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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. If the doors have been moved the foundation may need to be rebuilt.
  2. I asked for the cut planes of the "Cross Section Slider" to be "solid" a couple of years ago. Maybe if there were more official requests it might get moved up on the "to do list".
  3. I just checked and my Cox Wireless Modem is only 2.4 GHZ (802.11n) which matches my USB WiFi. I think I'm going to need to upgrade both - or hard-wire between the router and my computer. Unfortunately running the wire isn't going to be easy due to the location of the computer. But that would obviously be the best solution.
  4. Thanks Perry, My approach is to provide functionality that doesn't require anyone to be a programmer. I try to do that with all my macros, basically trying to make them "Turn Key". It's enough for users to learn Chief, without them needing to learn to program scripts in Ruby. Now if I can just get some paying customers. ps: I'm going to get a new USB WiFi for my home computer. The one I have is older technology and just doesn't have enough speed and bandwidth. Then I'll be able to create and upload videos much easier. The last one took about a half hour to upload.
  5. FWIW, I have some plans of 125 MB or more without performance issues. Render performance (pan/zoom in 3D) is video card and/or surface count dependent. Having the Layout open with Live Views can have an effect but I'm not sure if this is a CPU or a GPU issue.
  6. Question? You stated in your original post that you have 4GB DDR. That's not the same as a 4GB Video Card. The video card could be 1,2 or 4 GB and as other's have stated; you need to make sure the Video Card is being used. If it's NVidia set it in the NVidia control panel (PhysX)
  7. You should probably ask your client what version of Chief the Plan was created in. It could be a later version of Chief X8 or even X9. To open the Plan you will need to use the same version.
  8. I have written a program (using Ruby) that can do simple member sizing but it can't handle multiple spans, cantilever or point loads because Chief doesn't provide any "Nodes" for locating the supports or point loads. OTOH, it does provide a good starting point to identify potential depth problems and give initial sizes - but they still need to be checked for any special conditions.
  9. I should note here that I'm not going to demo editing any of my macros in videos. If I do that I might as well just give them away. A comprehensive system like this one took a lot of time to program and debug. Instructions for how to add layer names - the only thing that needs to be done - is provided with the package.
  10. Adding a new area is simple: Create a new Polyline Edit the layer to one of the predefined layers Add the macro %Areas% to the Polyline Label. The macros in the RTB will automatically respond according to the Layer Name. Property LineStyles and Setback LineStyles are recognized for those areas. Layers containing PROPERTY and SETBACK are recognized for those areas - either will work.. Layers containing 1ST FLR, 2ND FLR, 3RD FLR, 4TH FLR or .1 .2 .3 .4 are considered "Habitable" Layers containing GARAGE are naturally considered to be "Garages" and are a part of Lot Coverage Layers containing 1ST FLR or .1 are also considered a part of Lot Coverage. Layers containing DECK, WALK, DRIVEWAY, PORCH or SLAB are considered as "Impermeable" along with the Lot Coverage layers. Permeable is calculated as Property - Impermeable FAR is calculated as Habitable/Property Macros included are: %Areas% ---------- placed in the Label of a Polyline adds the name and area to a Hash Table %Areas Property% %Areas Setback% %Areas Buildable% %Areas, List Habitable% ---- This includes the Total %Areas, List Impermeable% -- This includes the Total %Areas Permeable% ---------- Calculated & Displayed %Areas, List Lot Coverage% - This includes the Total %Areas Lot Coverage% ------- Calculated & Displayed %Areas FAR% ---------------- Calculated & Displayed What did I miss? OH, I know - if you want to use a name that doesn't conform to the above, You just have to add that layer name in one line of the macro (only 5 possible) where you want it to be included in the calculations.
  11. Yes, I just need to export the Layer Set and Annoset and add a short set of instructions. I'll send it to you tonight.
  12. Scott, I don't understand what you are asking for that I didn't show in the video. All of those calculations were shown and there's nothing you need to change in the macros.
  13. Scott, Most of what you ask for is already in the package. Property Area Buildable Area .....(inside Setbacks) Setback Area .......(Property-Buildable) Habitable Area .....(Total of all Floors) Lot Coverage .......(Total named 1ST FLR + Garages)/Property FAR ......................(Habitable/Property) ---- additional areas can be added to the FAR calc. Impermeable ........(Total named 1ST FLR + Garages + Driveways + Walks + Decks + Porches + Slabs, etc.) There are only a 4-5 macros that might need additional named areas added (1 line per macro) and that's only if you use layer names that don't follow my predefined format. You might want to watch the video again to see what's included.
  14. Video of the EASIEST TO USE Site Area Analysis Package.   This macro package includes a Layer Set and an Annoset plus all the macros needed.
  15. Here is the video of the Site Area Analysis macro package
  16. I am 100% in agreement with Richard. Chief even has a Template "CAD Block Template" specifically designed for Details at 1"=1'. I've personally prefer 1/2"=1' for most details. IAE, after creating a detail on "Level 1", I copy/paste it to a new CAD Detail Window which I name with the title I want. Most of my details are pre-sent to Layout from these "Detail Plan Files" Then if I modify a Detail it is automatically updated in all Layouts. Also, when the Layout is opened, it provides a way to directly accessing the Detail for editing just by double clicking on the Layout Box.
  17. What Chief Architect product/version are you using?
  18. Once you've switched to Panels, you still have to select the Cable in Newels/Balusters > Panels > Library.
  19. Mark's method is what I've been using for about 4-5 years.
  20. OK, I see what you want. It just may be too fine a distinction for Chief. IOW, a manual CAD Detail may be the only workable solution - at least until CA has nothing else to do
  21. Gene, What is the Wall Type. The outside of the Newels should align with the position of the "Main Layer" of the Wall Type.
  22. You have a header on the Door Opening but not for the Windows. I would check the following: Window Heights Window Defaults for Window Framing. It's also possible that they got edited to a different Layer or even deleted. If so, you can just re-build the Wall Framing. Posting the Plan would allow us to find the problem rather than just guess.
  23. I'm pretty sure they get created on the Current CAD Layer. While you can set this manually, it's easier if you use the Annoset to take care of it.
  24. Look in California We have at least that many. There are also some in Chicago.