasonable on a plan set, however IMO adding macros to roof planes is not reasonable for most projects. 2 decimal places it is. To me, the programmer's choice to use 2 decimal places in these fields is a head scratcher.