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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Yeah, just did it on a recent job. Cantilever out headers and put some temp glass in there... I do not think the glass was "structural".
  2. I can not say the same and I am on a MAC, but I have had very very few crashes. I had one just yesterday, but other than that, I do not remember the last crash.
  3. Thanks Michael, but I can not find it in my library once imported. Where do you think it should be located?
  4. Yes, of course, it was just weird not seeing them.
  5. .... so I have this returning client..... good size remodel from the past..... did plans in 2009..... YEAH, 6 YEARS AGO!!!!........ they want to fill in some vaulted space at second floor..... I open plans from the past......... WHERE IS MY ANNO SETS????? WOW, talking about going back to the archaic times...... geeezzzz..... thankfully this should be a down and dirty job...... wow, have things changed (for the better) in the last 6 years. BTW, 2009, what version would that be? v.11 pr X2? Yikes, this might be painful.
  6. I should do a vid on this to explore the advantages and disadvantages of using the sub fascia and fascia as shadow boards. I don't remember why, but I am almost to the point where I would almost zero out the fascia boards and rely on the shadow boards for fascia..... there is a reason.... I just have to remember why...
  7. This was not very intuitive for me. Instead of the offsets being measured from the fascia, they are actually measured from the defined eave overhang. Never had a problem before, I suppose I was attacking is from a different perspective this time which confused me. Thanks again, Kevin.
  8. I disagree, they do not occupy the same space. Put a different material on each shadow board and change the 24" shadow board to 8" hi, you will then see the difference. I also have an offset for the shadow boards, did you notice the offset? Since there is an offset, they should not be occupying the same space.
  9. Please open the plan. I have two shadow boards on the roof eaves. See if you can manipulate each shadow board separately. It seems as if I can do a horizontal offset for shadow board 1, and then when I try shadow board 2 horizontal offset, it is shadow board 1 moving and not shadow board 2. Try offsetting each shadow board away from the wall and towards the wall. At one time I could do this in X6, and now I can not do this in x7 . BBB SHADOWBOARDS 1.plan.zip
  10. That is a key point...... if you guys were to use more generic terms, 95% of workarounds will be eliminated. We should be careful of what we wish for.
  11. These suggestions are great... I guess..... but if you asked 10 power users we would probably have 10 different answers. Why we all do not get together and discuss in which direction to go, and come up with a consensus is a mystery to me. Oh I know, it would take up too much time. So let's do it wrong again and then discuss what we did wrong after we make the changes. How many times have you guys received an email from a client regarding a change, you make the change and they say, "no, this is what I wanted", and you have to change it again. Whereas if we had spent 5 minutes discussing the change verbally, it would of been a one and done.
  12. I can snap to the middle wall. I do not know why. Post a small plan and I will see if I can snap to your middle of wall on my computer.
  13. The West Coast, Carmel, Pebble Beach, Golf...... what could be better...... Alan, if I did not have so many trips planned this year, I would be up there in a heart beat, thanks for the offer. I must pass this year. Ask you wife if she can get a pass for next year, I will be there.
  14. Nice! Good option. BTW, did you recently move to Seattle or am I confused again.
  15. Vid for corner windows http://youtu.be/hxV5t-KETXo
  16. I just did vid, I will post when done. Playing golf at RBI if interested. 11:30 tee time. We have it for 2 people, if you want to play, give them a call and let them know you would like to join us.
  17. Put in a window opening in a corner situation at interior of house.... looking good! Put in a window opening in a corner situation at exterior of house.... looking good....... almost perfect..... at least much much better than before. Thanks
  18. Congratulations, I think you have decided to bite the bullet and make it work for you. If you stick with it, you will have no regrets. And Johnny, keep posting, I love to listen to your insight in regards to the areas that CA can improve upon. I think CA is listening more now than in the past and your input is invaluable.
  19. Yep, great minds think alike, and between the two of us, we are half way there.
  20. Just a comment on this GW. I do not remember the last time I cared if the lines were connected. I am sure there are times when I would want them disconnected, and that is easy enough to do. As I think about it, I think the behavior as it is works is best for me. I do not need to select 2 lines, just the one, and I can change the location of intersection of two lines at the same time. Yep, I don't know why I would care if connected....... but if CA can fix this for those users who want lines disconnected, that would be great.
  21. Barry, would you mind sending me your email etc to dscotthall@mac.com thanks
  22. The vid I did probably does not follow CA's protocol. It probably does not follow too may protocols except for mine. Give it a go, I think P. and I use the same system, and I think it works for both of us...... I am not complaining and I do not think P. is complaining.