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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Nice video Joe and I like your approach. I like the use of Plan Views that save the floor number and your overall creative approach. Like Scott, I have a plan file with details as well and I have also used floors to separate detail types but now have so many details that they are spread around all my floors and I just go to the closest relevant detail (no matter the floor) and start from there. Over the many (20?) years of using Chief I have found that none of the details in their library are correct for any building detail I need for a specific job and even find I rarely have the correct detail in my detail plan file as is the nature of many custom details. I end up using an existing detail, copy and paste it in another location on the plan sheet and modify from there. Also my business model requires very few details as I hand most of that off to a structural engineer but am constantly creating custom details for small job requirements and like Scoot, and perhaps you now, have a separate plan file for that purpose. Not sure of the approach I would take tomorrow with Plan Views and all but I think you are on to something as you customize the idea to fit your specific needs.
  2. Yeah that would make more sense...
  3. NOT liking this 'feature' AT ALL. Might be missing something but it seems like this new feature adds steps? What am I missing? We now have a convenient and familiar drop down menu with many fills that are seldom if ever used, and an extra step to create and get to the custom fills that we use every day? Does anyone else thinks that's just a bit backwards?
  4. +1 meant to mention that in one of those vids but good reminder..and all of the other edits you might need to the as built and its layers/sets can be done 'interactively' as well...
  5. Nice Rene, Did NOT know we could ref all 3D views as well. And ref'ing the as-built for all of the tech stuff that matters is a really a nice feature. Currently adding capabilities as they come up real-world as you are doing.
  6. Not something I will use...or at least haven't a need for them yet...
  7. Another way we will use an external re set. It looks like other uses will pop up as we get deeper in to the feature...Keeping an open mind.....
  8. Here's a use for ref sets from an external plan that we will use immediately. Might be what you are referring to as the"As-Built CAD Mask" Michael? This will save a lot of steps to create that 'mask'.
  9. Keeping an open mind and hoping the new tools add productivity to everyone's work flow...
  10. Thanks for the video Rene. The more I learn about the multi ref sets the less likely I am to actually use them - at all. Our current work flow is simply faster and much more simple. Will explore a bit later perhaps when needed but for now, have lost interest...and rarely find Chief's new automated tools faster or more efficient, like story pole and the note schedules and few more I can't think of. I have simple systems that work better for me. A video showing a simple technique I've adapted for elevations new/as builts. Can be modified as needed of course but I have everything in place and the elevation ref sets just make it more difficult, and much less flexible for our current work flow... Not for every one of course but hard to intentionally add complexity to our current work flow.
  11. Elevations can be referenced as well. Need to learn more about that technique
  12. Here's a video from team bone head. I'm sure the experts will chime in with further refinements.
  13. Yeah pretty confusing all around me thinks. There has been quite a loud clamor for multiple ref sets for quite some time and really never had the need for them myself but Chief added some really powerful features for using them with existing plans that could be really great for remodeling with as builts and new construction. Here's Chief's video explaining and did you watch Rene's video in this thread? Hope that helps
  14. NICE appreciate the explanation, the videos really help...
  15. Yeah, same idea exactly. Hope you're well Glenn...
  16. Not sure if this will work for you but you can create a layer set that shows only outlets doors an windows...
  17. Here's something that seems to work. Choose a floor that doesn't have any of the reference items on it. Toggle between the floor with no info turns off the data in the ref set.
  18. Thanks for watching the vid. Here's what I was thinking. Say I have 3 ref sets set up for my plan but want to see what just a specific 2 would look like. If I could toggle one off I could check the results. Toggle it back on, check the results. As it is now I would have to delete a ref set, check the view, add it back, check the view, delete and check again. A simple 'display' column would do the trick.
  19. I'm obviously not asking the question clearly enough, nor was the video explanation clear enough. Sorry but don't know how to ask in any other way. Did you watch the video? Not trying to replace saved plans views, use them all the time and understand their purpose. Was simply wondering if multiple ref sets can be toggled on/off in the ref set dbx. I can see no way to do so, so will go with plan 'B'.
  20. Thanks Joe, not what I am asking for...
  21. Thanks Joe, not the question I'm asking. Posted a video describing. I want to set up a template plan with many reference layer sets that can be toggled on or off instead of loading individual ref sets each time I need another ref. Cannot find this capability in the ref set dbx. It's cool and maybe there's a work around, and maybe the request is superfluous. Still not exactly sure how I'll use them yet so the question might be moot.
  22. Thanks P but asking a little bit different question about plan templates and multiple ref sets that can be toggled on/off. Don't see a way to do at this time and maybe not a big deal as I get used to using them but seems like a nice feature? Not sure...
  23. Thank you, understand how it works, was just wondering if a template plan could be set up once with multiple ref sets that could be toggled on/off individually. I'm thinking the answer is no...but maybe an all off layer set would work? Not sure exactly how important it will be for real world future work flow as the whole concept is still a bit new and untested real world.
  24. When setting up multiple reference floors is there a way to toggle a reference floor off or on?