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Everything posted by dshall

  1. This is my bad. I do not remember discussing this, but the oval bathroom sink DOES have the rectangle. Joe, I think I understand that I do not have a good example of the fixture auto cutting an oval, the oval bathroom sink does not cut the oval but does what you explained.
  2. Joe, I don't think you offered a solution to the question. Why can't I make a tub symbol that behaves the same way as an oval sink? Must I have the rectangle around the oval tub? I do not want the rectangle because in a tight space, the rectangular portion pops into the surrounding wall. Maybe the solution is to take an oval bathroom sink and make it the same size as a tub.
  3. Thanks Mi Amigo, that is what I did.... I already had it set to NONE, I don't know why, I do not understand what the none does..... bottom line, I was hoping to get the tub to cut a hole in countertop WITHOUT USING THE HOLE. It seems like it should be possible, think about an oval bathroom sink, it auto cuts the oval hole. It seems to me it has something to do with THE HOLE EMBEDDED within the symbol.
  4. Attached is a plan with a round tub that sits in countertop. However the round tub cuts a square hole in countertop. There must be a way to create a round hole (similar to a bathroom sink. Isn't there a round "HOLE" embedded in the symbol block? Any ideas? NEED ROUND HOLE FOR TUB.plan
  5. I don't think it is a dormer. I think the walls of a dormer sit on the roof..... I think. In this case the second floor walls sit on first floor walls. A dormer is a structural element of a building that protrudes from the plane of a sloping roof surface. Dormers are used, either in original construction or as later additions, to create usable space in the roof of a building by adding headroom and usually also by enabling addition of windows. Wall dormer: This is a dormer whose face is coplanar with the face of the wall below, breaking the line at the cornice of the building.
  6. Here is a very good short vid that may help in justifying your frustration. Be aware that I was changing floor thickness, not changing floor heights, a subtle difference.
  7. The Jona-Thank import terrain video.... a minor little vid that is not important unless you need to import terrain. https://youtu.be/40GU596Sf3U Thank You Jonathan Kaski for the help.
  8. Thanks Jonathon, I will do a vid before the end of the day to share with others.
  9. I think Michael and I have similar thought processes, however I disagree with this. Many of the power users use the TEMPLATE or SAM method and the views ARE ALREADY IN LAYOUT. There is no reason to send a view sine the view is already in layout. But I do understand Michaels thinking, but I think there is a better way.
  10. I think the problem with that is once framing is blocked, they are not visible in 3D. I will never forget that first day you and I were in Monte's class in San Diego, and he blocked some footings and posts and girders, and they were not visible in 3D. The solution to see them was to unblock them. Hey P., do you guys want the San Diego Chargers? We don't want them anymore....... we are trying to get New England or Cincinnati to move out here.
  11. that does not work, once the roof is deleted, the rafter goes away.... good question
  12. Put in a temp roof, draw the rafter, delete the temp roof....... you could also do this to define the slope of a rafter for a sloped ceiling plane.
  13. I hear what you are saying, but the mistake you are making is you are not building your own rafter. Build your own rafter (not an auto rafter dependent on a roof/ceiling plane), and it will stay in place no matter what you do with the roof plane and it's rafters. If I am wrong, post a plan where this does not work and I will take a look at it.
  14. Yusef, it is very difficult to understand. It looks good, but I could not get the gist of what you were you were trying to teach us.
  15. You have a zero thickness gyp bd. make it 1\2" thick and then problem goes away.
  16. You must be using PANELS.... PANELS do not curve.....
  17. Hey guys, I think I need some help here. I have a dxf file that supposedly has a z value associated with the contour lines and spot elevations. However, when I import, they do not have a z value. would one of you guys.... JK or Mark mind doing a GOTOMEETING with me when you have a chance to go through this with me? I have everything, should take less than ten minutes and would be greatly appreciated. Maybe after the GTM I will do a vid to share what I learned. Thanks guys. Just email me with a good time for you and I will try to make it work on my end.
  18. BTW, I have always drawn them in section..... your method sounds much more efficient.
  19. Great tip guys in regards to using soffit tool, thanks, a bonus point for each of you.
  20. Try making the wall a non definition wall, that way it will not have a bearing on the foundation.
  21. I zoomed in and out, then a back clipped cross section, kicked the cat and spit on the dog, and it was fixed.
  22. OMG, a video by the Alaskan Son! Awesome.
  23. Anybody who is using their 99th language to teach CA, must be applauded. Yusuf, you are an asset to this forum...you come up with some neat stuff thinking outside of the box. Please keep up the good work. Thank You.
  24. I assume you can see the subscripts on the dimension string to identify to which part of the string you want to add text. But to answer your question, segments 1&2 will be the first segment you create, go left to right, it is the first on left, go right to left, it is first on right. Thanks for the question, it made me test this out... not sure if it can be any easier.
  25. However, it looks like it messed up the other end..... I am getting so tired of this crap.... come on CA, please fix this stuff......