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Everything posted by dshall

  1. That MacBook should work fine. My MacBook pro is probably 6 years old and CA works fine on it..
  2. Phyllis, I have no clue where it is. Nuts, if I get into office early enough in AM, maybe I will try to do a quick vid, sorry, I just don't know how to find those old vids, I kind of did them only if I did not know the answer so if was a learning process for me...... I think your p,an is posted..... I will see if I can do vid in AM.
  3. I don't run into this problem much, but once in awhile I do. This was a good post CC. I don't think it is something CA can help, if you think about it, if they fix it for one specific situation, it will not be correct for another situation. My brain is fried..... I can not even begin to explain this in words, but I can visually imagine the issues.
  4. Now I get what you were saying. Yeah, I agree, a little confusing. Here is a solution, and I do not know if it is a workaround. You need to create a THIRD MATERIAL called BRICK HORIZ 2, copied from BRICK HORIZ, and then you will rotate the PATTERN and not the TEXTURE, and all will be well. Actually you might have to create a FOURTH material from BRICK, and only rotate the PATTERN and not the TEXTURE Here is a test to visually understand what is going on. Create (3) slabs, 48" thick, and apply one of the 3 materials to each of them and then flip back between render view and vector view. They all behave differently. Look at the 2 pictures and compare the render views vs the vector views...... BTW, I did not create the FOURTH material, but if I did, I bet we would see something else that was different. CC, this was a great post on your part. I always thought I need two textures, one being a rotation of the other. But in reality, to cover all bases we need FOUR different materials to cover all bases, with varying combinations of either the texture being rotated or not. This is really a function of what you are applying the material to. Is it a PSOLID, or a SLAB, or a PSOLID DRAWN IN ELEVATION, or is it a MOLDING. Thanks CC.
  5. Come on CC, you are dealing with two different things in your two pictures, and Alan eluded to it. In one view you are looking at the texture, in the other you are looking at the pattern, totally different. Just rotate the pattern or the texture 90 degrees and it will make sense.
  6. Yeah, I did a vid on this somewhere. I do not think I would of said use a roof plane, almost positive I would of suggested ceiling plane. I have done this probably 4 times on plans and it was doable.
  7. Easy peasy. What do you want it to look like on the right, what kind of walls are you using on left?
  8. I did not look at plan, but maybe a sloped ceiling plane will work.
  9. It's an attic truss. Do a search, should find threads and vids on it. Also look in old forum.
  10. Sorry Matt, I know that...... I a trying to shake my curmudgeon rep., there is only one true curmudgeon ....
  11. Hi Mike, I understand now, you want AUTO EXT. DIMENSIONS to both sides WITHOUT the wall thicknesses, I missed that. Thanks for bringing up the topic, I learned something.
  12. Yes thanks, I finally get it, I am not sure I know what the OP wants, it seems I can do whatever I think he wants. The question is, what does he want to do that he can't do?
  13. Jason, is it snowing up there yet? From what I understand, you are going to get a lot soon.
  14. I bet the stuff that disappeared is on a layer that is turned off. Create a new layer set called ALL ON, use that layer set and turn everything on, I bet they are there.
  15. Well I guess I gave you some bad advice, sorry.
  16. I think you might be right. Tommy is a big Texan fan and he don't like those Redskin Fans.
  17. I hope you read my reply because I gave you the answer.
  18. Maybe this is what Perry was saying and I just did not realize it.
  19. Well, ain't this a pistal, if the original poster wanted a string of dimensions without the wall thickness dimensioned, he can use the INTERIOR DIMENSION TOOL. This tool will give dimensions in rooms either between room finishes or between studs sans the wall thickness included. Another little nugget.
  20. This is an incorrect reply. The reason is you have not gone into your dimension default and specified that you want the dimension to both sides of wall. It does not matter whether you are using a RUNNING DIMENSION or a MANUAL DIMENSION or even the INTERIOR DIMENSION, you must set the parameters in which you want to work in the DIMENSION DEFAULTS....... BTW, thanks for the question, learned something new..... INTERIOR DIMENSIONS do not measure the wall thickness..... somebody was just asking about this.
  21. So what do you do? Nothing? Or do you join Tommy Blair's on line meeting once a month. I would go to TB's on line meeting. TB probably knows more than any of the attendees and probably knows more that 80% of users. A great resource.