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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Last post I promise. Glenn was helping trying to figure out the problem with this plan and with input from tech support it turns out that a thick (29") wall that was used to create a deep niche was too deep for Chief to deal with. Glenn discovered that 21" is as deep as this plan would tolerate. Anything over that and Chief built double slabs. Who knew?
  2. Tried it 4 or 5 times and kept getting black on white, double checked your send to Layout dbx and I had "Use Pattern Line Defaults" checked. Unchecked that and it works great. I know these posts can get really convoluted sometimes and again I really appreciate your hanging in there with this but the video did the trick. Never really knew we had this ability in Chief. Thanks.
  3. Thanks so much Chop, That looks like what I'm trying to get done and I think your suggestion in post #16 and Glenn's affirmation of Color Off might do the trick. Really appreciate you sticking with this and I'll try it in the morning.
  4. Sorry for not being clearer in my original post but the picture in the OP is of an elevation sent to Layout using plot lines. These lines seem to always be black on white unless the pattern lines are set to a different color in the Layout Box, which changes all the pattern lines. The material definitions also seem to have no effect on the pattern line colors, again when sent to Layout using Plot lines (no color). Individual lines can be edited in Layout or you can place a trans. mask over the patterns but I don't think any other setting will change those material pattern colors in Layout.
  5. Yes, as mentioned a couple times in previous posts but a good reminder.
  6. Just heard back from tech support regarding the double slabs being built on the plan attached in the thread below and it turns out I had defined a wall as a 29" thick wall that Chief could not resolve. They recommended 2 walls instead and I am not sure how large a wall can be spec'd before Chief doesn't play nice but in case someone else runs into a similar problem look for a thick wall and either delete or create using smaller walls.
  7. Yeah that's it Robert. When I send any vector view to Layout using those setting (no color selected) I get black lines on a white background. I can change the color of the 'pattern lines' but all the colors of all the patterns change. I would like to change the color of the chimney pattern lines only as shown in the OP. Decent chance I'm missing something but I can't find a way other than a trans. mask or edit each line in Layout.
  8. Yes that works for a vector view, as I just posted above, but the elevation is a plot line view sent to Layout. Can those lines' colors be changed? Or in this case to a shade of gray? This feature would be awesome and asked for a couple times in the suggestion forum where parts of a Layout view can be changed to show different parts of the plan in different shades of gray but the only way I know how is to use the Edit Layout tool where each line can be changed or use a transparent mask. Would love to find out I am wrong. Forgot about the pattern line colors, but it changes all the patterns' colors, roof pattern, brick pattern etc.
  9. You probably need another stucco material of that different color. When you go to edit the stucco material click the 'copy' button and name/define your new color stucco and apply that only to the wall(s) you want that color.
  10. Thanks but I was looking to change the line colors in the elevation view posted. I've never seen an option to change pattern line colors for the elevation view in the material dbx. What am I missing? I can see where the line color can be changed for the vector view in the general tab but a plot line elevation seems to always show black unless edited in Layout as Joe suggested.
  11. Same here. I think Alan mentioned in another post he was on the X9 Beta team - perhaps it's an X9 file?
  12. I want to gray out just the lines of this chimney pattern. Is that possible?
  13. It's historically been most important to shop for software first then adjust your hardware for that software, not the other way around. Today, probably not as important. Nothing worse than being uncomfortable with your computer no matter PC or MAC. Find a system that fits your brain and technical skills/know how and build from there.
  14. WOW - now even the plan I posted here is building properly with a single slab. Sheesh...I just feel so small sometimes when working with Chief.
  15. I thought I sent this into tech but can't find a record for the submission so I went to re-submit to see what can be done. I opened the problem plan and re-built the slab to show the tech guys the double slab and lo and behold it built a single slab just like it should. Can't find a single thing wrong with the plan. SIGH...
  16. Never did get it fixed. I ended up using masks on the sections to hide the double slabs. Sent the plan in to tech and haven't heard back - not sure I will but if I find anything I'll post progress. I had also previously marked this thread solved but it turns out that there's no way to auto build a mono slab 'without' "...both Floor Supplied by the Foundation Room Below AND Monolithic Slab Foundation checked for the main floor level." This plan finds a way to build 2 slabs and I haven't figured out why but have moved on as described above by masking the 2 slabs in section views.
  17. Right now is a GREAT time to report this stuff to tech support over and over again because X9 is in Beta and one of things every new release tries to include is speed increases and bug fixes. Strange thing is I'm not experiencing any of those slow downs. I have other issues like slow to a crawl PDF's but there doesn't seem to be a fix.
  18. Try the 'floor' section, but don't try and understand any logic to the system.
  19. Clarke, Very hard to read those specs but I noticed a Quadro Video Card. Not the best choice for Chief. Expensive and not designed for Chief. Chief works best with a 'gaming card' like the new 1080's not a CAD card like the Quadros. Just noticed there are dual Quadro cards spec'd. Not a good investment for Chief. ...and they look like older weaker technology. You want new and fast for Chief. More money but worth the investment. Something like these cards.
  20. Easy enough as Michael suggests but it would be nice to have a 'print' check box to have items print - or not.
  21. That's what is so weird Perry. My template plan floor defaults are set to 0" 0" 0" and this plan is set to 0" -4" -4" I cannot reset those numbers and still have auto rebuild foundations 'on' in any place I can find, floor defaults etc. It's just behaving badly.