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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Hey Mick, I posted the specs to the machine I ordered here... ...hasn’t showed up just yet.
  2. If you post the plan you'll get a much better answer, but my guess is that your wall was adjusted in 3D at some point and the Default Wall Top Height was unchecked...therefore turning off the automated behaviors.
  3. What Mick is alluding to here is that there is a special setting in the Premier version (X11) that has to be checked in order for the file to be usable in the Home Designer software versions. Its really easy to forget to check that. It's also possible that whoever was helping you didn't know you were using a Home Designer product. Either way, someone who uses the Premier version may have to open the plan file for you and then re-save it with that setting checked.
  4. A couple quick tips Alan, Instead of trying to turn the layer off, consider just changing the line style to the Invisible line style for the layers you don't want to see. You can optionally convert all those CAD objects to molding polylines (no molding assigned) and then create an Architectural Block instead. Then you can do what you're trying to do. Block Layer Test 2.plan
  5. Those walls stop cutting the crown if you uncheck No Room Molding.
  6. The lights are working perfectly fine on my end. Not sure what's going on, but another user I do some work for was also having problems placing lights in their plan when it worked just fine in mine. Are you guys and gals running the latest update?
  7. This is all fabulous stuff Dustin. Thank you so much. I do have one quick question though. My spare time these days is pretty limited, but I do want to invest a bit more time in this. Do you suspect this thread and the linked resources will be available indefinitely, or should I try to schedule some time sooner than later to download and install everything I need to. I have a new computer coming here in the near future as well and don't want to have download and install things any more than I really have to. Thanks again for your time!
  8. FWIW, there's no error opening plan on my end. Are all you fellas running the latest update? I'm on
  9. The Point To Point functionality is not sticky. I think your best bet is to assign a hotkey to Pt. to Pt. if you don't have one already.
  10. I recently posted this somewhere else, but it applies here again so... I tell it like this: People have to look at Chief and Ruby as 2 entirely separate constructs/entities. Whenever CHIEF sees two % signs enclosing some text, it will display any appropriate automated text. If that text happens to match a user defined, evaluated text macro then Chief will defer to RUBY to run the code. RUBY has no clue what anything between percentage signs means though. Only Chief knows that. When CHIEF “sees” the percentage signs on screen, Chief either fills it in per the defined macro, leaves it as dumb text, or defers to RUBY. The only thing Ruby can and ever will do with the text wrapped in % signs is display it as a “%name%” string or error out. My favorite example is to write a custom evaluated macro with a value of “%layer%” into an object. You should see the result is what you might reports the layer of the object. Now modify the macro to “%layer%”.reverse and see what you get. In both cases, RUBY is doing nothing more than placing the dumb text on the screen. CHIEF is the one that replaces the text with something else when the resulting on screen text results in a defined macro (either internal or user defined). The above is the fundamental reason we cannot access those built in macro values using Ruby. It's because Chief is the one producing that output. Ruby has no access to it. Yes, Chief chooses to allow some things to route through Ruby, but not every macro in Chief is handled like that.
  11. Lots of problems in that plan with walls that have been adjusted in 3D so they're no longer using their default behaviors (Default Wall Top/Bottom Heights). And Glenn called it correctly...That Roof Cuts Wall At Bottom setting is what's causing the problem you're specifically asking about.
  12. Yep. I've used that trick to access several values prior to X11 such as room schedule numbers outside the room label (not necessary anymore), but haven't found any way to access any of those non-Ruby macros.
  13. P.S. I'm sure you probably know this, but we have access to SOME of the various "Global" macros such as time and date, special characters, and room info (in X11), but there are a lot of others we still have no access to.
  14. No. I’ve tried every scenario possible to try and hack those “global” macro values with no success. I’ve even went so far as to pour through all the various program and data least all those I have the ability to read and understand...and nuthin.
  15. A search for "grainy ray trace" returns 15 results... ray trace&search_and_or=and ...and you should post these queries in the General Q&A section
  16. I can also see the edit tool you're asking about in that picture.
  17. Easy peasy. Add a Place Library Object tool to your toolbar and then assign the wall type from your library to that tool. Click Launch Help and search Place Library Object Button
  18. These objects don't actually need to be connected to anything in the room at all. They themselves are a valid medium to pull the information from the room.
  19. Sorry, I misunderstood. Sounds like you want it upside down. No, I don't know any way of doing that.
  20. I think setting the label angle to like -89.99 degrees might be the closest you're gonna get.
  21. odd saying. Sounds like something that would be very relieving to have. Maybe not as satisfying as a brain sneeze, but relieving nonetheless...and I'm never really relieved when I let a brain fart rip.
  22. If it was me, I would seriously consider using the primitives (Solids) Jerry included with his library to build some much longer spans and then just use those, multiple copy, and then trim them to the desired shape using another larger solid and Boolean operations.
  23. Open Symbol>Sizing tab...change the depth plane that's set to a negative number or just uncheck it entirely.
  24. 3. Use cameras displayed on all floors (probably As Callouts on Both Sides). They're not too good for snapping to though. If you have X11, I think #2 is the best option though for sure.