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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. It looks like all my replies are stuck with that same text to start in that thread. Weird and am pretty sure it will pass but just a heads up.
  2. Never had this happen and is probably just a passing thing but I'm trying to quote a post and the post that's quoted is a different post. Anyone else seen this.
  3. WOW That is a lot of house, great job Shane.
  4. Shane, are you commenting on the X9 release directly despite the obligatory NDA? Or are you hoping the comments you made are true?
  5. Don't the Alpha/Beta testers sign an NDA to insure no cats get let out of any bags?
  6. Alex, You could always have a template plan with 3 or 4 of your most common materials for p-line solids set up ready to go with each new plan - kinda like a default but a bit more flexible. I just use the concrete default, change materials, then copy and paste that solid wherever needed.
  7. VERY Impressive indeed. Nice work Renerabbit and I really have no idea how you did that but again nice job. Could you share the plan or a tutorial on how that might be accomplished?
  8. Yes, in theory a very simple concept. In practice it can be simple or crazy making depending on the complexity of the model. I've been using CA for over 15 years but still get fooled by the arcane and unintuitive 3D methods the program employs. Should I have known it was on the third floor? Of course, but I didn't and with all my experience could not find it. As a matter of fact I have learned to look on different floor after many times being fooled about their location. User error? Again, of course but why can't I figure it out simply and quickly?Just not smart enough to use the program? Very possible. Or is there something inherently difficult about the paradigm that Chief employs? You decide.
  9. I just created a p-line solid in elevation view to fix a 3D problem and COULD NOT find it in plan view. Created a separate layer for the solid, turned on the 'all off' layer and then just the new solid layer. Finally found it on the 3rd floor but needed to delete/copy and paste it to the first floor so I could position it in plan view. After a few frustrating attempts to locate it properly I finally got it positioned properly. Frustrating is an understatement and even more frustrating is there is no indication Chief will change the way 3D is handled any time in the near future.
  10. Try going down to the foundation level and double clicking on each foundation wall. Should be a 'height' setting you can change. Make sure auto rebuild foundation is off. " It still shows the original 16" width in section no matter what I change the width to, or how many times I rebuild and refresh. " You may have typed this wrong but won't the width show the same in section matter its size/width? Did you mean depth? If so check above for one method.
  11. Sad but true. There is a way to do almost any 3D shape you might want but the methods are arcane and take a lot of guess work and learning to do so. Some shapes there are no short cuts and need to be created using Chief's tools. If you are committed to Chief it might be wise to dive in and learn them, but again, no easy task.
  12. I've got a couple of windows that span vertically both the first and second floor but only display on the floor they were drawn on. Is there a way to get them to display on both the floor they were drawn on and the floor above and or below? (yes there are structural concerns but I'd like to get the floor plans correct for the contractor's review.) Here's a 3D shot below is the second floor ..and the first floor. Neither floor showing the windows on both floors they span.
  13. I see an options drop down with a delete button.
  14. Lew, Can you get some relief with the cntrl and - key?
  15. I fight extra lines in elevations constantly and a lot of the time I give up trying to figure out where they come from and edit them out as suggested. The only problem is that any refresh of the elevation and you have to edit them out again, and again.
  16. The answer is yes of course they could. Will they? Another question entirely and one that the answer has been no to for a very many years. It would take a lot of programming effort no doubt but it would fundamentally change Chief into a modern, 21st century software application.
  17. That's called a modeless dialog box and it's needed through Chief IMO.