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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. I just created a 'garage' room and placed a 1/2" floor in the 'structure' tab under Floor Finish and it renders OK. It does not seem to be an issue with the 'garage' room type. Sorry, that's not much help.
  2. There's a "Floor Surfaces" Layer. Is it turned on?
  3. Again, really appreciate your quick response, probably saved me another hour.
  4. Here's a bad question. Are there any other "known issues" we should know about? I just spent an hour trying to figure that out.
  5. THANKS BEN!! Very helpful and appreciate the quick response. I can also take a picture and send that to Layout and will stop the crazy on this end. Took your advice and printed to a new PDF file and it worked a treat. Something I'll remember for the future as well. Thanks
  6. Re-Booted with no change. Certainly appears like user error of some kind, like the wrong file name/location but this form, no matter the client will not be imported into a Layout page.
  7. Hi all, There was a problem in Chief a couple versions ago where Chief would not import an updated PDF but would instead re-import an older, existing version of a PDF. It was fixed but appears to have reared its head in X13. Can anyone confirm or has anyone seen this behavior in X-13 before I send into tech support? I think a re-boot was the only way to get it to work before and will try that now. Thanks
  8. Very easy to just close. Just a niggler and simple curiosity.
  9. Could be, but I would rather there not be new plan opened without some explanation, obvious reason, or my expressed request. In the example both plans are identical as that's the nature of a new template created from an existing plan but the programmer sometimes have a reason that I often miss and perhaps you're correct in your assumption and I'll live with that for now. Thanks
  10. "...many little things that have always bugged me." Yeah same here. May make time for a suggestion, and yes am willing to live with the behavior instead of dealing with the (for me) uber frustrating suggestion forum. Thanks Eric
  11. Yeah it works great to update the template plan and both plans are identical as is expected since the new template is based on the changes to the existing template but there's another plan created. Curious and might be missing something.
  12. Never understood this behavior. I make a couple changes to my template plan and want to overwrite the existing template. Select File>Templates>Save as Template. Uncheck the delete all check box, check the Set Template as Default for Imperial Plans, click OK and Chief creates a new untitled plan. Why? Same behavior in X13.
  13. Glad you figured it out and wanted to add a small detail. Dimensions and text can be set up in 3 different ways. Use Layer for Text Style - Use Text Style - Use custom Text Style. I've become a fan of Use Layer for Text Style as shown in the second pic below. Hope that helps a little.
  14. Thanks Scott, appreciate you taking the time to reply and hopefully the OP got the plot plan view he was looking for.
  15. Certainly not hassling you, nor discounting your opinion, just sharing mine. Again please give it a try and report back I would love to be wrong.
  16. Triple thanks Rene - very much appreciated.
  17. Good advice as well and ref sets are indeed powerful (even though I don't completely understand them) and am wondering what has changed in X13? I have X13 but don't see any visible changes in ref sets. Is there a Reader's Digest short version of the 'fixes'?
  18. Along with Eric's excellent (as usual) advice there's also a roof control to "Display on Floor Above" and "Display on Floor Below". Might help with your desired result. EIDT: You could also put the first floor roofs and the second floor roofs on different Layers, which complicates things a bit but gives you more flexibility.
  19. Was done recently but wasn't that easy to locate but some really great info and presentation by Chief's Scott Harris.
  20. OK, but I'm saying it does not have some 'neat features' and the tag line which is always the same no matter the newest software or app "It's that easy" or better yet "Fun and easy" and as Chief found out with its (very similar features) fun and easy 'Room Planner' that it just didn't work in a real world situation and they discontinued it. I tried to like it but after just a couple minutes I could see it wasn't a great real world app for any kind of design. I'd suggest that if it's sold as 'easy' it probably isn't but only one way to find out, download it and see how it works. See if a room can be measured with actual furniture in the room using that particular 'neat feature'. See how 'easy' a real world design can be created, both good or bad by qualified professional or great/poor homeowner designer. Been there done that and perhaps I'll wish them luck and would love to be wrong. Give it a try and let us know how those neat feature work in real life.
  21. ...and most homeowners will find that there's no real 'ease of use' and perhaps that pretty cool measuring tool is actually pretty cool but perhaps it's only pretty cool after you remove all the furniture in your house? And how many here have had homeowners use these types tools only to create the worst designs you have ever seen? Oh and last but not least, does anyone remember Chief's super easy to use and 'fun' Room Planner? Nuff said.
  22. Curious and as usual I am always quite excited about new releases and downloaded X13 ASAP, opened a current X12 project and literally the one time set up Auto Story Pole (a feature I still find marginally useful for my plan set ups) it revealed a bug in the display. Not a huge thing at all but I stopped using X13 at that point and will wait for an upgrade to use it again, which will include a complete uninstall/reinstall to preserve templates etc. How about you? Do you use it day to day? Problems? Likes? Dislikes?
  23. Interesting and Tried the tip above but as you can see it only works with dims between markers.