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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Alan, It's not a specific macro in the subscription. It's something I do within any of my macros that calculate and display areas - specifically within Metric Plans. But all you need to do is create a new Non Evaluated macro named m2. for the Value: just copy paste the following: m²
  2. Roof Plane dbx > Structure > Roof Layers > Surface > Edit
  3. I'm wondering what OS is being used on these systems that are having the problems with X9. I think X9 is only available in 64bit. Could that be the problem?
  4. Michael, So what exactly does the OP want to sell? If that's a picture of a real bed - then who is the target market? Surely not Chief Architect users. If the idea is to sell the symbol - I doubt anyone here would be interested in paying anything for it. Putting the pic in the profile isn't going to generate much interest - since it's unlikely most users would even bother to look at the profile.
  5. Ray Tracing is done by the CPU, not the GPU. Changed Render to Standard and Ray Traced 10 passes in 50 seconds.
  6. This would basically be the same process as for a Partition. The other alternative is to export a 3D View of the Door Symbol to "3DS" and then import that and specify it as a "Cabinet" in the Create Symbol dbx.
  7. Vaughn, Take a look at Preferences>Render>Video Card Status. I don't know if that will help, but it's worth a try.
  8. Jonathan, Take a look at the Announcements Forum. It appears they are going to have a series of presentations by users (1 hour named subject sessions) at the UGM this year. I don't know what else they have planned.
  9. Derek I'm pretty sure this thread is Spam. I reported it previously.
  10. No, you create a Site Plan Layer Set that has those things not displayed. The Annoset selects that Layer Set. It's also a good idea to have a Site Plan Reference Layer Set.
  11. For a Partition, start with a Cabinet. Edit the width, height & depth Edit the face elements. Save to Library Whenever you use that in a Plan it will be included in the Schedule. Note that you can modify the CODE, DESCRIPTION, COMMENTS & MANUFACTURER in the OIP to provide more information in the Schedule.
  12. I 100% agree with Chopsaw. Layout is the way to go. I use any existing project as a starting point; copy, rename & relink. With the Layout and Plan both open - as I work on the Plan, any changes are automatically reflected in the Layout.
  13. Thanks for the clarification. It's an important distinction - most cabinet manufacturers simply add a 3" extension where a filler might be needed. They then get trimmed in the field as needed. It would be rare (IMO) for a manual filler to be specified or ordered - except for frameless cabinets.. It would be nice if there was a way to have the "extension(s) - right/left" to be automatically included in the schedule. OTOH, using the OIP in X9 allows such things to be added as notes.
  14. 1. To renumber the Cabinets, just move them up or down in the Schedule. 2. Partitions and Fillers would only be included in the Schedule if you use an actual Cabinet. Once you customize a Cabinet to the configuration you want then add it to the Library and you can use it in the future.
  15. Vaughn, Can you provide the specs of your system? How much memory? How much GPU memory, etc. I've been running X9 for several months on 3 different systems, including my ASUS G74SX Laptop. I haven't experienced anything like what you're reporting. You may need to contact Customer Support on Monday.
  16. Check the PhysX setting in the NVidea Control Panel. It's possible the NVidea is not actually in control. It could be the on-board Graphics is being used instead.
  17. What you are seeing is the Wall Framing Material. You need to frame the wall and then move/delete any studs, etc that show in the opening. As an alternative, you could just specify the wall framing material as "Opening, No Material".
  18. Wall Material Region, Opening No Material Cuts Finish Wall Material. That will create the opening in the interior wall finish and you just need to insert your box/radiator into that location.
  19. For most windows in Chief you could just "Replace From Library" and use any "Window Symbol". Unfortunately, that tool isn't available for the component windows within a Box, Bay or Bow Window.
  20. OK, It's a bit convoluted but her goes: In a blank plan create a section of a wall insert 4 windows to make up the size you need and mull them together reduce the surrounding wall to just a hair larger than the mulled unit convert that to a Millwork or Exterior Fixture Symbol back in your Plan with the Box Window set the size of the Window and convert it to a Pass-Thru put the Symbol in the opening I told you it was a bit convoluted
  21. It would be really nice if there was a way to "explode" so that you then had the individual walls and windows to edit. I have no idea why CA didn't provide that simple capability.
  22. Yep, it's one of those tools that simply isn't that simple.
  23. FWIW, the Plate in the Foundation Wall is specified as 3.5" wide. The Mud-Sill is governed by the Foundation Wall.