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Everything posted by yusuf-333

  1. yusuf-333

    R 2.jpg

    From the album: Commercial

  2. yusuf-333

    R 14.jpg

    From the album: Commercial

  3. Plot lines in send to layout dbx does good, but you are saying line drawing among the 3d presentation styles. Right? If yes, I never used those as a layout elevation view. But there are settings related to line smoothing and "strugle amplitude" can't remember the exact wordings though, since not arround pc.
  4. Thanks Chop. I am not sure this contains any thing that will make you a monster in 8 hours .. You are already an expert+++
  5. If you want to master in a very very very short time, then you might need to watch this video
  6. Thanks Chop CadSoft Tools pdf to dwg converter https://cadsofttools.com/pdf-to-dwg-online/
  7. If any one would be interested to get a way to show 3d dimensions in their presentation, here is one way we can do it easily. This method can also become very handy when you need to convert any text with any kind of font style to 3d. Hope that helps.
  8. Go see what you can do with other applications and I am sure you will be beck to chief though you could be shy to show up here. That day, doors are still open for you and don't be sorry for the possible mistake you are making to day. Actually not a mistake at all, it is better to see for your self rather than being in dilemma about software X and Y that are all not perfect, even if it is chief!!. And ofcourse you are headed to forums that often times, you are not allowed to post any thing closer to what you win here about chief. Good luck!!
  9. Yes we can achieve this through anno set by manipulating text colour by unchecking the "by layer" button. But would be cool to have seperate dimension text layer, I may be overlooking this. Thanks Chop
  10. Chop From where did you take that shot?model space or layout? Try to make the text style transparent background, and hope that solves your particular issue with arows being obstructed. I think chief will allow for dynamic adjustmrent of text size plus position of dimension text strings in order to give sound clearancrs for the arrows. Though it varies how they look when zoomed in and out for model space, I think it won't be distructive when you set transparent background for text and keep proportions of text size(height) versus arrow sizes practical as you would like to see it printed on paper. While on the same page, in addition to your proposed suggestion what about having a way to set different properties(layer) to controll the colour, line weights and styles for dimension and extention lines as we are currently allowed for arrows.
  11. Preferences »» Render panel »» hardware edge smoothing. Change the setting to "high" probaly your default is "low". Also selecting "none" elliminates those extra labels. Hope that helps.
  12. Well, I have made these stair and balcony symbols using only chief. They are native chief symbols, so they perform better. I can create it for you. PM me
  13. Structures are always designed in such a way that tensile failure would happen prior to the brittle failure of concrete, if there occurs an action that exceeds the ultimate limit state that makes up the basis of design for the structural members. Tensile failure gives a warning signs in many ways before the structure fully collapses. In your case the geotechnical investigation and analysis with all the reports of tests will help you to start examining the substructure of the building which is far more complicated to figure out if there is any thing wrong with the design or if any thing was missed during errection of foundations.
  14. I also was able to create a true corner window using X6. I am sure the concept can be applied to doors. Convert the window symbol attached to the linked post. You need to look at the offset of orrigion by opening the window symbol spec and copying it on your newly created door will do the trick. I think the use of stretch planes can make this stuff more handy. Just try it, it must work. If that doesn't work, let me know and I will see any time I can get time to tweek it. But I agree with any improvements suggested above. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/5036-corner-window-library/?do=findComment&comment=43518
  15. You have skipped the framing default which has a bidirectional relationship with current floor defaults. Floor and ceiling structures are set to a value other than the global defaults and it appears on current floor defaults. But the floor and ceiling finish are on current floor default which you can similarly over ride by room defaults as you have explained.. Therefore, while your sequential elaborateion works, it must put framing defaults as an option(specially all in one for ceiling and floor structures) at level 3. My 2cents.
  16. Took few minutes to model some thing similar to your model, and all should work well using auto roofs. Post plan ..post plan please
  17. Yes Gene That is exactly how to go with it. But would like to explain few tips I thought will help speeding up the process, for any one interested. In general, boolean operation are helpful to practice in manual roofing, I remember a number tips I shared here that I tried to show how booleans help in manual roofing. Here are the steps for any one that doesn't fully understand Gene's method. 1- draw circle on the main roof where you want to place the cone in plan view. 2- place a point marker by snapping the center of circle 3- convert the circle in to straight segments( say 12 sided polygon that would result 30° strips) 4- draw a roof plne by using one of the 12 segments created in step-3 above and drag it to the center point, then reshape it to the triangular strip as Gene mentioned. Don't forget to adjust its slope to be higher than the main roof. 5 - select the main roof and subtract the cad polygon by using "subtract poly lines" tool) 6- replicate by rotating the roof strip using the current point by inputing 11 as the number of copies created. Now you are ready to just use join roofs to get where the pieces will join the main roof, use "join roof" one by one (or just half of them and use mirror to produce the rest 6) 6- finally delete polygonal opening and copy all the conical roof strips by marque selecting, and temporarily keep it on to your clipboard to paste it back holding position after doing next step(7) 7- select all the twelive strips in plan view and unify them using " unify poly lines" command and deduct it from the main roof to create the exact opening in the main roof 8- paste the conical roof back from your clipboard by using paste hold position, view it in 3d. Done.
  18. Well, this is an old thread let me see what it was about, basically there is no landing applied here as I recall. Please feel free to clarify what exactly you want to achieve. Did you open the plan attached here, no landing at all. Right? Simply stairs but I think there is another topic I used landings to get the same look. Did you understand after opening the plan? Do you want me to explain the method using only stairs or one with the landing?
  19. Here https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/8410-johnnys-modern-stair-tip/
  20. I think Grahams opinions are not simply conjecture, but based on scientific research methodologies and findings.I always test and find your experiments very helpful. thumps up sir.
  21. You can follow this steps to create one with your dims. 1- open new plan and shoot elevation 2- draw the shape of all members(except the center piece) using cad poly lines and convert to poly line solid 3- draw the profile of your center piece using cad line and add it to your library. Use that molding line in plan view by click and drag to its plan dimentions and that is done. Finally position it to where it should be.( follow the video if you are not familiar with step 3, I hope creating PL solid using cad lines and converting it to p.s is quite easy) 4- Convert it to symbol, go back to your plan, put it there and done. Here is a short video on how to (Major area of concern here is step 3, hope the rest is straight forward using PS) O
  22. Took little time to digonose why fascias would disappear. And from past experience I had a similar scenarios that was caused by unseen roof edge connections and complications related to breaks around edges that result from manual roofing in case. So I have created a video on how I often times make sure, if that diasapeareance of fascia is caused by the above mentioned problems. Then I thought to share a video while messing on the roofs. And it worked fine, I closed and reopened the plan to see if it is back, but it doesn't disappear even when I using the roof join tool, drag, rejoin etc. So I think you may find helpful watching this crappy video I created while trying to diagonose and fix the problem.