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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Do we though? Or are those just ALWAYS displayed as dashed lines because they’re ALWAYS hidden objects?
  2. Here you go.... DWG Import.plan
  3. Hey Chris, You should be able to do that with one of Chief's parametric doors: Door Style: Glass Panel Width: 72" Height: 96" Arch Type: Broken Arch Arch Height: 9"
  4. It wasn’t an instructional video. I was just demonstrating the functionality.
  5. There isn’t any. I wanted to just make a GIF but it was a bit too long and needed to be a little higher quality to better show the dashed lines.
  6. I think it can be super helpful to show a little orthographic 3D overview off to the side... Automatic hidden lines would definitely be nice though. Something like this...
  7. I kinda expected that type of response. To each his own. I wasn’t actually suggesting you do it because it sounds to me like you’re doing just fine without. I was just pointing out that it’s possible without CAD. I do however think its worth noting that once you set it up, the only extra steps required for new drawings are moving planes to the same floor and adjusting drawing order. Not actually that ridiculous IMO.
  8. You can address this 2 ways: 1. Drawing order. 2. With the reference display.
  9. We actually CAN get hidden lines for roof planes using the reference display. I’m away from my computer so I can’t verify exactly how I do it but here are the required steps from memory: Give all your roof planes a solid white fill Move all your roof planes so that they are being displayed on the same floor. This step MIGHT not be a necessity but it simplifies things and its the only way I've done it. Adjust the drawing order of your various roof planes so that they are displayed properly with upper planes drawn over lower planes Let’s say at this point only roof planes are displayed and they appear as though you were looking down on them in an orthographic top view. Let’s call this our Solid Planes set. Now copy that layer set to create a second layer set where the roof planes are a slightly lighter weight dashed line style. Let’s call this our Dashed Planes Reference set. Switch back to your Solid Planes set Turn on the reference display, set the referenced floor to the same as your current floor, set the reference layer set to your Dashed Planes Reference set, set the reference floor to draw on top, and leave Details unchecked. That doesn’t address how to deal with walls and other items you want to display and edit in those views. You can probably sort through that on your own, but that’s the basics for getting hidden lines for lower roof planes.
  10. Jason, I feel like you're investing an awful lot of time and energy to solve something that's really a very minor issue at worst (linking a re-named plan file to layout). And to boot, the method you're using isn't something I think Chief ever intended and therefore you may end up having some notable problems if you or anyone else adopts it in their regular workflow. What happens a month from now for example when Chief releases X13 and they suddenly change the behavior? Will it have been worth all the hassle? Just a thought.
  11. Don’t have the time or inclination to go into all the nuances in a quick post, but I think you’ll avoid a lot of problems by just placing that text box in your PLAN and just sending it to layout from there. That way it resides in the same place that the global is being initiated. Also, just FYI, as a general rule, there needs to be a screen redraw/refresh of some sort in order for macros to update. This could be panning/zooming, but it also happens when you print. Not saying this will solve your current problem. Just something to be aware of.
  12. Per the IRC (and most all the derivative codes), the clear headroom must be 6'-8" " all parts of the stairway". Does not meet code in my opinion.
  13. Had you read and perhaps responded to Kevin's post in this thread, you would have had your answer a long time ago.
  14. @robdyck, as you've already found, this isn't currently possible. The floor structure can only exist inside the defined room. The footings are below and therefore outside the defined room. This means you can't push your floor definition down there.
  15. As Levis already pointed out, there are other good reasons not to use room fills, but for this one, you just need to turn off the "Rooms" layer.
  16. Pretty sure the thread was just deleted by the OP because he or she felt it had gotten too far off track.
  17. You don’t even need any polylines. You can just use the Room Fill.
  18. Check 3D>Camera View Options>Toggle Textures. I'm guessing you have Textures toggled off.
  19. I wasn't suggesting using the CAD Detail itslef. Only stealing a snap from the CAD Detail in the form of a line or point. If you dimension to a Cross Section Line you're doing the exact same thing. Cross Section Lines are nothing more than a temporary CAD objects and don't remain tied to the model either. Glenn knows this which is why is he said... Both methods require dimensioning to CAD. The question is this.... Is it faster to created a CAD Detail From View and then copy/paste from there or is it faster to move your camera twice. P.S. There are also TONS of situations where cross section lines aren't even going to be an option and where a CAD Detail From View is the only viable method for accurate snap points.
  20. I don't see how this is any faster than simply creating a quick CAD Detail From View. If you have no snaps to start with it means you weren't cutting the object with your camera meaning you would be required to reposition a camera at least twice and you would still be dimensioning to a dumb CAD object (i.e. there would be no functional difference from stealing snaps from the CAD Detail). For the camera cutting the beam you would already have snaps and we wouldn't be having the conversation in the first place.
  21. There are several in the Core Catalog under Exteriors>Vehicles>Cars
  22. Can you please clarify what you mean by this? Just trying to learn. I'm not 100% sure, but I think he's referring to the Interpolation you're using ----> "#{code}" Interpolation isn't really a code block. It's just a little trick to insert code into a string.
  23. You're probably doing something wrong then. If you can SEE the top of your beam and if that line is drawn in the CAD Detail From View, you should surely be able to snap to the line in your CAD Detail From View. Either copy that line directly, or snap another CAD object to it and then Cut/Copy and PASTE HOLD POSITION (Edit>Paste>Paste Hold Position or Control+Alt+V) your snap reference line back into your elevation view.
  24. I didn't study all your methodology or syntax in great deal, but just doing a quick once over, I see that you appear to have a typo in the last line of your code_data macro...