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Everything posted by JKEdmo

  1. Scott, A couple of thoughts for your consideration... Many modern membrane roofs do not need a cant / coping wedge in my experience. Looks like you show a metal deck over a wood roof truss. Not familiar with this combo and not entirely sure if very common. I'd say either wood roof deck over wood truss or metal deck over open web steel joist. Parapet - I think bottom plate needs to go farther down to roof deck for secure attachment. Also, I'd be inclined to show a double top plate for parapet so that parapet can be "locked together" to adjacent parapet at corners. Lastly, no insulation needed in parapet stud bays. Jim
  2. Yes - I bought Chief a year ago August (coming from Autocad) and I have been trying to learn the good habits with this new program. The forum helps a lot for me.
  3. JT - I think it might be the "auto position tail" setting on the polyline leader. Try turning off. I got some good results. Jim
  4. Thanks for the heads up. - Jim
  5. Thanks to all! Found the 3D plants in bonus catalog and tried them. Pretty good look, but probably not worth it as it really increases the time to generate plot lines. I could thin out the 3D plants, but still.... I think Alan was suggesting just cut and paste 2D CAD block images into the 2D elevation view. Probably best compromise. Jim
  6. Thanks. I did not know this. Jim
  7. Well, I switched the layout box from plot lines to "live view" and the plants now show up... go figure!
  8. Good afternoon, I have a raised planter with some flowers. The plants show up fine in the Cross Section / Elevation view (circled red below): However, when I send the view to layout, the plants are not displayed in the layout box: Any idea why? Thanks again, Jim
  9. Thanks Doug. I need to learn how to make a custom material "decal" using Photoshop or Gimp. Jim
  10. Thanks Mick. I'll take a look at this approach. Jim
  11. Good morning, Adding a patterned window film on an interior window wall for visual privacy. Very similar to this: I have a couple of questions... does anyone know where I can get a "dots" or "squares" material graphic pattern for this? (It seems Chief has frosted and reeded glass, etc. but no graphic patterns). as for technique, I just created a very thin 3D solid overlay on the glass. Is there a better method? Thanks again, Jim
  12. Hello, X15. The outside corners of the bay window I created do not appear in elevation view... And also in various 3D views ... Anybody know what might be causing this? Thanks again, Jim
  13. Glenn - Thanks for the reminder! Fixed.
  14. Hi, Working on a split level and have 2 questions / problems: 1) I can't seem to get an attic room to form below the uppermost roof (shown below with "?" at the left). I have one working for the lower roof (shown with check mark on the right). 2) I often get these exterior wall blips on these split levels. Can I get these to fix by learning a better technique or is it something I need to live with and manually adjust? I'm guessing Chief is having a tough time resolving the wall cleanup with the level offset... Plan attached. Thanks again! Jim CARTWRIGHT - AS-BUILTS.zip
  15. If Chief makes it difficult, you might try printing as PDF then print the PDF to the plotter from (for example) Adobe. Your PDF software might make it easier to print the rotated sheets. Jim
  16. Unlike some other programs (e.g. Autocad), Chief layers do not have an option to be visible and non-printing at the same time.
  17. Anybody know if the library filter results can be set to display in color? This will help me in selecting items faster. Thanks again, Jim
  18. DB, Yes, I understood. Thanks for the follow-up. After working with Autocad for 30 years or so, still getting used to Chief's features/quirks! Jim
  19. I did this for a new project. Seems to offer more display control. Thanks to everyone for the input. Jim
  20. Thanks Alan. Was just looking for this confirmation. I was thinking maybe in future I should just make my property boundaries a reference file. Maybe this is best practice. That way I should be able to control display of individual layers. Jim
  21. Thank you. I'm still confused how you can turn off an individual layer within a block from outside the block, i.e. if you can at all. Coming from Autocad world. I guess I need to spend some more time with this. Jim
  22. Thanks Gene for the explanation. I find it peculiar that while toggling the display attribute does not affect the layer contained by the block, changing the layer color, linetype, or line weight attribute does. Not sure if I understand that logic, but I guess I'll need to get used to this. Thanks again, Jim
  23. Hello, I created an orange layer called "CAD, SKETCH" for layout / helping lines, etc. in my PLAN files. In today's project, I created a CAD block that happened to include line work on the CAD, SKETCH layer. I noticed if I toggle the layer display, the layer linework turns on/off as expected. But, the CAD, SKETCH layer linework within the CAD block is not at all affected. My question -- how is linework within a CAD block controlled? I'm a little confused here... I hope my question is not too confusing. Thanks again, Jim