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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. If your Dimension's Text Style is set to be controlled By Layer, then I believe the Dimension's Layer in your Working Layer Set is what would control that.
  2. I have a lot I could touch on that are technically bigger and arguably better improvements , but there's a little teeny tiny one that has made my day tons of times. I'm not sure its even listed: If you select a dimension, you can float your cursor over any given node and you will see exactly which object is being dimensioned. This is probably my favorite thing.
  3. Multiple solution: You can add macros to the Room Label Defaults and the additional information will get added below the room label: ...or you can add the information after the Room Name in your specific room... ...or you can use a text box copied and pasted in any desired room. Just to name a few.
  4. See if this works for you: My New Door.calibz Also, consider checking out my Michael Mailer email subscription service HERE. I normally don't do this, but just a heads up that next weeks email will include a method for making door like this lickety split (as fast as possible for those of you not living in 1800s U.S. :)
  5. HAHAHA. I'm so sorry about that. I think I accidentally jumped to the bottom of the thread after reading the question and missed all the in between posts. I'm gonna delete my answer.
  6. I have a handful of different tools I've developed for this exact purpose. Here's one quick example: I can set you up with a customized system if you'd like. Just email me at if you want to discuss further, or consider signing up for Michael's Mailer email subscription service and maybe it will be one of the items I give away one of these weeks By the way, its more than just a simple macro. Chief doesn't give us the required name:value pairs to pick up on terrain elevation.
  7. If you create an Architectural Block out of one or more objects (polyline solid, molding polyline, etc.), then resizing won't even be an option so it will ONLY move and the various Move/Resize toggles won't show up when you click on the dimension.
  8. Wrap that same code in % signs and use the room NVPublisher where indicated and you can simply place it into a text box. No need to place in the default label or connect to anything with an arrow. See below: %"CLG:" + (room.ceiling_elevation-room.floor_elevation).to_ft.round .to_s + "'"%
  9. You need to be in a 3D view for those tools to work.
  10. Holy cow that's an old driver. I'm surprised you haven't had more problems sooner.
  11. Click on the 2D Symbol tab and either select Always or click Generate Block.
  12. I was typing when @DBCooper responded so you'll get some redundant info here, but... It depends on what type of object you're working with. If it's a single symbol, you can just: Right click on the object in your library Click Open Object or Open Symbol Click on the 3D tab Select the Z axis to rotate about Click the Rotate+ or Rotate- button a couple times to rotate 180 degrees If its an Architectural Block, you'll probably just have to do as you described.
  13. I think the quickest way to distinguish between them is to temporarily toggle your Temporary Dimensions off and then back on. Where'dya go? There you are!
  14. Default Settings>Floors & Rooms>Floor/Ceiling Platform>Floor Structure Uncheck "Framing" for your plywood layer. That setting, coupled with the joist direction lines is causing an extra structural layer to generate and push your ceiling down.
  15. Check out my new email subscription service HERE!!

  16. Hey All! I'm starting up a sort of old school style subscription based mailing list here where I'll be sending out weekly emails filled with a variety of goodies. They'll be aimed more specifically at intermediate to advanced users but I'll be trying to include tidbits for beginners as well. Those emails may include: Answers to common questions Answers to specific questions I see posted here on the forum that I think would benefit a lot of people Solutions to various needs emailed over by subscribers Power tips Misc. tricks and hacks Tutorials Custom macros Custom symbols Example plans In-depth insights into various Chief tools and settings Advice/guidance on various supporting software Workflow guidance Links to other valuable content Etc. ....just whatever I think would be of service to the group but in manageable chunks I've been using Chief since version X3, have 25 years or so of experience in the industry, and have a lot to share. I've long wanted to find a suitable outlet to do so and decided a basic subscription based mailing list is where I would like to start. If the mailing list gets to be large enough, I'll consider converting it over to another format and possibly expand on my offerings but for now, let's see how this goes. Emails will be sent out at least once a week but may be published more frequently if I choose to do so at my own discretion. If the scheduled publish date lands on a holiday or time when I'll be away from the office then I'll make up for that week on either the previous week or the following week. PRICING: Individual subscriptions*: Single email address only - $15 monthly or $150 yearly *Please Note: Individual subscriptions are intended for single user offices only. If you have multiple seats of Chief Architect, please see Multi-user office rates below Multi-user subscriptions**: 2 email addresses - $25 monthly or $250 yearly 3 email addresses - $30 monthly or $300 yearly 4-9 email addresses - Add $5 monthly or $50 yearly for each additional 10 or more email addresses - Email me at for pricing **Please Note: Multi-user subscriptions are intended only for offices with multiple employees/multiple Chief Architect licenses Content Creator subscriptions***: Single email address - $60 monthly or $600 yearly 2 or more email addresses - Add $15 monthly or $150 yearly for each additional ***Please Note: Content Creator subscriptions are intended for any and all users creating Chief Architect related content or acting as Chief Architect trainers. All monthly subscriptions will get a minimum of 4 emails TO GET ON THE MAILING LIST: Just send payment either using Venmo® (@MABASC) or PayPal® (@AlaskanSons). Please make sure to include a message with the phrase "Chief Mailer" along with your email address(es). Please place administrator email at the top of the list. Your subscription will be linked to the email address(es) in your message. You can also email the requested information to me and I can send out a payment request link. Email any questions over to A mailing list may be a bit off the beaten path and it may not be the most glamorous or cutting edge approach, but I think you'll be happy you signed up Issue #7 is set to go out Friday, July 12th!! P.S. For those of you who already know me, know what I have to offer, or who have used my services or insights successfully in the past, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to share your experiences below. Thanks so much and look forward to talking to you again soon!
  17. If you change the settings I described, this would not be the case. What I'm saying is that you have 2 ways of controlling all those elevation lines and you're boxing yourself in by not using the Layer Set instead of Edge Line Defaults. I would really encourage you to learn to use the Layer Set instead of Edge Line Defaults. It will save you a lot of time and give you more possibilities.
  18. You have to stop using Edge Line Defaults. If you check Use Edge Line Defaults, the line style, weight, and color are all being overridden with a solid line using the color and weight you have selected for your Edge Line Defaults. if however you uncheck Use Edge Line Defaults, your Edge Lines are all controlled by the Camera’s Layer Set. If you open that Camera, go to Active Layer Display options, Select All, and then change all line styles to match your Edge Line Defaults, you should get the same results you had before except that your below grade lines will now behave the Override settings.
  19. Those controls have actually been there since X15 and they are mentioned in the Help files as well:
  20. Ya, I guess it depends on whether you want 2 instances or whether you just want access to the same instance.
  21. Actually, all you have to do is hold down the Control key while Chief opens in the second desktop. Its the same way we open a second instance on the current desktop as well. I was thinking the goal was multiple instances.
  22. Just change all the line styles for all the layers in the required cameras' layerset(s) to use whatever linestyle you're using for your Edge Line Defaults. It should essentially have the same effect.
  23. My guess? You have Use Edge Line Defaults selected for that Layout Box. This would override any other line style settings being used for that view (except possibly Pattern Lines).
  24. Default Settings>Materials>Terrain/Property Line
  25. This is exactly right, however the OP was attempting to rotate the North Arrow to precisely the right angle, and although its been over 8 years since my post, I assume I was trying to point him toward adjusting the Number Style so he could view it and then adjust that angle right there in the dialog using the same format. Anyway, in order to enter precise degress, minutes, and seconds. Enter in the following format: Example Angle 1: 21° 45' 34" What to enter in Angle field: 21 45 34 Example Angle 2: 21° 45' 00" What to enter in Angle field: 21 45 Example Angle 3: 0° 0' 34" What to enter in Angle field: 0 0 34 The trailing zeros are optional as are the minute(') and second(") notations.