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Everything posted by JKEdmo

  1. OK, I think I figured it out. I edited the 2D CAD symbol (moved it down 24") for the single instance only. I'm curious if this is a good method or if people have a better solution? Thanks, Jim
  2. Good morning, I have an electrical outlet and light fixture placed above each other in elevation just perfect: But, in plan they overlap: Is there a workaround for this graphical conflict? I suppose I'd like to be able to move the outlet's 2D symbol to the side and add a leader without affecting its 3D symbol location. Thanks again, Jim
  3. Steve, Did you achieve the balcony cantilever by locating the railing walls outboard of the walls below? I guess I thought exterior walls need to stack, but maybe not! Jim
  4. I'll give that a try tomorrow morning. I was wondering if my strategy was the wrong one. Thanks, Jim
  5. Good afternoon, I'm working on the as-builts of a house with an exterior roof deck above a screened porch. Here's looking back at the screened porch with the deck above: Here's view up at the roof deck: Here's the approach I took: I built my porch below and built the roof deck above to be a roof with zero slope. That seemed to work great as the auto-gutters appeared on all sides. So far so good, but as soon as I added railings to the roof deck perimeter, it "suppressed" the roof construction and turned it into a floor for lack of a better description. Is there a way to keep this from happening? Thanks again for the help, Jim P.S. Zipped PLAN file attached. AS-BUILTS.zip
  6. Thanks. Seems a little strange it does not show in plan, but I can live with it. Jim
  7. Thanks DB. I appreciate your quick response. Jim
  8. Good afternoon, I started using the ceiling soffit tool for the first time and have a few questions. Is it only limited to simple box and corner shapes? (I was a little surprised you cannot use the break tool and also boolean Add / subtract tools to create more complex soffits). How do people create more complex ceiling soffits? Thanks again, Jim
  9. I built a stair with a 24" wide carpet runner. It shows up in 3D, but not in plan. I'm a little confused why it does not. I even turned on all the layers to see if it was a layer issue, but no luck. Any ideas? Thanks again, Jim
  10. Hello, Can Chief build a stair rail volute automatically? Thanks again, Jim
  11. You could scan the downloaded file for viruses before you open it. I think this could offer you some reassurance. Windows Defender, Malwarebytes, etc. allow this. Right click file (on PC). Jim
  12. Thanks for both replies. I guess maybe conceptually not the same thing as a wall oven, in that the appliance (fridge) does not "plug in to" the cabinet, but rather the cabinet is an independent surround. Jim
  13. When I insert a double wall oven into a full height cabinet, Chief figures it all out automatically. Super! But it doesn't place a fridge automatically into a tower cabinet. I wonder why? Am I picking the wrong fridge from the library? How is a fridge different from a wall oven conceptually? Thanks again, Jim
  14. Yes, I already have 3 backup hard drives (reminder to myself -- need to check today they are running!). The question was more motivated by keeping PLAN file small enough to send as email attachment. Usually need to keep under 30 Mb for gmail. I find emailing attachments easiest, but in a pinch can send link for downloading. Thanks for feedback, Jim
  15. Thanks Robert for your input. Jim
  16. Good morning, When I back up a project, the zip file is pretty large. No surprised there for a 3D program. I was wondering if people have any best practices for backing up a project, namely is there a way to purge a plan file of unwanted elements, materials, images, etc. before I back up? Thanks again, Jim
  17. No problem. Doppelgaenger, clearly!
  18. Must be a different Oakland Jim. I was not at the event. Jim
  19. Rene, Thanks for your feedback. I see you're in Oakland. I lived there about a dozen years. I miss jogging around Lake Merritt! Jim
  20. Is this a new X15 thing? I'm still on X14. Jim
  21. Good morning, I'm looking for the setting that controls wall siding overlap on floor below. My siding overlaps my concrete slab. See snapshots below. I'd like to turn this off and show the siding stopping at the top of the slab. Once again, thanks for the help! Jim
  22. Thanks! That's what I was looking for. Very good tip. Jim
  23. OK, I see inswing and outswing is controllable (I knew that already and spaced out!). But is there a way to reverse the door swing direction on the fly before placement? If there is, I don't know the technique. Thanks, Jim