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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Might also be this....... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 Mick
  2. I think the exports are "Dumb" ie you get just the Text similar to a .CSV file. M.
  3. definitely need more details but it sounds like a Graphics Card / Driver Issue to me.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03140/forcing-chief-architect-programs-to-use-a-specific-graphics-card-in-windows-10.html Mick
  4. Not with a Single pc lying on the ground like that but if the Strapping ( seen as a girt in CA X13 ) is in the Wall definition and the longest length is 12' in the buy List and is the Priority length ( above 8+10' pcs ) it will report automatically it looks like. * pretty sad they are still using X3 Videos..... Mick MHD_Sample-MaterialListIssue.plan
  5. In my Case A:/ is also a NVME Drive ( Patriot Viper) which I use for My Docs ( now 230GB on it's own),plus my Chief Downloads and backups now. Originally I did it as C:\ was too small, so I used win10s ability to move system folders/Libraries off the original smaller 500GB C:\ , but found it helped when a bad win10 update failed and I had to reinstall Win10, I just pointed My Docs back to A:\ and everything was there again, no lost Data. At one Point I didn't have Chief installed on C:/ either but I found library updates didn't always work properly and a fe other strange issues so ended up moving Chief back to C:\ M.
  6. Chief is not a good product for designing/modelling Freeform / Organic shapes i.e. the Rocks unfortunately..... The pool etc no problems M.
  7. That's not how Chief's Library Works it is not a collection of True 3D Items just an Image/Material to apply to a Ceiling, so you'd need to make those yourself, though I think someone posted a True Suspended Ceiling Library at one point....
  8. Just use the Frame 3 1/2 walltype , copy the definition and make it 1 1/2 thick instead.... and add a layer of Black behind if you need it... Try this.....MHD_Slat Wall Wall Type.calibz The Framing on Building will follow whatever the current Framing is for top and Bottom Plates so you may need to alter that to get the exact look you need. Mick.
  9. There are always backups in the Archive Folder , inside the Chief Data Folder which is usually in My Documents unless you specified it to be put somewhere else. With X13 I also Lowered my Autosave time , but you can also set an Auto Archive down lower as well.
  10. I agree , If it's new see if you can exchange it for something with a dedicated nvidia graphics card with at least 4GB of RAM ( on the video card) M.
  11. The 5700XT is only about the equivalent of a 2070 Super ( same as my laptop) or perhaps a 2080 Nvidia card , so you won't get the Performance of a 3000 Nvidia series or the AMD 6000 Series but I am not sure if they are in iMAC's yet? I am not sure chief will use ever 16GB of VRAM though so it may not be worth the Upgrade , when is apple releasing the new 2021/2022 Version? M.
  12. Chief sure comes up with some weird Defaults ....when is a Cantilever a ceiling ? and why would it be a Zero thickness paint layer ? ( which ALWAYS shows Z-fighting in 3D ) it only took what 10 yrs? to get a Polyline solid default that didn't use the Foundation material by default, so don't hold your breathe Mark AMEN to that...... Exactly.... M.
  13. typically this happens only when the program doesn't close cleanly as it should "clean up" after each session on it own but is also one reason I specify my Own Temp and Undo Folders as well, and clean them out myself when Chief is closed if needed. M.
  14. Which something? don't be shy now , if I'm not sure, how will Dermot know either? M.
  15. You can specify thru Preferences where you Data Folder is stored as well if needed , which is normally in My Documents but doesn't need to be , moving it is one way to get Chief Files out off Dropbox. As you can see I also specify the Temp and Undo folders myself onto my fastest Drive (NVME) Also see the second part of this KB article..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00348/changing-the-installation-location.html Moving Windows 10/11 Library Locations , My Docs , Pictures etc is also relatively painless... https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74952-move-location-documents-folder-windows-10-a.html https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74942-move-location-pictures-folder-windows-10-a.html https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74955-move-location-videos-folder-windows-10-a.html KB
  16. It appears perhaps that My Documents is actually in Dropbox, not on on your Physical HDD ( NVME) similar to how iCloud works on a Mac. I think when you installed Dropbox you agreed to the Dropbox install defaults which Includes Folders like My Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos etc, which is not ideal and can cause Issues with Chief trying to update Files etc that DB is syncing.
  17. Some symbols are set to insert automatically into a Cabinet as mentioned and you'll find if you drop them in a room instead that the 3D may not match the 2D, but Chief will warn you usually with this error message Open the Symbol and look for the the Y Origin Offset Option, it will be is something like 23" , set all 3 to zero if not already and close the DBX again, You can then Use the CTRL Key to slide it into an opening and then adjust the Height off the floor ( Open Icon) if needed. Mick.
  18. Getting a pre-built is still the best way currently to get a 3000 Series Video Card, (ABS is a Newegg Subsidiary) especially if your system is more than 3-4 yrs old.... The 610 GT will not run X13 except maybe in Plan View, as you need Shader Model 6 and a DirectX 12 feature called "Extended formats TypedUAVLoad" and so you need a card in the 900 Series or Up, on a side note Nvidia also has dropped support of Kepler based cards as of last month, so there won't be any new Drivers for the 600 and 700 Series Cards either going forward. ( not that big a deal ) Mick.
  19. Grass 7 is the one I also prefer too but usually darken it some.... I also use this one which if I remember correctly was posted here on the Forum a few years ago ( sorry forget name now) MHD_Grass - Rich Green.calibz M.
  20. Chief is single threaded so all the Cores in New Processors really don't help that much in Chief, I think Graham Korbey did some test about a year ago here on the Forum, but for multitasking they should. The New 12th gen on Z690 are much better at this which is why gamers are raving about the newer 12th gen as many games are still single threaded too. M.
  21. It's not a MOVE it does a Exact Copy (Clone) of the Drive and leaves the Original as is...... once every is up and running you can Format the Old SSD and use it for Storage either internally or placed in an External Enclosure and Run backups to it eg Images with Macrium which is what I do... M.
  22. You can have PCIe 5.0 now on Z690 Motherboards, I am not sure if there are any NVMEs out yet that support it though? , but you'd need a new CPU and possibly DDR5 Ram as well depending on the Mobo. the 980 Pro would reach full speed this way though at perhaps 15x a SSDs speed.... I can't say it will help with Chief though? https://www.pcmag.com/news/alder-lake-and-the-new-z690-chipset-is-this-intels-most-innovative-platform
  23. Yes, there is no reason not to get the Drive really, as even 2-4 yrs ( should last 10 I'd think if not longer ) from now you can just move it to a new system. Despite Larry's issue with Cloning (BAD SSD) I use and recommend Macrium Reflect , even the free version will work for Cloning and running backup Images. M.
  24. He's using the Trial Version , which can't save plans , so he can't share it.... M.