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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Also my thought...especially if only happening on one computer....
  2. X11 does not have it (*edit the icon) Graham, but you can add it back if you use it to the Toolbar, via ToolBar Customisation
  3. The Plan View does look horrible, some of the 3 Walls are reversed ie exterior wall side is in on some and out on others with different materials , plus the is Polyline Solids at the party too...... if you assign the 3x6 tile to the walls as a material and to a Wall Cap , the polyline Solids are not needed. Ithe the walls set as railinging you shower glass is only 40" high , uncheck that box if glass is going to the Ceiling or set the appropriate height eg 84" still some wall issues though but i haven't got more time right now to figure it out....
  4. Start Fresh yes , not recover, unless you have a backup on another disk eg an USB external Drive or in the Cloud, of your Chief Data Folder, which is in My Documents. The file is mmaster.dat
  5. I upsized it to see if it would effect the Texture but it didn't for me, it would appear for Rich and I the Normal Map isn't working? ie siding is smooth. we can try and get the Content team to have a look Monday..... @Chief_Content
  6. Yep , I was surprised they are all really a White siding with a Blended Colour.... my 54" x 54" texture size above was to simulate 6" siding...it is 32x32 standard size which is why I thought it was wrong... even a double siding is not that size (7" Double?), that I have seen, but possible I guess, milled from a 1x8
  7. It has a normal applied , but I am not seeing it either , except in the Material specification Dialog preview , in 3D it does not have the Map applied it appears, ie no texture/woodgrain though. Sizing is wrong too depending on size of siding......for the texture it shows 9 boards in a 32x32" texture , which is about 3 1/2 " per board..... not one I have ever seen.
  8. Thanks for the Heads Up ,this Works well , and exports to .DXF ( bit tricky to find in the Same As menu at 1st.) It will also let you re-import the .dxf at a scale factor eg. 1:1.02 if you find things are not 100% accurate in CA . ie the my last Drawing was 0.87ft off over 544.07 ft converting a Survey Plat from PDF. It has it's quirks especially if you have multiple monitors (jumps around) and tends to minimise on opening a file, but not sure if that is just my setup so far as I've only used it twice for this now.... It is cross platform, open-source and free currently https://inkscape.org/ M.
  9. Ahhh yep add me to that list too..... Thanks P. M.
  10. Well Maybe he doesn't "work" on weekends....... or even look at CA ... ( that ain't right ! ) only been 22hrs so far..... just means come Monday he well see all 50 posts
  11. I played a bit with it when looking at Curt's question above and do not think it is possible to control the Pony Wall view with any of the current View Settings or Layersets etc we can create So sending to Layout Twice or from two different Plan Versions is likely the easiest way. M.
  12. Glen maybe right , this catches people all the time , anything below the Subfloor and any floor in CA is depicted on the Floor below you may actually be looking at the Ceiling Joists? ( turning Ceiling Joists off in the ALDO will soon tell you ) M.
  13. Apparently it wasn't a Senior moment I think MWLO uses a hard-coded Solid Black line. I maybe wrong Curt? but I think if you only have Main Wall layer on then CA uses a Solid Black line , overriding our Wall Def. settings , if you turn on Wall Layers as well you can get the dashed lines though.... if they are set up the Wall Definition as such.
  14. He did but is in a different State (Province) than me This is his System......no CAD details surprisingly..... http://www.iso-slab.com/en/index.html#tab-3
  15. Always building a Roof and Foundation is good advise for light bleed Grahams Lets Raytrace Thread is still the best one for advice on all things Ray Trace on the Forum.
  16. thanks for the confirmation Doug , I don't have time this morning to play around in a Test Plan . I usually spec the Delta Bubble Membrane and recommend it for all basements , since I see no point on relying solely on a sprayed on coating of bitumen or something similar. But no Monoslabs around here not even for garages. M.
  17. Hi Curt , can you Post your Test Plan so I don't need to reproduce it ? I'll need to re-read the post above too , to make sure we are talking about the same thing ... M.
  18. You could do it with a pony wall I think, lower portion would have the 2" EPS layer or be spec'd as an ICF Wall , then add the Sheet Metal or whatever you plan to use to protect the Foam outside that. Under Slab , just add the Foam to the Floor Structure Tab.... Please do you forum sig. as the Software version effects the Answers Given , see mine in Blue to do yours...thx M.
  19. Just a followup Bob about my advice to get HD Pro ..... although the C.A.P Trial doesn't expire you can't do anything with it (for obvious reasons) but I would suggest Renting HD Pro 2019 instead now as HD Pro 2020 will come out in several months and I believe you would get that as part of the Rental Agreement (latest version guarantee but check the Rental FAQ) and then if you decide to keep it, Buy the Rental out for HD Pro 2020. ( again check the Rental FAQ for terms). If you Buy outright now you will have 2019 and the upgrade would be $99 I think.
  20. Have you considered Renting CA for several months ($199 per/mth)......or if I was you, I'd consider buying HD Pro ( $495) since it has many of the Features you'd need? To provide the File and Layout Bob , whoever helps you would have to redraw everything in his/her version 1st....since with the Trial you can't supply the Person what you have done so far. Could I do that for you yes, but for the same money i am thinking HD Pro could be yours.
  21. That's cos Room ML only gives you what is inside the Room Polyline ie from the surfaces in......not the structure STD Area Polyline Works (convert to a ML Polyline) BUT only for the Floor it is drawn on ie floor 1 and you need Floor 0 too, same issue will all Polyline Versions as far as I know. A restricted Framing Schedule will Work..... but will include ALL decks...so Reassign your Front Entry "Deck" as a Porch maybe?. Actually a Restricted View ( Decks and Walks Only) Full ML seems too work too M.
  22. The Material List will let you Set BUY LIST as the default....... under Structural Member Reporting. I Copy the Default one and set my own Buylist Buy List is Editable, you can add or change the default lengths and sizes and even set the Kerf width if you'd like. M.
  23. I didn't mean to infer that was the case if that was how it Read? I just thought Larry had lost his Docked Windows for some Reason ( eg clicked reset Side Windows) and that he just needed to Dock them again as per his previous Setup and they will then opening again as per the Previous session. ( which for some could have started in X7 )
  24. Glad I could help , I dock them as my Library is on my RH Screen and the ALDO on the Left and they always open there when Chief Opens.... ***Lock your Toolbars too ! M.
  25. You have 3 different Note Schedules in a Plan without duplicate Numbering (callout) ? there was a post yesterday about that Issue.... M.