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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. I think you are referring to the "Child Toolbar Palette". This is set in Preferences > Appearance > Toolbars
  2. No Sorry. I don't think that can be done with Chief alone. You would need to use a 3rd party editor for that type of requirement.
  3. If all those points are recorded in a .gpx file the file can be used to import the data into Chief. However you may need to curb your expectations on the level of accuracy using a phone to record the GPS points. File > Import > Import GPS Data... If that is not an option you can convert your GPS coordinates to your local Projected Coordinate System in meters and then plot that out in Chief using the x and y grid. Note that this is not technically correct as a slight scale factor should be applied but depending on your location that is often quite negligible.
  4. Humm..... I am not sure but that may have automatically changed the setting I was referring to above. If you have any more issues please post the plan file so we can better analyze the situation.
  5. You should be able to set the camera to use an "Absolute" Camera Height and make it work for a short and simple walkthrough. However that is not the way it is supposed to work so please let us know what software version you are using and we may be able to help better.
  6. Yes I can see how that would be convenient. Perhaps a 1:1 print preview tool ? No harm in making a suggestion.
  7. Yes, Always print to PDF to review before printing. PDF viewers should give you a magnification level setting... ie 100% Then print from the PDF for most predictable results.
  8. Yes you are absolutely correct. There seems to be an issue with X14 and X15. Can't really think of a decent workaround right now unless you have X13 still installed and you could build it there and import. Maybe check with tech support as this needs to be reported as soon as possible and they may be able to provide some sort of suggestion to help you finish your build.
  9. I guess the best advice would be to check with the local building inspector as you would not get away with that here. You can certainly saw your own lumber but you need a licensed grader to grade the lumber for any structural use. Great for building a shed that does not require a permit though.
  10. The Specification Dialogues are a little different now but it all works the same way. Gives you this: Which is actually the default setup in x14.
  11. It seems to me that we are talking about something different than this : As "this" has been happening as long as I can remember. Actually I just installed TrueView 2024 and it still works the same way with an X15 exported file.
  12. Actually in this case you might be in luck as there was a change in X14 that auto saves even Untitled plan files. Even if you don't want that.
  13. Have you made any other changes to your computer or file systems ? If you are using any script files and one of them is corrupt or throwing and evaluation error then chief will fail without warning. The more info you can provide the more feedback you will potentially get.
  14. It is a windows issue. Take the " * " out of the file name.
  15. Hi Jim, I will give you the up vote for sending it in but it is not proper to give yourself the solution.
  16. Sure. Add 10% ? =material_data.quantity*1.1 Add 5% ? =material_data.quantity*1.05 If you want it to be clear that it is in addition to the calculated count then use the "Extra" column. Add 5% "Extra" =material_data.quantity*0.05
  17. That is definitely a bit odd but x14 is the same. Fortunately it only appears that way on the child toolbar. So you get rid of the problem when you graduate. But all the same quite confusing for new users. Might be a good idea to submit it and find out what the issue is.
  18. Try changing the scale of your drawing sheet in plan.
  19. looks good so far just pull the elevation lines back away from the edge of the region maybe 2-4' and see how that is. Maybe more.
  20. You can usually just place a double break and then tear a strip completely out for a quick method on a simple plane. See video demo posted below.
  21. Yes you have created a situation where you now have conflicting elevation data so just as in real life you would need to remove the extra information from below the pad and then taper off the edges.
  22. Excellent. If you have a moment maybe post the finished comparison so others can see the results with your procedure. Thanks, Chopsaw
  23. It looks like you may have the opposite problem as discussed here: Same solution though I think.