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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. I absolutely agree - but he did ask for it.
  2. By having more than one Layout Page Template, you can have extra information displayed on some of the Layout Sheets. For Example, if you wanted "Exterior Notes" displayed on all the Elevation Sheets: Open Page "0" Select everything (Border, Title Block, etc) and copy to the clip board. Create a new Layout Page and Paste-Hold-Position Right Click on this Page in the Project Browser and Edit the Page Information Title = "Elevation Template", check "Use as Template" Add the "Elevation Notes" to this Page. For each of your Elevation Pages select this Template as the one to use. In the future if you need to change any of those notes, you just edit them on the template and they will be changed on all the sheets that use that Template. This is just one example - and maybe one that isn't needed but you get the idea. You could use it for a series of sheet that all nee the same graphic legend (Electrical for example).
  3. Just Edit the Page Information "Label Field" as follows: A-%page%, A-%page, M-%page%, M-%page%, T-%page%,,,,,,,, etc. Normally, it would be: A-#, A-#, M-#, M-#, T-#,,,,,,,etc.
  4. I use a predefined Block with some Macros to label my views: The View Name is controlled by a macro that recognizes the Layer Set and Floor Level. Depending on the Layer Set Name, for Plan Views the Displayed Name may include "Foundation", "Framing", "Electrical", "Site", "Plumbing", etc. The Floor Level will automatically be displayed appropriately. For all Views other than Plan Views the View Name as shown in the Project Browser is used. The Text Scale macro checks for a scale designation in the Layer Set Name and displays the scale accordingly. SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" etc. There is a Graphic Scale included in the Block Simply by changing the Layer Set, the View Name and Displayed Scale are automatically updated. This Block, including the macros, is available for $15.00 send me a PM if you would like to purchase it.
  5. These were in the "Millwork>Mantels, Lintels & Sills" folder in X8. You can export them from X8 and then import into X9. I don't know why they were eliminated in X9.
  6. Look in the Newells/Balusters tab.
  7. Are you talking about Stair Railings or Guardrails? In either case, you just have to set the appropriate heights in the Newels/Balusters tab of the dbx. There are separate heights for the Newels and the Railing.
  8. OK, Open the object dbx Click on "Label" Click the "Specify Label" radio button. You should now be able to type whatever you want in the Label Field. -Joe
  9. Open the Schedule dbx and check what floor is selected. I assume you have a schedule on each floor plan. If the one on this floor is set to show the windows on floor 3...... IAE, Post the Plan !!!
  10. There are some calculations that can be done - but they are limited to areas and pitch. The Elevations just aren't available to Ruby.
  11. While those are in the roof dbx, they are not available as attributes that would be needed for a macro. Yes, if those attributes were available, a small macro could be used and simply added to each Roof Plane Label. Note that there isn't a "Default Label" for Roof Planes, so it's not something that could be set up in a Template.
  12. OK, I'm going to chime in. Wendy's answer is the best (maybe the only) method. There is no way to do it with a macro since the elevation data isn't available for Roof Planes. Don't even bother to try to create a macro for this.
  13. You do have 2 door schedules. Maybe you have one in a CAD Detail and another on the Floor Plan. Maybe you have a copy on two different floors.
  14. If you want it really to look like that you will need to create the symbol (open) or maybe use a hatch door from 3D Warehouse and then specify in the Symbol dbx that it's "Flush Mounted" & maybe "Sits on Roof". Then create a Hole in the Floor or Roof and place the Symbol. The problem will be that the size won't be correct in the Plan View if it's on a sloped roof.
  15. It works for me but I'm a bit disappointed in the available configurations. OTOH, it's a lot better than nothing.
  16. This is pretty simple. It's a Dishwasher and the Label is the Symbol Name in the Symbol dbx. Appliances and Fixtures inserted into Cabinets have some different behaviors than simple cabinets. In this case, the DW basically replaces the cabinet (there's just a space for the DW.)
  17. You might consider CA's lease option if you can't afford to upgrade. OTOH, that cost is a business expense so it would lower your taxes a bit.
  18. David, I've been using this setup for a couple of years. I put the Chief Data Folder in D:\Dropbox and then specified D:\Dropbox\Chief Architect Premier X9 Data\ in Preferences. I have 3 systems that all have that location and they all sync so that anything changed on any of those systems is available on all of those systems. Since I am the only one using the folder it doesn't need to be shared.
  19. You should probably ask this question on "HomeTalk" rather than "ChiefTalk". That said, you should be able to move/copy the Data Folder to any other location on your system and set the path in Preferences. But that's assuming that HD Pro has the same capabilities as Chief Architect Premier.
  20. True, but I think that's just an addition that CA made (to the Text Box), not really a feature of "Text" per se. IOW, they internally use a CAD Box (inside a CAD Window) and place the Text inside it. It's kind of a cheap "Rich Text" where all the text still has to be a single font, color & size.
  21. To do that, I think the Dimension Text and Labels would need to be "Rich Text". As I recall, that is an option that's been requested before. Chief's Room Labels do have that capability - but I'm not sure if they are RT or if CA used some other method to provide the Border and Fill.
  22. Thanks Michael. I knew there had to be a way.
  23. It seems to me that there used to be a way to have the background of a callout be a solid fill. I don't seem to be able to do that in X9 for Doors, Windows, or Cameras. If this is something that was lost then it needs to be put back. If it wasn't there at all then it needs to be added.
  24. You have to hatch a rectangle and then Block it. The rectangle has the hatch, not the block itself. Try this to see how CA does it. Place an ADA Toilet Symbol Go to CAD Block Management and Insert the CAD Block Explode that Block and examine the individual objects to see what has a fill. Of course, you have to have the "Fill Boxes Checked" in CAD Preferences.
  25. I use Dropbox for my projects. I have a shared Folder that other users have access to. The main problem is that only one user can be using the file at any given time in order to avoid over-writing another users work. As long as there's a check-out procedure used to enforce single user access it works seamlessly. Unfortunately, Chief doesn't have any file locking mechanism built-in so the procedure has to be manual. IOW, notify all other users that you will be using the file at x:xx for n hours - then notify them when you are finished. It might be possible to create a macro that would display "File in use by ______, Please wait until done". I'm not sure if that would work. It might require some really creative code. It would probably be easier for CA to include a "Lock Code" in the file header.