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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Plan view. Laptop spec's .... Roofs from camera view 1:00
  2. On my laptop. 1.) Open Standard Camera View = 18 seconds. 28 sec. reopen with roofs - 41 sec. 2.) Drag Wall Surface up = 22 seconds. 38 sec. 3.) Undo Drag Wall Surface up = 22 seconds. 38 sec 4.) Build Roof Planes = 35 seconds. 18 and 19 sec. rechecked for obvious reasons...
  3. There are macros that will do the arithmetic, and those who know of such things may be willing to help...
  4. I am also appreciative of the change to the drop down list.
  5. This is a really important feature of Chief. Not that easy to grasp but allows for amazing flexibility in plan views.
  6. Thanks Eric got nothing of the sort on my page but the link above works great
  7. Looked all OVER the place for that - thanks. ''2.6 CAD Objects • Restored “Angle Hatch” and “Grid” to the list of Fill Style selections." WHAT? I LOVE it!!! Very nice list of improvements...
  8. Looking for a PDF of the changes...anything Joe?
  9. Well for me I'm going to give you and your technique and skills a huge awesome and thank you for the explanation. Really appreciate taking the time and must say even with the explanation it's still a bit over my pay grade but thank again for taking the time to explain.
  10. That option is grayed out on my system? Maybe no framing? I was in a render view DOH....
  11. Each of us will have an opinion - of course - I lean to the above analogy but don't really care though at the same time have much respect for other points of view - of course. Was wondering as far as technique goes could a ref set be used? One with gray shadows and another with the green tech drawing? Hmmm... Won't work as most knew already. Was hoping for that kind of flexibility with the ref sets, maybe next release.
  12. Sure I'm getting better at Chief every day but there are so many little things that X11 improved I am finding that creating a model is just smoother and faster than ever. Small improvements that save a click here or make a technique just a little easier. Just now I needed a custom railing for a deck and instead of creating an entire new plan for the symbol, I just drew in a railing design, in the plan, selected the objects and bang, new symbol. Brilliant time saver but that's not the only thing. X11 just has a different more capable feeling about it and really appreciate the changes.
  13. Have no idea what Substance Painter might be and really nothing like saying CA will make you a great architect and designer, more like saying if Chief is going to post a fabulous render and design there should be no expectation that that render can be accomplished in Chief alone. Picky? Perhaps, but if I bought Chief thinking I could create that image with Chief I would not be happy. I happen to know Chief's capabilities and know when a render has been altered with other software but it wouldn't surprise me if most people simply expect there to be some kind of over hyped capabilities advertised and not have the product live up to those expectations, but I'm tired of it as I am bombarded with the same thing every day. Big deal? Nah, just another opinion.
  14. VERY nice design, VERY nice rendering, but did Chief create the background image? The gray terrain shadows? Happy to be alone in my opinion that Chief should show what Chief can do, not what Chief and 'other' software can do unless stated clearly.
  15. Nice video David, love the stepping stone idea....
  16. Yup, many people are just fine with the marketing...and it assumes that everyone has the skills to create a gradient background in a free image editor, I for one wouldn't have a clue. Again, fine for many people, I'm just not a fan as my world is filled to the brim with stuff that just ain't quite as it seems, for others no big deal, much respect for other points of view....
  17. Nice Robert, and clearly doable with added manipulation with 'other' software but the implication is still the same from a customer's point of view and to me that implication is, "Buy Chief, achieve this look for your plans." But can you simply buy Chief and achieve that look? I don't think so and I don't like the marketing technique...but maybe that's acceptable in today's world of over hype and over sell?
  18. I found an image on their home page that was clearly photo-shopped and impossible to re-create in Chief alone, though it was implied that it was Chief that created the image. Not saying that's true here, but I e-mailed them asking them to be a little more truthful in their marketing and to show Chief's capabilities not Chief's and Photo Shop or other added software techniques. Just sayin' it's been done before...
  19. The Xeons in my system have proven to be very fast at very few tasks, and very slow at many others. They are designed for heavy work loads over extended periods of time using multiple threads and cores like RayTracing can utilize but for everyday tasks they are just not a good choice. Plus they are now quite old. Where once they were termed a near super computer they are simply an old door stop technology today.
  20. Good to know thanks for the follow up....
  21. Honestly did not know there was an icon, can you go to View>Project Browser until you get it figured out?