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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Good to know Gene. Do you build them manually on floor 1 with slab with footing tool?
  2. I think I did but I don't really get much new info from those workshops and I think my question should/could be much simpler than the examples in the workshop. Do you use mono slabs? Do you draw them manually on floor 1? Or auto on floor 0?
  3. Curious as to what others are doing out there. I've always drawn them auto on floor 0 but might rethink my approach. Thanks
  4. If you manually draw in a slab with footings. Couldn't get it to work any other way. Do you use mono slabs a lot Gene? Almost every plan here has one and have not had problems for quite some time building the slab on floor 0 but know others who manually draw each slab with footings and place that on floor 1.
  5. If I turn off auto rebuild foundations the problem is solvable but not with auto rebuild turned on.
  6. Could be Gene. I've always built the foundation as a monoslab on level 0 but maybe I should not do so? And why should that be a problem? Really curious. I see your point Gene. It's just that I've always done it that way and maybe it's time to stop? Just delete floor 0 and define the mono slab from floor 1? That sure looks more relevant to what a mono slab is. Wow that could change my world a bit. Ahhhh but then I don't get a foundation plan...
  7. I'm trying to get my template plan set up correctly but keep running into the problem Glenn suggests is the culprit but that problem seems to be set by default by Chief. Does anyone get a different result? Or is there another place to set the floor definition defaults? Thanks
  8. Could be Joe - maybe we'll never know. If so could he/she just drop the roof plane?
  9. Posting the plan will help but is it possible you drew your roofs then changed the ceiling/floor heights? Try deleting the roof planes and re-drawing them and see if they then land at the proper height at your exterior wall.
  10. Took me a bit to find the settings. I changed the floor defaults but that didn't change anything so I worked on a single room until the floor appeared correctly, then matched properties for the rest of the rooms. I swear I didn't change anything but user error is always suspect when I'm at the wheel. I know the dbx numbers are all over the place but can't say how they got there because it started out OK, then not so much.
  11. Thanks Chop. I changed that wall setting but nothing changed that I could see. Did it change the floor finish showing when you changed that setting? Seems much more likely that the floor settings were amiss as Glenn suggested, which did indeed fix the issue..
  12. Thank you very much Glenn!! I wrestled with it a bit, changed the defaults with no change then found a setting that worked in one room, with your help, then matched properties for all the other rooms and success. Thanks again. To answer your questions, I have simply no idea how the structure dbx works and guess I never will. I just do not understand the paradigm nor the dialog boxes, nor the chosen verbiage, nor the silly little picture of the various structure members. Just don't understand. After 15 years, just do not understand. When I first built the model the floors showed fine, no problems whatsoever. Then bam, the floor finish is gone as if I went in and changed the settings you mentioned. I did not change the settings but they got changed and I'm the only one who will ever really know that. All that doesn't diminish my appreciation for your help. Thank you again very much for taking the time to assist.
  13. Thank you again - Turned off "Walls, Foundation" no change.
  14. Thanks but I've never heard of, nor can I find the "foundation polyline." Still looking.
  15. Yeah Thanks Perry. Rooms layer is on and the second floor is showing fine.
  16. Thanks, Each room is 'unspecified' as a room type and I matched all properties for each room and they are all set to the floor default settings. Still no love.
  17. I have a plan that the flooring wont' show in anymore. Something somewhere got changed and if I move a small exterior wall then the flooring shows (see video), put the wall back and the flooring disappears. Simple I'm sure but has me stumped. Thanks in advance. Plan file below
  18. The upgrade addresses a couple very minor issues - I'll pass for now.
  19. If you don't have the technical skills nor inclination for messing with a computer the MACs offer a great system and operating platform. I like building and messing with computers so the money saved with a PC is very enticing to me but most of all I am OS agnostic. I have used MAC's and I have used PC's but mostly I have used both to get me to my software so I can get some work done. You didn't mention what kind of business you have. Is it the occasional small remodel? Large custom homes? Somewhere in between? It's only important in that if you need that $3000 to stretch into a very powerful machine for larger projects then that $3000 will get you a LOT of PC versus a MAC but that's really the only significant difference other than personal preference IMO. If you do decide on a Dell PC (or any other PC of which there are many to choose from) please post on what your impression of 'pretty darn powerful' is. There's a lot of knowledge on this forum that can help you get a 'really' powerful system that you will be very grateful for for many years to come.
  20. Totally get that. Not at the right computer now but can a 'Hot Key' be assigned to delete? Or is that your question. I think I would prefer another key myself. Need to explore.
  21. Why can't the 'delete' key serve as your hot key for delete?
  22. I see you have HD Pro and X7 interiors. Not sure it can be done with those programs.