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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. The tech folks at the last UGM warned against using DropBox for file storage. Backup no problem, but they described a scenario that could corrupt a file. Just sayin'.
  2. Michael gets the credit me thinks but these exersizes are great reminders.
  3. Never come up against the same parameter. Actually never had to pour a 3 ft. deep perimeter ftg. nor have I ever seen one spec'd even on the most complex house designs, but again nice to know and have in the tool box. And of course that's not the way all mono slabs are designed or poured guys, really, but I can see it for larger more complex jobs. My remodel jobs never need a design like that but they might benefit - not sure. Joe, what do you do with that design using Chief's tools, just add a detail? Or too complex an answer to go into here.
  4. Cool, just never seen it and I think on my smaller jobs will not use it but nice to have in the tool box if ever needed.
  5. Never designed, nor have had built a mono slab with an offset like in the above detail - in 15 years. Just sayin'.
  6. Eric, select the room>materials>select materials>check Use Default Material in lower left of dbx. fixed. The room material was over riding the wall material. EXACTLY as Michael described above. I misread his original post.
  7. Michael, this didn't work when I tried it. I tried it wrong DOH. I selected the wall not the room. Nice.
  8. I think that was the method I was searching for. It works with the method I described but I think this method is faster/better.
  9. Eric, I think it's the 'default' material and the wall might have gotten painted at some point. If you change the interior and exterior wall material from default to the stone material works perfectly as it should. Not in the wall dbx, but in the material tab. Learned that about many moons ago from that would be smarter about such things. ...and did you define a new wall, in Brian's plan, by copying the/an old wall that had the same default material? Sometimes the default setting will mess things up. And wait, I'm pretty sure Glenn is awake and he can set it straight.
  10. Brian, Try changing the interior and exterior wall materials from the plan's 'default' to your csv2021t. Sometimes if a wall gets painted there's no retrieving it, not saying that's what happened, but if you change the interior and exterior wall materials in the materials dbx your stone texture returns. Only tried the fireplace but might work elsewhere as well.
  11. Mike, It's a good question and one a lot of us face. I talked to tech support about a PDF issue I was having and their opinion was that printers have not kept up with enough memory to handle a lot of the bigger files we send to be printed. Yesterday I was trying to print an 8.5 x 11 page of 3 pictures to my HP 110 and it was choking and printing only 2 and 1/2 images. My usual cure is to print to PDF then print to the HP but I had the same problem when trying that. The problem as it turned out was that each picture was really large as I did a screen capture from either my 27" or 32" screen, creating picture files much larger than I needed, and much too large for the printer's limited memory. I then reduced each image to 800 x 640 (or thereabouts) and everything printed fine. The HP was choking on the image size because of its lack of memory. Just a thought for the future. EDIT: ...and not the 'size' of the image as you shrink it on the page with its handles but the actual picture size in pixels, altered in a photo editor.
  12. Curious. How do you select another roof material with the material painter if you don't have another roof material defined that you can select?
  13. Create/copy a new roof material and apply to the areas you want a different color.
  14. That seems a great/better solution, is there a down side?
  15. No problem, Glenn had it figured out but perhaps a not so clear path to get there.
  16. Select/open the counter top>Line Style>Drawing Group>Back Group - Thanks Glenn
  17. Had the same experience numerous time, probably due to bonehead status, but none the less not a bad technique. But remember it doesn't have to be blocked.
  18. Meant to say, oh wait I did, that it's not necessary to block, but it doesn't hurt anything either just makes a couple operations easier. What happens if you want change the as-built mask and it's not blocked? You'd have to go to the 'all off' Layer, turn on that layer and delete everything, if it's a block you can move the entire block if you want, or you can delete the entire block all at once - works great - anyway it's only a suggestion for those who still have an open mind and willing to try different techniques.
  19. Minor point - if the as built mask is a block (even though it doesn't have to be), locked, on its own layer, and set to the back group, if you ever have to modify it, and I have had to a couple times when the as built had a problem, the block can be selected, moved or deleted as a block. Just sayin', having it as a block can be a benefit.
  20. You have to use the match properties button first.
  21. Your mask should be a 'block' of CAD lines, set to the back group, and locked. You can't make any changes if the layer is locked (Riemie) but after you unlock it click on the block and in the CAD Block Specification dbx there's a selection under General to choose "By Block Layer" that allows you to change the line style of the block by its layer properties.
  22. We are going to have to wait a long time for Glenn to get something wrong. Setting the defaults room by room should work as well.
  23. Hope this helps with your upcoming structure problems.
  24. That's a great call Michael - automatic points for posting the plan.
  25. Sadly, I've reached my quota for positive reviews for the day.