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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Nice Video Chop, and nice microphone too. Was wondering, have you found a way add a layer below the first data box with the 9 1/4" as the only box? Say you start with the 9 1/4" lumber, can you add a box below that? Would really love to have a simple ordering dbx to add to the flexibility of a mis-ordered layer.
  2. I personally use DB and Carbonite. I've used Carbonite for years so I don't even notice any time it might take to back up a new file and can't find a reason not to have some extra insurance. I'm not sure I have my User Library in my Drop Box folder. I'm going to check that out and see how to get that done.
  3. Did not know that. Perhaps making Carbonite redundant? I'll check in to it. Carbonite is a deal and like I posted saved my bacon one time.
  4. I use, and love, DropBox and also have Carbonite that backs up my DropBox folder. I have 3 computers but only use 2 regularly. Every time I open my Lap Top Drop Box loads all the changed files onto the Lap Top and I have what is essentially another back up file. If I delete a file Carbonite will save it as Perry said for later retrieval. There was ONE time I used Carbonite to retrieve a corrupted file and it saved me HOURS of re-doing a Chief plan/layout file. So I don't care how much it costs, that one time made Carbonite totally worth it. And for $50 - $60 a year? Incredibly cheap insurance. Anyone else use both?
  6. If you ever have to update a specific layout box that tool is there for your use. Some times I need it, sometimes I don't, just good to know it's there. If you have everything set up properly everything will automatically update INCLUDING camera views - which is the whole idea of referencing the proper files and associated cameras.
  7. Hey Scott does your MAC work like my PC and the re-link files icon? Or not work like MichaelGia's and his MAC?
  8. Cool Joe - Thanks. I used just the file name and I think that will help in the future.
  9. Weird. I wouldn't think a MAC would operate that much differently. Here's how my PC works. The tool is invaluable. Maybe call tech support and find out where a similar tool is on the MAC?
  10. Michael re-check a couple of the videos - there's a really simple way of checking which plan file each view comes from. I show it many, many times. It's the re-link files icon in the tool bar. Looks like 2 zeros interconnected - check at about 3:24 in the first video post #17. It is one of the main tools for getting all files referenced properly if something goes amiss.
  11. Interesting Jared. I knew there was a reason to not use SAM over and over but not sure the problem really manifests itself in real life. And even if you use a template as your starting point you are constantly using the SAM method just in a little different form. For example > open your template plan and the first thing you do is 'Save As' the template plan to a new job name. This new plan file is basically what Scott ends up with after stripping the information from an existing plan to begin a new plan. This plan then gets re-referenced in the Layout as shown and voila you're off to the races. It looks a little different but is basically the same process without the benefit of having your latest plan file information updated automatically. The template method requires you to update your latest plan file information manually and it's not a small task trying to keep up. After a few months of working with Templates your template file is pretty bullet proof but add another ANNO Set or framing spec or whatever and you have to manually change the template. SAM still looks really easy and still can't remember why I couldn't make it work for my work flow. Maybe it would if tried tomorrow but too busy right now to change things up. Or maybe need another card in my not so full deck?
  12. This is accurate. EVERYTHING does not live in the plan file. You have to learn what is most efficient for your style of plan development and where the information should be stored. I have lots of boiler plate that is stored on the Layout pages and lots of notes that are stored in the plan files. No single best way and lots of options.
  13. I remember giving the SAM method (which I think is very, very good) a serious college try but just couldn't find a way to keep things straight in my mind. I think I just had too many jobs going at once and couldn't figure out how/when to save as what/where but really can't remember why I chose not to pursue it further. The potential is definitely there for someone who can work that way. It just wasn't for me. Templates aren't perfect either but they are an option if they fit your work flow and they seem to be better suited to the way I work. Curious Scott, are you still using your SAM method in the same way or have you changed it up a bit? Watching the video it seems like these videos were just done? True? Either way very nice and thanks for your time. Just watched video 1 all the videos and if anyone has an existing plan/layout that they need to duplicate or even modify slightly then using 'save as' would be the only method that makes sense. One would never start again with fresh template and draw the entire plan over again. So for your work flow, which I assume is mostly remodels, 2 plans, demo (or what some call as built) and floor plan (which some would call the proposed plan) true?
  14. 1. I think you need to make sure your elevations and cross sections reference the same plan file. If they do then any view should update if you change the referenced files. 2. Everything lives in the plan file and different Anno Sets are sent to Layout. Each Anno Set has the info for each layout view i.e. roofing, electrical etc. Check the last video I posted. It shows 2 new plan files re-referenced with the floor plans and elevations all changed to match each new plan files and their views.
  15. I'm not sure I do in practice. I use your technique most of the time. I was just showing one way Chief works and was trying to illustrate one way files can get referenced. Wasn't meant as a treatise on how everyone should work in Chief. There are many other ways to work in Chief as you know and no way to show all the intricacies in a 10 minute video. If people understand how the referencing can work then at least they will have a chance to get a layout template that works. Did a quick vid hopefully showing the technique you described Graeme.
  16. We would all appreciate it, would love to see a different take.
  17. I think it would be a good challenge to see who can get baseboards to show like that. Sorry I'm no help - never seen it.
  18. Hey Michael, Are Plot Lines actually slower? I couldn't tell you because I've learned habits and techniques that work for me - which is the whole point of using Chief - finding what works for you. Early on I tried live views and had some troubles, maybe even in Alpha or Beta testing, can't remember. Tried a few things like technical illustrations etc. to get the look I wanted and then tried Plot Lines and was able to get some simple shadows that don't mess up the builders and I was done experimenting. Maybe it's time to rethink that approach but I'm too busy to try another option right now. Try a couple methods and see what works for you. There are some who would never send an elevation with shadows because they do much more ConDoc centered work and the shadows get in the way. Others want color and shadows, get the idea.
  19. Many templates would make me crazier. I can barely handle the one lol.
  20. I also think there is a really good case to be made for the Save As Method because constantly changing your template can be a PIA. Case in point above with Perry's suggestion. If I had used some form of the Save As Method I would have changed that clip to sides setting (because I knew it needed changing) and it would have been good for all future plans. With the Template method you sort of have to save up a couple/few changes you want to make then go back and change your Template plan file and when your busy it's really easy to not make those changes and just use your not so great template file, which is exactly what I was doing. It makes for more work that doesn't have to be done. All good stuff and thanks again Perry for the reminder.
  21. I'm doing it right now Perry - THANKS - DONE!
  22. Bob, The plan file is within that long list of files in the zip file - at least it was when I looked. Not easy to find though.
  23. I just wanted to show another less constrictive method for using Layout Templates that isn't dependent on having a particular plan file in your Layout Template. Always a work in progress and always modifying the templates to work just a little better.
  24. Open the terrain dbx and uncheck 'Hide Terrain Intersected By Building' - oh wait what Richard said