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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Thanks Mick got that one figured out.
  2. Thanks Doug, that's the behavior I am expecting but when I click the default check box I get this... and have no idea where that that 115 1/2" came from?
  3. Yes Doug, 100% true but I when I change it to the 36" I want it reverts back to the numbers you see. Cannot seem to change those defaults. The vid shows the phenomenon...
  4. Figured out the additional foundation walls were being created from different first floor heights but still can't get the stem walls to behave...
  5. I'm sure this is simple but I've been flumoxed for the last half hour. It seems no matter what I set my defaults to the stem walls always seem to build to the same height. I closed Chief, rebooted, checked the defaults a dozen times but can't seem to get the basement to build to the defaults. Usually user error here and prepared to be embarrassed by the simple mistake, but I simply cannot see it. EDIT: A new plan from my template behaves as expected. THANKS STEM WALL 1.plan
  6. Not that easy to understand but you will find Chief's videos and teaching guides to be second to none and probably a better place to start than here at the forum. Hopefully the vid below adds some clarity but again, not a simple paradigm to understand but certainly doable.
  7. Really confusing Kelly. Can't understand the terminology. Set of Layouts? What's that? ...and SPV tabs correspond to plan files not to 'individual layout pages.' I'm not making these distinctions to be difficult but without clear terminology we don't have a chance of helping. Most plan files (SPV's or otherwise) are sent to a single Layout page. When you double click a plan that's been sent to Layout it opens its SPV if one has been created. The name of the SPV is saved within the project browser where it can be 'edited' renamed etc. Sound like there a fundamental misunderstanding about how Chief works in relation to SPVs Layout etc. That's understandable but once you get it it's really powerful and not that difficult.
  8. Excuse me Dermot but my "advice" posted above was to contact technical support. Seems like pretty good advice wouldn't you say? Oh wait you did say...
  9. The tabs here show the Plan File Name:SPV name. Is that what you are looking for? Do you need to clearly name/rename/add additional your SPV's?
  10. Interesting, and safe to say you are also experiencing frequent crashes as well? I don't have a RTRT video card so can't use the 'features' you describe but sheesh, that seems like a lot of work and caution to get a program to work as it should.
  11. Hey Thomas, can you reproduce the crashes? If not there's not much tech support can do to help but that's always the first step in my opinion in these cases. If you can reproduce the crashes then the first step is still a chat with tech support. Good luck and please keep us posted on a solution. EDIT: If by chance you can reproduce the crashes perhaps a plan posted here, describing the crashes, could give other users a chance to trouble shoot?
  12. Currently when I Send to Layout it looks like Plot Lines are selected by default and I forget to change it manually to Live View which is what I prefer before I Send To Layout. I see that Chief will remember the last selection but is there a way to set that preference/default to Live View without first sending a view to Layout?
  13. Lane if you can figure out how to turn on End and Start (I forget) of your wall you can adjust the angle by locking either. You can also add that angle to the allowed angles if that wall gets stubborn. Also holding the control key will allow free movement of the wall.
  14. The garage of the plan I opened does not show as a monolithic slab foundation. I think if it were me I'd rebuild the foundation as a mono slab and set the garage floor height (which is usually 4 - 6" lower than the main room heights but can be the same) in the rebuild foundation dialog box. It will clean up the floor height issues.
  15. I'm going to go with my theory above re: X12 Layout files. I'll see if I can find an exception to the theory...
  16. I THINK I know what's happening. It looks like it could be loading X12 Layout PDF pages rotated incorrectly when opening an X12 file in X13. Could explain it's seemingly random behavior as I don't really know which file is/was X12 and which was not. I just tested an old template X12 Layout file and when opened in X13 the template's PDFs I have in the X12 plan are all rotated.
  17. Don't think so as all previous PDF's (for many, many years) are sourced and loaded from a landscape orientation.
  18. Thanks Mick, I import various PDF's from my structural engineer, Title 24 calcs and other vendors, not Chief plan files. This happens to be a stock PDF file provided by the County that we can use for what we call Accessory Dwelling Units. It's about 20 pages of predefined plans and spec's. that I imported into a Chief Layout that I can modify as needed. All 20 pages are rotated after saving them in landscape mode. Not sure why yet...
  19. Everything printed in landscape and sent to Layout and looking OK. Reopen the file and they are rotated. Not every time and may not be able to duplicate behavior but has happened many times. Not a big deal, usually. This Layout has about 20 pages, all rotated. PIA. Anyone else seen this? I'll see if I can isolate the behavior.
  20. It's been pretty consistent that my PDF files are rotated in X13. Anyone else see this behavior?
  21. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Like I posted, I was making it too difficult...
  22. Probably making this too difficult but I have a house plan with 3 or 4 places with 45 degree corner conditions and hip roofs everywhere. Chief builds the hips dutifully as it should but it can't resolve the small hips as illustrated in the video and plan file. The framer doesn't care what the pitch is on these small hips as he'll just fill in the roof planes to match ridges but I would like to get the pitches corret for the model elevations etc. Can these pitches be calculated? Can Chief find the pitches automatically? THANKS ROOF PLAN ANGLES.plan
  23. Reference display is your good, good friend. A little complex to grasp initially but incredibly powerful. I've simply defined a few different Ref Sets for different needs.