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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Me too , just a bit too heavy for my liking, found it distracting but it was something, that was asked for by some Users, glad to see boxes around Fields again though in DBX's. Not sure about now but initially themes were done by Shawn in his Own time , for himself....... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/21332-big-thumbs-down-for-outdated-ui-in-x11/?do=findComment&comment=175984
  2. Okay that was not my understanding , as SSA would mean you were eligible for the next version free (one of the benefits of SSA), but it is my belief you can get SSA by purchasing the Upgrade to X11($1200), thus get X12 perhaps next year (depending on X12 release timing) AFAIK you can't buy SSA for X9 ( $525) as you are now two version behind , unless their policies have changed? M.
  3. Double check with Sales as I think SSA is only available for current versions, though they could upgrade from X9 to X11 for $1200 which includes SSA. M.
  4. Now there's a tidbit I missed in the manual ie per Floor setting ..... thx Rob.
  5. ================================================================================= March 20th 2019 UPDATE New Creator Drivers were released yesterday for 10 series and RTX Cards version 419.67 https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/145178# 9 thru 6 series are still on 419.35 https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/144363 =================================================================================
  6. New Creator Drivers were released yesterday for 10 series and RTX Cards version 419.67 https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/145178# 9 thru 6 series are still on 419.35 https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/144363
  7. Page Zero is your Template Page and will automatically replicate to EVERY other page , anything here like the Title block is automatically on every other page, you don't need to copy to every page Page 1 would be the Coversheet , then Others as you need like Floor 1 exisitng, flr2 existing etc. Edit each Page's Information in the Project Browser and you can also use the Layout Page Tile as the Page Info in the Title Block eg Floor 1 Existing etc. Download some of the sample plans in the Gallery Chief has and look at the Layouts included and how they are setup... M.
  8. Likely a face or texture count issue as CS mentioned , try and optimise the File 1st..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03044/optimizing-a-chief-architect-plan-for-export-to-the-3d-viewer.html
  9. Yes 1st time around , I just slide the CAD Block over the Symbol..snapped to it , as each time I assigned it back to the Symbol the dashed linetype was overridden to solid , but after playing with it some more , I found I was able to place a Sink outside the cabinet, change it to a new Dashed line style layer and then insert/drag it into the cabinet instead. M.
  10. so you just changed the Symbol to the Dashed Line Layer ? that seems to work too actually.....thx.
  11. I actually had that in my reply and edited it out....... as when I tried it it still only displayed what I selected not everything.... weird...
  12. Not here , all is well , I did a Clean install though.... M.
  13. At least with the Sink , as I tested it ( Pic Below), you can insert the CAD Block, (via CBM) , explode it then change the Line Style and Colour etc for everything (marquee select) , then block it again.....however if you assign it back to the Symbol , that seems to cause the lines to go solid again, so just put the CAD Block over the symbol instead for plan views.... may need to adjust the Drawing Order, I didn't below... M.
  14. The Select Materials DBX not remembering the Preview Pane Sizes ...is a pain
  15. I have Reported it , so hopefully it will get "fixed" .....or at least I'll be told what setting i have wrong M.
  16. hadn't noticed that.... nice if you need it ...I like that Users have a ( more) Choice now....
  17. If you mean the Save Dialogs size and position in prefs. yes it is set to Always The size and position of the Object DBX is saved but when you go to the Material Tab , select something to change it, the Select Material DBX is back to default pane sizes , with the Middle panes (previews) being squished and the RH Pane being maximised..... so I need to pull all 3 right each time with the Critter but they are back to default each time I go in there... Have I missed something? cos there was reports on the Beta Forum too...I think by Christina?
  18. Unfortunately my pet peeve the Select Material DBX still doesn't "remember" it's layout or Size , drives me crazy to have to do it every time....
  19. Yes I think so Johnny , even with the Classic theme you get a darker thicker Separator between Toolbars now , seems like they tweaked the Icon size to perhaps? or the Icon Size I set in the latest Beta (28) didn't take till this upgrade. PS had to re-install your Subtle Theme..... M.
  20. I guess you are say that the Full Release is in my Digital Locker thanks..... M.
  21. Me either and it is slow here too..... when the scrollbars disappear I know I have to wait till they comeback to move on..... same thing happens when I 1st open X11 too....
  22. The View name issue is still here in my current plan... and a quick test plan Didn't look into the other issues M.
  23. Did you try copying the Data Folder to the Dropbox Folder manually 1st while Chief is Closed.... Is Dropbox at C:\Dropbox though? I thought it installed by default to the User's Folder as you mention. Mine is on E:\Dropbox as I didn't want it on my SSD and Chief lets me redirect there with no issues...just tested.... though that is not MY SOP as mentioned yesterday.... Dropbox is backup for me not my Primary Folder.... maybe I am confused ...are you putting the DATA folder on DB or your Whole My Docs Folder? gotta go too.... M.
  24. I'd make a copy of the Data Folder 1st.... while Chief is Closed...then move it.... and then just overwrite the new location , with the backup you just made. ( Chief likely just leaves old folder where it was but this way is saver till you know for sure) I think you get the warning as Chief can't move it's own files that are in use while it is Open... Copying the whole Data Folder ensure Toolbars, textures etc etc also are copied Put your Templates in the Chief Templates Folder and you are done..... ( I made a folder called CA DEFAULT for the OOB Templates and moved them into it for backup)
  25. Make sure you download the Core Library , under Library on the File Menu..... All the others you must do individually from the 3D Library but does require SSA for about 1/2 of them... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/library&reset=true I don't think the "Style Templates" are included anymore in CA Premier ( X8 was last update i have I think?) but search the forum for them, pretty sure I posted a Zip of them a month or two back for someone else with the same question. M.