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Everything posted by robdyck

  1. Melissa, would you mind posting a screenshot of your end result?
  2. Take a section view through the cabinets with the camera origin located just behind the doors (directly on the front of the cabinet box. Send it to Layout and use the drawing order tools to place it on top of the coordinating wall elevation. Crop the layout box as necessary. Make a copy of the layer set if you want different display options for the camera that shows shelving.
  3. Make different layer sets for exterior elevations and building cross sections. Turn off EVERYTHING that doesn't need to show in that particular drawing.
  4. There's too much turned on in each view. Use more drawings in your layout with more refined layer sets. Turn off terrain and all landscaping and all electrical for sections for starters. It will speed things up. This takes forever to generate a section view; like 3 minutes. And like Richard says, for all projects, but especially complex ones you need a trustworthy archiving system.
  5. You need some help with layer and view management. Awesome design, but really bad plan management for a project this complex. This needs to be cleaned up or else you'll have more troubles.
  6. 2000' down and to the left. You'll need to establish reference points to move it all back into place.
  7. 2nd floor walls aren;t gone, they've just been moved to way the heck into nowhere.
  8. You're right, if it would auto generate it, that would be awesome!
  9. Does this mean you need to take your socks off?! I agree. However, with experience one should find a correlation from floor area to wall area for the types of homes you build, for estimating only, not ordering. Let's remember the material list for wallboard would only be good for estimating because you'd order different lengths as needed per room, some 48", some 54", some mold resistant ,some tile backer etc.
  10. You'd just end up editing more wall types. Especially when you have several exterior cladding types on one project. I make my attic walls close to the end of a job when the client is done selecting materials, but before I start completing sections. Just copy your main floor wall, rename it and remove the drywall, uncheck the insulation in the framing layer, remove the fill type from the framing layer, and adjust the framing layer to 1.5" thick, and use insulation air gap so it doesn't frame a wall where you'd use a gable end truss.
  11. Insulation fill isn't a pattern, it's a cad box. You'd have to manually draw a box over every wall. Better to use a separate pattern. You're on the right track to keeping it simple.
  12. Don't do it. It doesn't belong there. But if you're going to anyhow, use a cad insulation box .
  13. Convert your railing to a symbol, then spin it in the "open Symbol" dbx.
  14. It looks like your displaying the 'standard' rendering technique. Switch to 'vector view'.
  15. I thought the 1" grid would show up better in my screenshot so that it would be a bit more obvious as to the size. 6" diameter. Hope that helps.
  16. They're the same thing, just labeled differently.
  17. Alright then... never done that before and I wasn't sure if it exported the library object, or the whole library. Here they are. Easy enough to edit using Chop Saw instructions. COSD.calibz SD.calibz
  18. I've got a customized COSD and SD symbol. Perfect for 1/4" scale. I don't know the easiest way to share it though...
  19. So what does the architect do?? That explains the autodesk reference file you had open. Looks like Michael will take care of you. Good luck.
  20. I hear you. Curious...if there's an architect...what are you doing? Do you work for him/her?
  21. And maybe a gable over the middle garage door? The roof sloping down over it doesn't leave space for a header, and it doesn't make much sense to have a roof eave extending lower than the top of a garage door right?
  22. And you probably want boxed eaves right? Flush to the gable? Check those boxes too. Then rebuild roofs.
  23. Just change it to a gable wall. And turn off auto roof returns for that wall.