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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. I simply drew my polyline along the wall and copy/pasted it along the other walls and then used the polyline join tool to create 1 box. Set the lie weight to 0 and made it the same color as the background.
  2. I'm not sure what you have done, but this is a really basic CAD operation. Do you have the line type and color set to BY LAYER?
  3. Change it to white, or use the invisible line type.
  4. So cut a hole inside the perimeter, or shrink the polyline to the size you want and wrap it around the inside of the walls.'s just a hatch pattern. IS there an "auto" way to do it? No. Is it time consuming...ehh..probably, but can be done really easily.
  5. I use the reverse plan tool weekly sometimes. never had an issue.
  6. Just click the dimensions and change them. Select all the dimensions at the same time. There are a couple different ways to do that.
  7. I would also love to have that answer.
  8. Just break the basement wall and draw what you want. Once you connect the walls back, the foundation will re-generate. Draw the deck above with deck rail walls. The details on this will take a lot of 2D work and some engineering and waterproofing. The pool: Create the pool with polysolids and make one of them clear. As far as how to see if from the basement...again, windows and engineering considering the loads you are putting on the side walls.
  9. Gonna need a cricket in there....
  10. No import option. You will need to build your own database in the master list.
  11. Use the ceiling plane tool. There is an option to create curved ceilings.
  12. Use the EDIT AREA - ALL FLOORS. You will need to use some CAD boxes, similar to what you have shown on the PDF. Cut the sections out of the shaded area and move them together. It is tedious, but its the way to do it.
  13. FWIW....changing at that scale probably wouldn't be noticeable, but when changing from 1/4" to 1/8", you can simply SHIFT SELECT all the text and change the default text style. It is. I am right at the limit for a 1/4" scale drawing. I chose 4 so that I can step up and use 5 for things like room flooring material and room dims.
  14. If it helps you...for a 1/4" print I have my default text size for dims and text at a 4. That is what I based everything else off when setting my defaults for the other scales I send things to layout in. My door/window labels are a 3 and my room labels are a 7. Maybe that helps you?
  15. I left the AIA because of this kinda stuff ^^
  16. The more I learn about them the less I like them. No disparaging, just had a similar question and was searching for the answer when I saw this thread. The no thank you was for creating even more defaults and even more layers and more, more, more. My current workflow doesn't require saved plan views.
  17. I'm with Gene...are you looking for the right tool?
  18. These is a blocking tool that can be used. You can also set that in the defaults as either straight or staggered. I don't think blocking will auto generate in ceilings though.
  19. Would need the plan file. Something is off because it works for me.
  20. Try using the PDF printer included in Chief Architect. Select it from the drop down menu.
  21. What PDF printer are you using?
  22. Try loading them up to X8 or X9, save them, then move to X12. But if you are asking about Chief "automagically" placing all the features now available in X12 into a file as old as X6, then I would say no, it won't happen. You will have to spend some time to update those plans, but you won't need to re-draw them all.