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Everything posted by dshall

  1. My guess is that CA will work in Brazil. If it works for the folks in OZ (Australia and New Zealand, metric), (they are barely smarter than us in North America), I assume it will work for you in Brazil.
  2. I think it was the Curmudgeon who pointed out the name is ROOM PLANNER, it is not HOUSE PLANNER. I am with you Perry, for us folks that have to draw a full set of plans of the entire house, ROOM PLANNER does not cut it..... or I should say, nobody has shown me how I could use it. I am sure it works great for some folks who only need to deal with several rooms and do not need to locate setbacks etc.
  3. I think bedrooms need to egresses.... a door to the house and a window...... maybe you think the minimum window size meets the egress req....... it is a good question.
  4. ..... you need to go back to CA 101....... BTW, when you go back to CA 101, let me know, I just may join you........ it's so funny, I have been using this program for over 11 years and sometimes I am embarrassed at some of the basic stuff I don't understand.... i.e. railings........... it's a learning process and together we will be great.
  5. Maybe not encouraging but very understandable. Most people in this field are very visual, videos are great to explain an issue and your vids are very good. Don't worry about the points, who cares.... (well I care, but nobody cares that I care), BTW, you have more points than I and I have 25% more posts than you... so what are you complaining about? I have always appreciated your input.
  6. Jaquilla.... \your plan is a mess..... I picked it up within 30 seconds.... the wall between existing/bed/office and garage do not line up.... you are dimensioning between finished surfaces, not smart, you should dimension between framed walls, also I see that some of your dimensions are as accurate as 13/16" and 3/8", a mess, 1/2" accuracy at the most... I also noted the invisible wall between living and landing of stairs at first floor does not line up.... not good..... I am not surprised you are having issues........ in some wall definitions you have the exterior finish part of the main layer, not good, part of exterior layer.... not good... Jaquilla, I see you are using ref sets, but you are not paying attention to the info the refs sets are giving you...... this is basic stuff Jacquilla..... you need to go back to CA 101 and learn how to define wall types and learn how to dimension plans which will help you locate the walls...... the review maybe a bit harsh..... I apologize if I have offended you. And back to what is important.... how do you think the Chargers will do this year? Tennessee looks good, Marcos M. is a super quarterback. You guys in Tennessee may have a fun year rooting for your team.
  7. That is the answer, open an old plan file, export the hot keys and then reimport to new plan. Nice thinking.
  8. This is a great question. You have discovered a big weakness in the CA wall framing/floor framing dynamics. I did take a look at it...... I could not solve the question. I wish someone from CA would chime in to confirm that this is a very difficult framing model... or maybe they can chime in and show us how to do it. Joey's method sounds way too cumbersome.
  9. True story: I was showing my client her project in 3D and she said, "I can't picture what it will look like" What should I of said to her?
  10. I suppose I was trying to figure out why you suggested importing/exporting the wall type and if there is an additional advantage that I did not know of. Is it safe to say, the copy/paste or the add to library method would be preferable to the export/import method since the export/import method seems to be the most complicated.
  11. So the advantage of importing and exporting the wall type would be it would no longer be necessary to transfer the template to new versions.
  12. I would assume she can put the wall in template plan and now it will be there for the millennium.
  13. Joe, why should I import/export? What is wrong with copying the wall from one plan to the other?
  14. No, use plywood shear walls... let in braces are not permitted where I am.
  15. Well, looking at the PDF you posted, I think the direction of the dimension text is correct. What is throwing me off is the orientation of the LAYOUT you are using. Maybe the layout is rotated.... or I should say, not the way I would of done it. So, I say it is correct as is, if it is not correct as is, then I do not know how to correct to what you want.
  16. I would bet you rotated plan... not good.
  17. For you newbies, this is a very good tip. No downside but plenty of upside. P. "The Slab Man" still needs to go back to English 101.... weather or whether......... but who cares..... he knows his CA. Hey P., you and Penny still need to come out and visit with us some weekend..... figure it out....... we would love to see you guys for a weekend.....
  18. I am on mac, I was able to open posted plan no problems.