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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Thanks Glenn, did not know this tool existed. Seems odd that we can set a default fill style for a pretty obscure polyline tool but not for a regular polyline box. Apparently it's just me.
  2. The above advice still requires multiple steps to create a simple white filled P-line box which I've used as a mask hundreds of times as Scott shows in the video. So after 20 years of using Chief there's still no way to set the default fill style/color of a P-line box? I've NEVER wanted a black filled box - ever and if I ever did I'd be happy to take a couple step to get there. I've suggested this multiple times but apparently not enough interest to change. In the mean time I've added the Materials List Polyline tool to my tool bar, which incredibly enough DOES have a default fill color setting? The Materials List Polyline tool has a default fill style setting but the regular polyline box used every day by every user does not? Carry on.
  3. What objects does that default above affect?
  4. Found this (X14) but doesn't affect polyline boxes?
  5. I've wanted a default white fill style for more years than I can remember but the default has always been black. Click from No Pattern to Solid fill and the default fill is black. I've changed the fill to white literally thousands of times. Adds a lot of time to my work flow but have learned to live with it realizing it will not change. Or has it and I've missed it? I was watching the video below and @ 3:11 Scott Harris changes the fill color from what looks like default blue to, of course white, to do what I want to do many, many times. What gives? Is there a way to change that default please? Does Scott's black look like blue in the video? How did he get blue and how do I get white as the default?
  6. Oh I REALLY do. Don't need it, can't use it but I really wanta...
  7. So you're saying perhaps not "Real Time"? Real Time Definition noun COMPUTING relating to a system in which input data is processed within milliseconds so that it is available virtually immediately as feedback, e.g., in a missile guidance or airline booking system. "real-time signal processing"
  8. Man that is bad. What does tech support say/suggest?
  9. Could NOT agree more. It serves absolutely no purpose.
  10. REALLY? Someone went out of their way to down vote a couple posts in this thread? Sad...
  11. I see that now, read it differently, thanks Michael.
  12. Thanks Robert! It sure does behave that way but the help file doesn't suggest that. I prefer it this way.
  13. The help file says that Time Tracker logs times for each plan and layout file separately but when I do a 'Save As' , creating another plan file, Time Tracker carries over the time from previous plan versions as if it is keeping track of time for the project and not just a single file. Here's 2 pics. One is the original file showing time back to Feb 8th. I do a quick Save As and it's showing this new file back to Feb 8th. as if it's saving time log for the project not an individual file? Not getting it.
  14. Thrashing here a bit trying to understand. Let's say I start with an as built plan. 'Save As' As built 2. 'Save As' As Built 3. Then 'Save As' Proposed 1, 'Save As Proposed 2 and so on. It seems that by the time I get to Proposed 6, which is where I am now, it is adding all the time for all the versions. Is this how it works?
  15. Does time tracker transfer time for a save as? Seems to do so as I just just 'saved as' a file and it showed times from previous versions instead of 0 time from the save as time.
  16. A Few questions re: Time Tracker
  17. Do you mean like Real Time Ray Tracing? Long ways to go.... maybe the new 4000 cards will help?
  18. Let's see if we understand this claim. Scott Harris, who does the videos for Chief, had his technical team set up a special version of software code to demonstrate Chief's Real Time Ray Tracing on a "lower end laptop" so he could bait people into buying the software, then switch up the software in the retail version to burn customers who thought the video was demonstrating the actual time it took to Ray Trace a scene in Chief? Is that accurate?
  19. Can you post a problem plan, or a link if it's too large, so perhaps others could test it on another system?
  20. Just noticing how well behaved the new X14 3D solids are. They seem much more intuitive and easier to manipulate.
  21. Thanks Dermot, the zero sized callout worked.
  22. and how does one know what the %automatic_label% refers to? THANKS
  23. ...or is there a way to create one? Really like the ability to display the %automatic_label% which I assume is the Plan View Name? and the scale but don't really need a circle or call out shape. Can it be done? Or marker?