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Everything posted by TeaTime

  1. Doesn't matter at all. going from 0 up 75' is the same interpolation as -75' up to 0. Just be consistent and you'll be fine. Doesn't *technically* matter, it can be on floor 3 if you really want! I prefer it on 0 myself though because of the option that cuts a hole in the terrain where the structure is. I much prefer that hole to be made around my foundation than floor 1 walls. Floor 1 tends to cut more than it should and leaves gaps because of wall siding.
  2. Okay. We're mixing up using Transform/Replicate and just manually rotating. Also I'm not sure how "About Current Point" only lights up with a Point Marker, that doesn't make sense to me. Place a "CAD Point" (not Marker) at the hinge, then in the Edit menu change your Edit Behavior to "Rotate About Current Point". That specifically affects your manual actions using object handles etc. Transform/Replicate also uses CAD Points, but that's where the "About Current Point" option comes in. Not sure why thats not working for you. Frankly I don't use Transform's Reflect often, I'd just use the normal Reflect About tool for that.
  3. Define "didn't work", 'cause that's what its supposed to do. What did happen when you tried that?
  4. Assuming I'm understanding the question right, but if you place a CAD Point in the center of your hinge, then select the Gate shape and in the Transform/Replicate dialog there's an option a the bottom (pretty sure it's the same in X14) to rotate about that point
  5. "No wall" makes me think there's no hole in the roof. Or that the roof is cutting the wall or something. Need more info to even make a proper guess though. Can you post the plan?
  6. Labels are controlled by the Layer the thing is on. With ALDO open, select a Roof Plane, you'll see the Roof Labels layer, select it, you'll see at the bottom what Text Style its using and can Define from there.
  7. Easier solution. resize this one smaller then back again
  8. Interesting. Slide the cabinets above the stove out, grab the wall cab to the right of the corner cab, nudge it right, nudge it left. When it reconnects the line goes away. Not sure why it's doing it in the first place though. *Edit: Oh hey once those cabinets above the stove are moved back, the line returns. Hello, culprit.
  9. There's a few ways - one would be to set the Existing walls to a new layer, the Materials List uses the Materials List Layer Set to figure what to calculate, so the existing framing can still build, just not be calculated. Otherwise, creating an Existing Wall Type you can change its framing material to just not be framed and avoid it building altogether.
  10. They have a KB article on this: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03155/sharing-projects-in-a-work-environment-that-is-utilizing-cloud-network-services.html Their recommendation is not to work off cloud, only use it as a backup. One would assume that there may be issues if the file is stored and accessed from the cloud. I've not had much experience setting up cloud programs, does google drive have a setting to save the file locally and not store it on the cloud? It's not that it's not ok, you just can't. The files are locked and only editable by one person at a time. There is no true file collaboration, only sharing.
  11. Try a Boxed Eave w/ Flush Eave, then a Molding Line across the eave, set at the same height as the roof's Eave height.
  12. Yeah definitely want to ask the HomeTalk forums. It appears HD does have the same blend function https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00131/using-the-blend-colors-with-materials-tool.html but I don't know if it had it in 2016. I suspect you should still be able to use the Adjust Material tool though. On the Texture panel there should be an option to blend the color there. The color chooser allows you to eyedropper a color from anywhere on your screen, so if you open your library browser to that material beforehand you should be able to pick it up from there.
  13. Remember kids, your Project Browser's Schedules folder is your friend!
  14. Huh. Yeah you got me on that one. I'm not sure how that setting would get stuck for just that one object. I messed with it a bit but can't get it to stick for me.
  15. It only appears when its enabled to. It's pretty handy, it has scopes so you can mass-replace things. But I don't think it is by default, so I'm not sure why or how it surprised you like this,
  16. Yeah I nearly spit my tea when I got to that part in his demo. One day this tech will reach a point where this is more than gimmicky, I'm sure, but right now it feels like people are just jumping on the AI fad train. Optimally we shouldn't even know that there's AI-anything happening, it should be a subtle integration, not a magic "fix my design for me" button.
  17. There are CAD details you can add to your plans/layouts. Just search "Scale" in the Library. They're created 1:1 scale though so you don't want to add it directly to the Layout. Add it to the View you're sending. Since the views are scaled down you need them to relate to the view, not the layout paper size.
  18. Checking "Keep Pattern/Texture in Sync" means you can do it in either.
  19. Overhang's too short. Pull em like an inch out from the wall and they'll be fine.
  20. Right, just using Back Clipped won't do any different. That would just allow you to remove things from the background, not the foreground. That'd controlled by the location of the elevation camera itself, so snapping the elevation camera to the side of the Full cabinet SHOULD do what you're looking for, but there are still lines that may show through, because the sides of all these cabinets are all in the same plane. This is the answer. Otherwise you could put those cabinets onto a different layer JUST to hide them in elevation views, but it's probably easier to just use Edit Layout Lines.
  21. How? If you used the "Hole in Floor" tool, then it won't Don't use that. Make an "Open Below" room and it'll show stairs below. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00757/creating-a-stairwell.html
  22. Looks like there are only a few walls on Floor 0 that AREN'T Terrain Retaining Walls. No wonder its struggling. You've also got retaining walls between two regions both set to -11', and another between two -9' regions. neither of those will do anything. And some inside that giant 0' region that also won't be doing anything. Bottom line is you're overloading it with either too much data or strange data. Remember: Sometimes Less Is More. I suspect this will take a bit of time to fix so I'm not going to go through and find exactly what needs to be done, but I suggest resetting the terrain and starting in slowly with the retaining walls. You can walk backwards from where you're at though, you shouldn't need to just scrap all the elevation data, though I would definitely rework some of it. I'd start by group selecting all the walls on Floor 0 and unchecking Terrain Retaining Wall. Then open the Terrain Specification and uncheck Flatten Pad, this will reduce some of the more strange contours that generate around the walls. Some of those regions could just be lines, btw. There's often no benefit in having a thin, long region. Convert those to lines to limit the number of elevation points you're feeding it. Then reintroduce retaining walls one by one. I've also had better luck in some situations with separate Terrain Break lines, rather than Retaining Walls. Good luck.
  23. No tricks that I've ever found. Just depends on what it show in the Used column. Plus? Wrench? S? S: stop trying. It's a system layer and cannot be deleted. Plus: you didn't delete everything from that layer. Check your Details, Elevations, etc. There's something out there somewhere. Wrench: first, hover your mouse over it and see if it also says it's a System layer. If so, see above. If not, get a shovel and start digging because it's in a default. Somewhere. Good luck! *Amendment: your All Layers Off layer set can help. Make sure everything is off EXCEPT that layer, then use that Layer set to scout around your plan views, details, etc. Open view, change layer set, Fill screen, repeat. repeat. repeat.
  24. Searched "pop up" and found it in the list. They're in a Bonus catalog "MEP No.6 Specialty Electrical" on their Library webpage.