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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Here's the hardware requirements for X13. No mention that X13 will not run on M1 Mac and I think we should be very cautious in stating/suggesting similar. Hmmm...It does state a Mac Pro an no mention of an IMAC. Interesting. EDIT: I was only reading the bottom green part of the required spec's. Footnote 1 clearly states that "Mac M1 processors are not supported." Sorry for any confusion.‑time ray tracing%2C coming,RX 6000 series graphics card.
  2. No expert on the subject either but do remember the choice that Chief made re: RTRT which I think was no real choice as for some reason, and likely the one you mention above re: graphics chips versus cards, Macs would not play with RTRT. But not run X13 at all? I think in that same dissertation it was said that every other current feature of X13 would be supported, just not RTRT. We'll know soon enough but if I had a new Mac M1 or was considering buying one I'd make double sure...
  3. That might be possible in Chief but I think much pain would ensue and personally would not even attempt it. There might smart guys here who could guide you through that mine field morass but I've always placed that task on the Civil Engineer's desk as anytime that info is needed in an accurate manner it has to be certified by a CE anyway.
  4. Is Chief not supporting the M1? Or is the M1 not supporting Chief? Either way it does not sound correct that a new Mac would not run Chief X13, but they did definitively say that RTRT would not be supported by the Mac platform as the Mac graphic standards don't mesh for RTRT..
  5. Join the club. Chief is a pretty complex program but this forum is one of its best features.
  6. Is X-12/X-13 not supported on the M-1, or is Real Time RayTracing not supported on the M-1?
  7. Hey Doug, Terrain can be frustrating in Chief but you have to give it a fighting chance. I downloaded and opened your file and got the warning message below. Then I placed a point, that should be close to 0,0 coordinates and the 'X' position is off of 0,0 by over 200 million inches. I tried to get the data back to 0,0 but I think 200 million inches is a pretty heavy lift for Chief but there are probably experts here who can get that done. Until that's done I think Chief will simply not be happy with any model. Turns out that the objects can be group selected then Transformed/Replicated back to 0,0, then rebuild terrain. Not sure what it should look like but again at least you'll have a fighting chance.
  8. Would you mind sharing what you ended up purchasing? And how it performs real world Chief? Thanks EDIT: Personally waiting for X13 to see what is needed as an upgrade if anything.
  9. There's some pretty cool upcoming events on the Chief FaceBook page. I guess they will get to the 'Announcements Forum as well but looks pretty cool.
  10. I actually designed a shipping container building in La Jolla CA (San Diego) and got it passed through the city. The container itself lost ALL of its structural integrity as we cut doors and windows and required an exterior steel exoskeleton to replace that lost structural integrity. Expensive and all around a silly adventure (never mind down right ugly) other than the homeowner who loved the idea, but not the reality. Throw one in your back yard out in the country for a shop but build one in the city? Best of luck and would love to learn your experience.
  11. I've been losing the battle you're fighting with Chief for over 20 years. Gave up long ago and just thrash through changing defaults and foundation room with spec's that I've never understood until I get things right, never really understanding the paradigm that Chief uses to define such things. Once you get what you want make sure you save because even though those defaults should not change and many understand how to get them stable there's decent chance a wrong move can change everything back to square one. Hang in there and with the help on this forum you'll get there.
  12. I might be missing the question's intent but why can' you just "add water lines and drains to plumbing fixtures, on their own layer."? Or even a reference layer if needed?
  13. Depends on how you define 'max performance'. X13 includes real time RayTracing which requires a specific video card but is not needed unless that's a feature you want to use. I'm not planning to upgrade my hardware because of X13, but might upgrade after its release just because I like new, faster stuff.
  14. True all that Mark. In my case the changes to X13 are almost certainly not 'sufficient to warrant an upgrade' if taken as single, isolated features. Real time RayTracing will be a technological boon to some users but I don't know where I'll use it in my everyday plan creation and client communication. Could be wrong but not seeing it currently. There's probably another 10 that I won't use - at all - not because I'm a Luddite in such matters but just because I have my methods down pretty pat at this point and new features sometimes get in the way. But there always seems to be one that takes me by surprise and proves to be more useful than anticipated. Not by leaps and bounds and it's never a single feature that adds the productivity but the aggregate of features that usually makes Chief's upgrades just a little bit better than before. Looking forward to that same experience with X13
  15. And this callout pictured below with the arrow? Is that done manually or has Chief had a tool I've been requesting for years and I simply don't know where it is? Thanks
  16. I have another question. Is this a Chief detail? If so where did the plan callout arrows come from? Been asking for that ability for years. Are they done in Chief? If so are they created manually? Curious thanks. EDIT: Chuckling to myself thinking that Scott's thinking, "Now I remember why I don't post that much stuff in the forum." On the other hand I hope you know how much we appreciate your participation.
  17. Agreed... but after the presentation with all the new goodies - then what?
  18. Have you tried perpendicular structural sheep? Older and stronger in my opinion...
  19. Genuinely curious, do you all as designers/architects make these decisions without consulting a structural engineer? Sometimes I think steel and my guy suggests PSL/GLULAM. Sometimes I think PSL/GLULAM and my guy suggests steel. Do you all make these calls without that advice from a structural engineer? Or do you make the call THEN ask a structural guy?
  20. Hi Michael, I don't do much of these but if it's a serious venture it seems it would not be that difficult to build up a library of the various fixtures including colors, hatching etc. that the client wanted then used in any future plans. There are some limitations, since I assume this will be built off an original floor plan, and saving as a new 'MLS plan' with differently filled walls and fixtures would not lend itself to future changes in both plans. Would like to see what you come up with as a solution.
  21. Hey Scott thanks as always for your great work at Chief, looking forward to the new release.
  22. ..and perhaps a stairway to heaven?