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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. This is always such a great topic and I've been messing with templates, both Layout and Plan, for many years and i think the reason for Chief's tools and approach have finally sunk in. You will find as many ways to use those tools as there are users but if you understand the tools and how they work you can develop a strategy that works for you. I just had a reason to change my Layout template and thought I would record the thought process I use. It's not perfect but it works for me and again if you understand how Chief's tools work you can create a template (or SAM) method that works best for you.
  2. GREAT deals running right now. (Probably means X9 is very close) Don't see anything from X8 to X9? I'm assuming X8 without SSA? Good question if so and probably have to call sales for clarification if that's the case.
  3. I would call tech support if you have SSA. I can't seem to solve it here either.
  4. I'm getting the same thing here. Tried this tip - doesn't seem to help.
  5. Michael, I could be wrong but I think Chief behaves better when you work from the top floor down. Seems weird and counter intuitive and perhaps there are others who might correct this notion but I'm pretty sure it's the best method for getting Chief to behave properly.
  6. I would watch this video at your own risk...
  7. Alex, First thing I would do is check your floor default ceiling and floor heights for each floor. The floor/ceiling heights do not match your defaults nor do they match the heights you have posted above. After setting those check your second floor floor/ceiling heights. Some rooms are off by 2" from others. Your defaults will help here as well. Once you get your default heights set you can use match properties to get everything stable then change your single room heights.
  8. There's supposed to be 7 sneak peak videos coming - this is number 3 so 4 more to go it looks like.
  9. I have never found a logical way to accomplish this repeatedly. I just keep messing with it till it works again then hurry up and hit save.
  10. Facebook feed
  11. Very creative but i think you might be making the point that this should be easy and straight forward within Chief's stair tools.
  12. Have run into this many times over the years with workarounds that aren't so great. How do we get this ability OOB with real pony walls, framing etc.? Seriously, what would it take Scott? More suggestions in the forum? I know the Beta team is active are they asking for it too? Would love to see it. Thanks.
  13. Not me. Chief has always been the company they have always been and it's just too easy to get stairs to code with Chief's tools.
  14. THANKS you guys. I didn't realize I could pull a dim from the baseline. Temp dims worked once I clicked on the baseline to get that dim. Never knew that was possible so again thanks William and Michael I appreciate you taking your time.
  15. Sorry, dumb post alert. I don't mean how to simply adjust the overhang. I'll see if I can explain it. Let's say you've moved a roof plane AUTO REBUILD OFF and you also moved the overhang by mistake to relocate or re-dimension a roof. Going back to that roof plane's dbx there's information stating "Overhang from Baseline" which has been altered from messing with that roof plane. I would like a way to re-enter that distance and get it accurate versus eyeballing its location. Doesn't seem to be a way to re=set that overhang through a dbx setting - just visually. Correct?
  16. Is there a way? Or is it done visually only once you have change the default overhang?
  17. I'm going to steal an idea I could have sworn got posted yesterday by a poster in the other Sneak Preview thread. As I remember (poorly I'm sure) he suggested that Chief's stair improvements include a lot of 'eye candy' that doesn't address the technical details and needs expressed by some posters here and I just wanted to second that opinion. We can't know Chief's market and we can't know how many forum members represent that market but I think this is who Chief is, for better or worse. They make the complicated simple at the expense of really detailed flexibility. Works for some may not for others. I might be in the minority (and the forum is a terrible measure of such things) but I don't need the technical stuff and never think I'll use the eye candy but always do in the end. These new stair tools seem too simplistic at first glance but I bet I use them and love them. I hate getting cable railings on stairs and they would never behave between landings etc. This new feature looks great for that. The snapping to walls is great addition as well. I don't usually have to wow my clients with custom balusters etc. but maybe I will now. Looking forward to these new tools.
  18. Here's the link Lew - the discussion has evolved to include this new teaser in the X9 Sneak Preview thread but more discussion is always a good thing. What's your opinion on the new stair features?
  19. Just to give a little context to the current discussion.
  20. Good one Joe. I posted as well but it's been a while. I'll go and second your suggestion.
  21. Thanks for the reply Perry. I've used this a couple times myself and saves loads of time re-routing electrical etc. and knew you used it also so again appreciate the confirmation.
  22. I don't think there's a way to do so but might be missing something - thanks.