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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Read my post again. Specifically this line... In addition to every material being used by your roof plane (shingles, underlayment, framing, etc.) you're also seeing every material used for you various wall types, materials used in your cabinet defaults, and any other Plan Materials you may be using.
  2. When you use the Backup Entire Plan tool, it saves the Plan File, any referenced Plan files, any image files being used in the plan (materials, plants, billboards, picture boxes, etc.), and any PDF files saved in your plan. The vast majority of the referenced files are usually images being used in the various materials being used in your plan (including those being used in your various defaults). When sharing a plan here in the forum for troubleshooting you typically don't need all those referenced files so a simple plan file is all that's needed (unless of course your troubleshooting issue has to do with one of those materials or referenced files). The backup folder is really intended more specifically for times when you're trying to collaborate with another user who needs all those various files. Does that make sense?
  3. Its actually been like that for as far back as I can remember. You can't easily place new symbols (including many cabinetry objects) inside the bounding box of another symbol. Some objects will given you the popup option to "Place Anyway" but others just don't let you and the only way is to either temporarily cut and then paste hold position the large symbol or place the symbol off to the side and then drag into position while holding down the control key. I believe I have requested in the past that we be given the option to hold down the Control key to allow initial placement wherever we want. It should be noted that there are a couple messages you may have inadvertently suppressed that may have helped you understand what was going on or that may have allowed placement. One is a "Not Enough Vertical Space" message (just informative), and the other is a "There's Already Something Here" message (allows placement anyway). I believe both can be suppressed and will never show up again unless you Reset your message boxes. Also worth noting that you can get the shelves to work if you set the default shelf height above or below the height of your symbol's bounding box.
  4. Seriously, exactly what are we talking about here? I assume we're talking about some sort of dimension extension lines but I'm not sure, and even if we are, there are different types of dimensions with different types of extension lines. Please clarify. Perhaps include a screenshot to help illustrate your problem.
  5. I'll see your "What numbers?" and raise you a "What extension lines?"
  6. Rich Text has a number of benefits over Standard or Simple Text including but not limited to: The ability to have multiple colors, formatting options, alignment options, and text sizes in a single text box. The ability to have some sections of the text be all UPPERCASE and other sections in the same box be Standard Case. The ability mix and match Line Spacing and Margin settings in a single text box The ability to use various Bullet styles along with optional Number Prefixes and Suffixes The ability to insert one or more clickable hyperlinks Standard or Simple Text on the other hand has several benefits of its own including: The ability to create adjustable tab stops or rows The ability to display gridlines The ability to create a single link that can be accessed through the edit tools Perhaps most importantly, the ability to dynamically control your text by either layer or by text style My suggestion is to use the one that makes the most sense for the situation, but but BUT, if you're not sure and don't specifically need a Rich Text feature, use standard Text. Standard Text will give you more options that you're likely to want in the future (namely the ones mentioned in the last bullet point) plus you can always convert Text to Rich Text. You cannot simply do the inverse and convert Rich Text to Text.
  7. Use a CAD Block, use the Insertion Point, and as Michael suggested above, use a macro. Position exactly where you want it with a single click. Done and done.
  8. Rendering Technique Options>Vector View>Opaque Window Glass is set to Use Custom Color and that color is black. Change it back to either Use Material Color OR to something other than black.
  9. This has to do with the way schedule dependent attributes are handled differently inside schedules than they are in the plan. I can definitely help you get this working like you want if you want to set up a one-on-one consultation session... If you were subscribed to my Mailer though, you probably wouldn't have had to
  10. I think what Rene meant is that your glass shouldn't be black like that. Here's what mine looks like by default with color turned ON...
  11. Perhaps not the most elegant solution but you can simply break the wall into 2 walls and set only one of them to have a return.
  12. Not sure about the frieze. I think you may have to make that adjustment manually, but for the box....
  13. I personally think the Tutorial Guide found under Help>View Tutorial Guide is a grossly underappreciated and underutilized asset.
  14. Short version: You’re working with 2 different types of macros. is an accessible ruby object. %name% on the other hand is nothing but intra-Chief string substitution and the results cannot be accessed or parsed in any way.
  15. A few quick pointers on the house: Its not breaking your current code, but there's no reason you need to be using instance variables for this. The @ symbol is simply unnecessary. Defining a "puts" variable at the end is also unnecessary and in this case is actually breaking your intended functionality. You're calling on the array and proc inside your macro (@rouSil[1][4,0,0]) and then you're attempting to repeat the process in your Object Information Field (%@rouSil[1][4,0,0]%). You only need one or the other, not both. Using the puts keyword as a variable name is also bad coding and entirely unnecessary. If you want to call on the array/proc inside your macro definition, just put @rouSil[1][4,0,0] as your last line and then put %winRoughSill% in your Object Information field. If on the other hand you want to use the array/proc directly in the Object Information Filed (which is probably the case), delete the last line in your macro and use %macros.winRoughSill[1][4,0,0]% in your Object Information field. If you want any guidance beyond that, consider emailing me at for some professional consultation. I don't have a lot of time these days for even paid Chief consultation work, meaning I have even less time for unpaid consultation work .
  16. Have you tried the Wall Hatching tool? If you place Wall Hatches on all your walls, you simply turn the Walls, Hatching layer on or off as desired.
  17. I have a system that I set up about 8 years ago that does exactly what you're looking for. I called it my "Super Label Switches". You just changed which label you wanted to use in any given layer set using a dropdown. Chief has changed some things since then that kinda makes me want to update the system to simplify it a bit though. Shoot me over an email to if you'd like to discuss further and we can take it from there.
  18. Either turn off your layout box borders layer OR set the line style for those particular boxes to the invisible line style and then see if you can simply align using the automatically produced (but now invisible) borders. You can also align perfectly by: Creating a CAD Detail From View of your layout page Drawing one or more reference lines in that new CAD Detail Cutting and then using Paste Hold Position to place the reference lines in your actual view Using Point to Point Move to align your objects
  19. All really good thoughts and reasons.
  20. The Help files say that the Move to Folder tool was simply renamed Create Link, but it doesn't seem to work like the old tool and the Help files are still describing Move to Folder as one of the available tools. I'm not sure if its broken or if they intended to change the functionality. That beings said, is Cut/Paste not just as fast? You can also click and drag to a new location in case you didn't know that.
  21. Is there a specific reason you would use that tool instead of Cut/Paste?