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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. Here is a video. Sorry its not to profesional. http://screencast.com/t/Xc7RGRO6PXB
  2. I set the scale in layout so it will adust as you zoom in and out so you can see what it will look like in the layout without having to go back to the plan. Tommy showed me how to do that and it makes my life much easier for me. Thanks Tommy!!!
  3. Busy, Busy, Busy !!!!!!! But I'm absolutly exhausted!!!!!
  4. If you see it black in layout you should zoom in on it to where it is more accurate to the scale you are printing and check it first. Becasue when you print it out on the big pages at 1/4 inch scale it may not come out black.
  5. I dont think anyone can help you unless you post your plan on this one.
  6. Thanks Joe! By the way, Here are a few pictures of your twin brother I took for you at the Disney show at the Anaheim convention center. I was going to buy one of the originals for you but it was $400.00. Little bit too much for me to afford. So I took some pictures for free. Maybe you can upgrade your existing picture. Enjoy!
  7. I know this question has come up before but I have to ask anyway. Is there any way to transfer a plan to an earlier version of Chief X2?
  8. Your all winners to me! Thanks guys for your help. I'm feeling a little stupid right now because when I made changes I forgot to check build framing. None of the changes take effect until you rebuild framing. Perry and I had this discussion months ago and I forgot again! So a few months from now when I ask this question again you all will remember how to tell me to fix it. Right? Thanks Guys
  9. I cant seem to figure out why some of my rafters are white and some not? Also why do the rafter tails not show up?
  10. I'm looking for parking lot symbols for handicaped parking. I thought I saw it in the libuary before. Anyone know where I can find it?
  11. I have office 365 and I love it!!! Subscriptions I think are the future more and more
  12. My problem is patients! Messes me up because I click around to much. My computer has old timers disease "SLOW".
  13. I had some problems downloading windows 10 and then I decided to run thru all my cleanup procedures and update everything I can. Then I had no problems at all. Everything seems to be working fine. Cant tell if it is any faster though.
  14. Perry, Do you have to call to sign up to Corelogic? I tried going on the site to sign up and there is no instruction that I can see for signing up.
  15. That's why I'm busy. Been working my are for 25 years now and I usually have 5 or 6 remodels going at the same time. And rarely not more then a 20 minute drive to a job. Now I have almost doubled that number so that is my concern. 5 or 6 jobs is a walk in the park.
  16. I do my own design but I also do the build as the general contractor. Works good here! I have more then I can handle for the rest of the year and into next year. Lot of resources though so I can always handle more. Just worried about the quality if I take on two much so I will have to draw the line somewhere. Don't want to ruin my reputation getting greedy.
  17. Never mind guys. Everything is perfect. I noticed that on one of my other pictures of the house that the way I have is right now is correct. A few details to straighten out but easy ones. Thank very much for your help.
  18. Not sure what you mean by pop out? The garage doesn't have a pop out room but the room over the garage has one. Also if you noticed the porch area next to the garage has an exterior wall temporarily until the roof is done and then I change it to railing walls
  19. I'm close but I need the roof height in the front to match the roof height in the back. I built a second floor at 4 1/2 room height so that I am working off the second floor walls on the entire plan. Seems to work good but I'm not quiet there yet. Lumsden Origional.plan
  20. I heading up to Big Bear tonight. I had enough of this heat for a few days
  21. I have a Hilti that I purchased several years ago and paid the high price of 500.00 and it doesn't have blue tooth but has been a very good tool and have had no problems. But I think I may try the Bosch from Home Depot and take it back if I don't like it. Thanks for the tip!
  22. Ok, I was using the room planner on my note 4 Samsung and it works pretty good. One thing I did not understand at first is how to shape the rooms. That seemed a little confusing. But what you actually do is draw one room at a time and then add another room and the rooms snap together and then you dimension that room and so on until all the rooms are done. In other words Its like building blocks. You can select different room shapes other than just square. It has a pretty good library so you can add windows, doors, furniture, cabinets.... I think it would be nice to have the blue tooth measuring laser and it would most likely be easier with a tablet rather then a phone. I like the idea of the plan file going to the cloud and into my computer so I don't have to redraw it. But I'm not sure that it is set up for doing property lines. Might have to do that the old fashioned way. I'm considering spending a couple of bucks for the blue tooth laser.