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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. After re-reading your post the issue you describe that a new floor is added to the wrong building sounds like you may be thinking that Building B needs its own separate and unique second floor? Remember that since this is a single plan file, once that second floor is created for Building A there is ALREADY a second floor available for Building B. Simply go to Building B, select the floor you want to draw on (first, second or third which are already there from Building A) and start drawing Building B's floor plan. If that solves the initial post's issues then there are more questions like how many buildings? Different first floor heights? Flat terrain? Sloped? I prefer using a single plan file for multiple buildings for the (interactive, changeable) reasons Glenn states. If there are too many buildings and the plan file gets unwieldy for the computer's power then symbols work but each symbol is then a static representation that can only be changed by opening each building's plan file, make changes, recreate a symbol and re-import that symbol.
  2. I thought I'd try an AMD CPU for my latest build and could not be happier with the machine in my signature. Not saying one brand is better than the other and this isn't the only thread with computer problems so most likely very isolated to the OP's particular setup. Not much help I'm afraid and hope you get it fixed. Can we assume you've talked with tech support?
  3. Glad you got it figured out and don't feel bad I've used Chief for over 20 years and had no idea that it behaved that way nor how to fix it.
  4. It's not "the first release of this new feature" and you know my feelings about the chances of them actually improving this tool. I would LOVE to be wrong but my guess is it ain't gonna happen. Down votes please...aaand thank you..
  5. VERY helpful Thanks. And hope it helps the OP.
  6. This^^ Not the easiest thing to understand with Chief but in your sample plan if all of the walls are deleted and new room created, IN THE SAME LOCATION it will be called Fluffy as Chief "remembers" the previous room name over that location. There's some good things Chief does with this behavior but in a lot of cases it's pretty disturbing, and hard to understand to be honest.
  7. Is that wall defined as a foundation wall? And instead of a 'sample' plan can you attach the actual plan that is showing the problem?
  8. Seems like 2 issues? The plan you attached reproduces Fluffy rooms with each wall addition as Chief is taking the original room name and applying it to the newly created rooms. Not seeing or getting the "bath" issue as described above in the OP. Also Chief does apply certain rules to certain room 'types'. The rooms in the plan you attached are defined as "Court". Is there a reason for that? What if they were defined as bedrooms or living rooms? Still not getting the bath issue as described above.
  9. "Fluffy wants a foundation..." that's adorable. Sounds like a new Disney movie. Better yet perhaps post the plan here so others might help.
  10. I have, of course, custom tool bars that I wonder if they would load in another system? Love the 'normal' tool bars. Is there really such a thing as normal tool bars?
  11. In this case I drew the first truss towards the lower part of the roof framing, multi copied and it appears as though that single multi copied truss landed that one truss in the magic spot for it to misbehave. Any other location probably works fine. Probably couldn't do it again if I tried lol. As Mike Long suggested above it seems to be interacting with the roof below.
  12. Has not been my experience. Have never needed to build roof framing in order to place trusses or have them 'reach' fascia.
  13. Actually had the roof framing built first when the truss misbehaved. I'm also pretty sure that if that truss is not in that exact location (instead of copying into position) it behaves OK.
  14. "I would need a few more details on the little end wall trusses" Had these pieces figured out as above...
  15. THANKS Michael! Not an emergency fix needed and have sent it in to tech support. I'll use the work around for now.
  16. Thanks SO much for taking the time Mick. I noticed that wall below as well but shouldn't snap any where near a 'wall below'. I'll send it in and thanks again.
  17. Looks like I copied the small gable truss back towards the main roof plane which explains the short tails and why they all look like gable trusses - DOH. But that other truss has me stumped.
  18. Trusses are behaving a bit weird on this plan. I'll send the 2D plans to the truss manufacturer so it's not that important but was curious about the behavior. User error? Bug? Thanks. TRUSSES 3.plan
  19. Way to go you guys. Glad you got it worked out.
  20. I actually built a shipping container structure in La Jolla, CA. If you don't know where that is it is in one the most highly regulated areas in CA. Shipping containers are amazingly strong and structurally sound - until you cut a window or door into them. That's where the engineering fun begins as they are suddenly worthless from an engineering standpoint. If it's in your back yard I would have no problem. Permitted and inspected? I echo everything John_Charles put so well above, and then some. I recently watched a video of a young couple who built from a couple of containers and they framed up the interior walls for electrical and insulation, then drywalled and could have done the same thing for way less if there was no container in the way. On the other hand these sorts of explorations and experiences can lend a huge amount of knowledge to your portfolio but if you decide to actually build with shipping containers beware and carefully read what John has posted above.
  21. Here's the plan from a closer camera view. Haven't viewed it yet but maybe it will help?
  22. I noticed the the view on my rig started to break up the closer I got. Would it help if the camera were closer to begin with?
  23. Definite difference in the views but have no idea why. The one generated here looks acceptable and I would be OK with client receiving same, though like I said I never use the feature. The one generated on your set up not so much, but again the solution is above my pay grade. Let us know if you figure it out.
  24. Here's a screen shot if the vid's resolution is not good enough.