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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. No there isn't. It's something I've suggested myself in the past HERE. The method you've described is the only one I've found of forcing the behavior. By the way, just a couple related tips... You can use the visible_length attribute to obtain the visible length of that object as opposed to the entire perimeter. You can force almost any polyline based object to have invisible edges, even things that can't be created using the Convert Polyline tool. To do so, simply use boolean operations where one or more invisible segments create part of the new shape.
  2. Go into your Saved Dimension Defaults, group select all except one of them. Click Delete. You'll be issued a string of popups telling you you can't delete dimstyle X because of blah blah blah . Just keep hitting the Enter key till they're done. Your end result should equate to a purge.
  3. I see. You have to uncheck Ignore Casing For Opening Resize in order for it to work with casing.
  4. As Dermot mentioned, there are various methods, but one of the easiest for your example is to just create a callout like this.... ....and then copy/paste it into all your rooms.
  5. My suggestion works for most of those scenarios as well.
  6. When you select your dimension to edit, select it by clicking near one of the markers or on the actual dimension string and NOT by clicking on the extensions. Then you can either relocate that one snap point or drag out a new marker using the diamond shaped edit handle.
  7. What Joey said, but I'd add one detail.... You don't have to limit yourself to CAD boxes. You can use a polyline of any shape. Simply create the polyline first, and then, while the polyline is selected, click the appropriate Edit Area tool
  8. Group select the cabinet along with both openings Click Align/Distribute Objects Under Move Objects Horizontally To, select Space Evenly
  9. You are correct. Totally customizable in Windows as well. Not nearly as complicated as that article makes it seem though...
  10. Not sure, but in general, I think it's just a faulty presupposition. Regarding the date specifically, I can't say for certain, but I can pretty much guarantee you that Chief is just pulling that straight from the operating system and that there is no Ruby involvement at all. Having said that, you can skip Chief's global macros and do that with pure Ruby as well using the Time class in a custom text macro..."%B %d, %Y") Where retrieves the current time from the operating system, where %B displays the full month name, where %d displays the day of the month, where the comma is displayed as a literal comma, and where %Y displays the year.
  11. @Chopsaw, what makes you think those built in macros are using Ruby at all? I’ve tried many times in the past to explain this here on the forum, but I feel like it’s not getting through to it’s intended audience. You have Chief Architect, you have Text Macros in Chief Architect, and you have Ruby that can OPTIONALLY be used for Text Macros in Chief Architect. Ruby is nothing more than an optional tool. Anything between % signs is processed solely by Chief. Only if the macro is set to be evaluated is the text passed through to Ruby and executed as code. On a side note... Chief did change how this works to a certain extent starting in X12 and actually seems to pass any VALID code placed between % signs through to Ruby, but this is a new development and doesn’t change my statements above. Just because we have a macro for something like %scale% doesn’t mean Chief is using Ruby to produce the results.
  12. You bet. Glad the video(s) helped. I honestly didn’t even remember what was on them and didn’t watch them. They just looked like they would apply.
  13. Here are a couple videos I made some time back. I think one or both of these might have what you need...
  14. As Eric alluded to, uncheck "Flat Ceiling Over This Room". Also, uncheck "Use Room Ceiling Finish" in the Ceiling Plane Structure tab.
  15. We also have the Object Eyedropper and the Fill Style Eyedropper. The latter won’t do exactly what you are asking for but based on your question I think it’s some thing you should be aware of anyway.
  16. Interiors doesn't actually have any better anything. It's simply a dialed back version of Premier. Premier has everything Interiors has plus some. Check out that thread Mick already referenced above...
  17. It looks like you're still trying to reference CAD work. Just reference the live plan view. No CAD at all.
  18. If you're insistent on using the CAD Detail From View method to generate your As-Built mask, then your best bet is to start with a layer set that already has everything displayed like you want it with regard to line styles and colors (BEFORE the CAD Detail From View). Don't wait to change till after the fact. If you want to make the blocks explodable, you need to create completely new symbols out of the distorted objects using Convert Selected To Symbol and use those instead. The newly generated symbol will use a newly generated CAD Block instead of simply stretching the existing CAD block which is what happens under normal circumstances. What you really need to do though is try to abandon using CAD Detail From View for those As-Built Masks. Use a live plan. Create an As-Built version of your plan, save it, then Save As a Proposed version, turn on your Reference Display in the Proposed version, and have it reference the As-Built version using a layer set with light gray dashed lines.
  19. Yes. You're going about it all wrong.
  20. Away from my computer, but you can see everything you need to see in the screenshots you posted. The method I spelled out doesn’t require any custom macros, doesn’t require putting the room number in the Name column, and would result in an accurate Room Number in the Number column. Your example does not have an accurate room number in the Number column and results in a second room number with the name (presumably generated using a custom macro in the Default Room Label). I just find it totally undesirable to have room numbers simultaneously listed in 2 different fields and in 2 different locations in the room label, and even more undesirable to have the room number AFTER the room name. My suggestions above offered an easy way to solve these problems using nothing more than standard built in macros. There are additional options with custom macros but I was just throwing out a quick and easy solution that didn’t require going that route.
  21. The room numbers in your schedule don’t match the room numbers on your plan.