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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Yeah I started that a hundred years ago and can't break the habit now. I hope anyone watching knows that they can name the Layers whatever they find useful.
  2. It's exactly the same method. Copy/create new Anno Set. Create new Layer Set to match. Set Layer Set properties - done. I think the method gets lost in the verbage and explanation in the video which will probably resonate to some people and not to others., which is the whole idea of presenting them. Some people like Wendy's approach. Others prefer Scott's. Hopefully my videos speak to another group that can follow my methodology and be helped a little. (Dying to know who 'all of us' is)
  3. Probably choosing the wrong words but isn't that what I did? I created a new Layer Set for the new Anno Set - I thought. Are you talking abut the same thing Perry? The words look the same "create a new Layer Set for a new Anno Set" but I could be reading it wrong. Or something different? Without a video it's hard to understand what you're suggesting (hint hint). But nothing in the system I use is simple and it's a leftover technique from a few versions ago when Anno Sets first came out. I'm just so used to my system that it's become comfortable. One more thing - the intent of the videos was to show the usefulness of a new Anno Set and how one user creates them, which may appear a lot different than Wendy's (and Scott's) technique but is, in essence the same technique. Not saying it's the right technique, but one that might help others discover their own that works for them (Scott). I also just watched Scott's Anno Sets for dummies and I think each technique might look different simply because of who we are as we record the videos and the way we go about essentially the same thing. I believe we all decided that this approach made sense many versions ago during beta testing of the newest version with Anno Sets. Are there other system that work too? I'd love to see and learn from them.
  4. I ran into a situation where I wanted/needed a new Anno Set and thought I'd record the/my process and reasoning for a new Anno Set. EDIT: Please read post #16 from Dermot at Chief explaining (much better than I) the intent of Anno Sets.
  5. Or if you like Wendy's approach you can download her plan file (pretty sure she posted it) with the Anno Sets she created, the Anno Sets should be in the plan that you use to build your new Anno Sets from. I've also got a template you can have with bunches of Anno Sets I can send you or post here and you can see if they are of any help. Problem is, of course, that Anno Sets are very personal but you can see what another users has chosen and if you need any particular help contact me and I'll help you understand them a bit better. Check this plan out and see if it helps in any way. Remember, again, they are many years in the making but you can pick and choose the ones that work - or not. PLAN TEMPLATE 8_15_2015.plan
  7. Thanks johhny. I have 0 PS skills but your tut might give us boneheads hope.
  8. Nice work. All in Chief with a Photo Shop chaser?
  9. GREAT video. Not sure who to thank that I live in CA and don't have to deal with frieze and corner boards!
  10. Thank you and I really appreciate the time it takes to do the videos. Sane terrain sounds pretty good. Greg, I think she likes chocolate.
  12. Here's a previous set of PDF's from the same T24 guy and they display fine so he/we must have changed something in the way they were created to get them to mis-behave.
  13. Thank you and sorry, got busy and had to leave the office. The issue got resolved in a way that does't address the issue. It turns out I don't need Calcerts on this T24 page so the logo/watermark doesn't appear on the final copy. Doesn't resolve the issue in the OP and I'll make sure support gets a copy of the original PDF for testing.
  14. I thought I was able to solve this at one time but it's reared it's head again. The CalCerts watermark is superimposing itself over the information in the T24 report. Any suggestions?
  15. Nice trick Michael. I had to be in an elevation view correct?
  16. Not sure why that's wrong but it sure is wrong.
  17. Here's a door that it seems to work OK with.
  18. You must have a room defined incorrectly. Are you using Auto Roofs? Can you post the plan?
  19. Great set of videos Wendy! Really appreciate you taking the time. I learned a bunch and love to see how another person uses Chief. THANK YOU Great tip on the Section updates.
  20. If forced to create a separate plan for each building then symbols work great. For the example above, and if there's no real need for a separate plan file, a symbol would be counter productive.
  21. Left hand line is a gutter (Dan). To turn off go to roof planes>options>gutter. The other line doesn't show up in the plan you posted.
  22. Your welcome glad it helped - Don't forget Perry was also on the right track.
  23. See if this helps. Posting while Perry posted - What Perry said but the vid might help as the term in Chief is, I think, 'stem wall top'.
  24. I started around 2000 with Chief V7 or 8. Never used another program but dabble in Sktetchup and will use DraftSight to read and import files but have no ACAD knowledge. I have no clue how much of the program I know and don't know. The massive amount I do know is always overshadowed by the small things I should, but don't know.