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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Curious, can I raise the entire model up 27" via transform replicate so that now the floor Dbx shows 27" higher?
  2. Well that is interesting. I thought I had tried copying a lan without default heights and it blew up. I must try it tomorrow.
  3. It should work if all the ceilings and floors are default heights.
  4. I concur...... I am not sure if it is feaster to do, but I do know it is faster. To turn off all lights but the LIGHT SOURCES, go to 3D<LIGHTING<ADJUST LIGHTS
  5. Yes, it removes the "VIRTUAL SLAB", but you can always build your own slab on ZERO LEVEL and all is well.
  6. Yes, use 3d trees to get the shadows for the trees. I wonder how important the shadows are since the example plan shows no shadows for the buildings. I think CA can show the shadows for the buildings as well as the trees.
  7. I think CA can do this, that looks like some basic stuff. What program was used to create the site plan that you are showing?
  8. Jim, I am getting so lazy, I do not want to go to all that much trouble. If CA does not make it easier for me to crop these pdf's, I think I am going to start sending them to headquarters and let them do the cropping for me.
  9. I get these pdf's with very large blank borders without an image in them taking up a lot of space in layout. I was hoping to eliminate all the blank white area in each pdf in one fell swoop.
  10. There are different ways to resize a PDF 1. Move a side... the image size stays the same, and you can essentially crop this image 2. Move a corner.... the image proportions will change accordingly 3. Move a corner IN CONCENTRIC MODE, and the image will resize proportionaly ..... but what I want to do is grab a corner and keep the image the same size, but the box itself will resize. This is similar to number 1., but I want to move all 4 corners at one time. Is this possible? For you guys getting multiple pdf's for your title-24, you probably know why I want to know.
  11. I was messing around with tilted solids yesterday, today my computer was behaving badly, several aborted starts, long time opening, had to reboot computer several times today. Lost half my manuf, libraries, restarted and did get them back. I will see what tomorrow brings.
  12. Actually, I think I did adjust the wall defaults. I believe there was a wall where he had several layers defined as MAIN LAYER. But I do not think this would effect the adjustmest that I made but I could be wrong. To restate, to be on the safe side, the OP needs to eliminate some of the MAIN WALL LAYERS in wall def box, and then use the EDIT WALL LAYER INTERSECTION tool.
  13. To fix that you either use the EDIT WALL LAYER INTERSECTIONS tool, or you make sure you have the same number of layers of materials of two walls that intesect. The best method would be the EDIT WALL LAYER INTERSECTIONS tool, this is what this tool is for.
  14. Now this is interesting..... I tried to do a TRANSFORM/REPLICATE after doing Jim's suggestion, I got something really odd.......
  15. He wasn't, and he has now conceded this. He has admitted that he was mistaken. But with that said, this is some weird stuff that I have not seen before
  16. Jim, this is so weird, how do you group select a psolid in elevation if it is drawn in plan? Well one way is to select it and then shift and select another PSOLID that happens to be there...... this is bizarre........ or you can select it, hold down shift key and reselect and now you can rotate it.... but it is rotating around something somewhere else in the cosmos.... this is so bizarre..... I have to think about this for a day or so...... what an interesting thread.... Who started this dang thread..... this is going to cost me a lot of money and time figuring out this mess........
  17. Holy f'ing komoley, I don't know how to use this yet... but I have never seen this, and I don't even know how to do what jim did. Jim, you did not draw this in elevation, you drew in plan.... correct? And if this is correct, how did did you "TILT" it? This is so weird, if I look at it in plan view, there are TWO, I said TWO images of the psolid. Wow, I don't think TB knew about it, Jim thought TB knew about it, so Jim found something that I do not think too many people, including TB even knew existed, . Hey Jim, help me out here... you drew it in plan.. correct? And then you tilted it, correct? How did you tilt it?
  18. And to confirm, I right click on an edge in plan view, the contextual menu shows up, and the break tool IS NOT AVAILABLE. So I don't think it is possible to break the edge of a PSOLID drawn in elevation. But you guys say it is possible..... another example of my "P" size brain (no reference to the Real P. Man) not working.
  19. That is what I thought. When I first read TB's response, I did not think it was possible. So I went in office, drew a profile in elevation, gave it a 48" depth, went to plan and tried to break an edge to reconfigure for an "L" shaped garage plan, and I could not break an edge in PLAN. Would you mind posting a small plan of this working? For some reason, I cannot break the edge of a PSOLID in plan view, created/ drawn in elevation.
  20. I am so confused with this. Is this a solid or a PSOLID?
  21. I just went and checked a mature plan how long it would take to edit roof lines in 3D. 3 seconds is about it, therefore I avoid editing a mature plan's roof in 3D. I agree, a pain in the derrière. However, if I remember, I did have a lag on the PC.
  22. My lag is not that long.... depends on the plan.