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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. 78 degrees here in Big Bear and so far they have spent 17 million trying to put out the fire.
  2. When I get off the lake I will have to figure it out.
  3. Even if you put any wall temporarily so you have something to start your roof off of you can delete the walls or make them invisible later. I think you have to go over the top of a regular wall first though. By your pictures I'm assuming that you will be removing parts of your original roof and eave and then coming off the columns with about a 3:12 pitch to the house? Looks pretty simple. Post the plan if you want better help.
  4. So like a half wall drawn around the column with a cap on it? So the top rail is your cap?
  5. I wish I had customers that did craftsman style homes. I really like them myself. Video is great! Thank You
  6. I think this is my preferred method so far. I really don't think there is an easier way. But I thought for sure that Joe would say use a cabinet because you easily use the countertop for the cap and change the edge profiles.
  7. If I change the column bigger and change the materials than I have no control over just doing the bottom 3 feet. Correct? Thanks, I didn't know there were stone columns in the libuary
  8. That's exactly how I did it and I didn't even look at the instructions!!! But how were the knee braces created?
  9. I would like to put stack stone around some patio columns. I thought I might just use the slab tool and build them with a cap and pace it in the column somehow but I would like to get a little feed back from others first. Any suggestions on how you guys would do it? Remember that these columns are built from a railing wall.
  10. Yes here are my settings and of course I don't mind sharing anything. This system of building patio covers is working well. After I figured it out I did three other different sized patio's for other jobs. One is more like a gazebo that is way in the back yard by the pool, two are attached and the one that you have already seen. Learning how to manipulate all the framing materials to work how I wanted and have it all frame automatic was the hardest to figure out but works well once you get it down.
  11. Sorry Greg but I don't understand your comment. This is a patio cover with knee braces that I'm working on.
  12. Yes but I don't understand what you mean by that. I was just trying to figure that out now.
  13. Here is the final out come of my free standing patio cover. I went with different colors of materials just so we can see clearly the different types of materials. I only hope I can remember how I did this!
  14. I just unchecked soffits in the roof plan specification dbx
  15. Why would you need a plan? You should give yourself more credit than that! You right about the soffit. Thank You Mick!
  16. I cant figure out the materials under this eave. What is it and how do I get rid of it?
  17. I tried this and I couldn't get it to resize the way you say. Not sure what I might be doing wrong?
  18. Tommy is going to help me with this on line. Thank guys, I don't what to waste your time so I thought I better let you know. I'm also pressed for time to get this done.
  19. It does not give me the option to put it in the library when I select it. Not sure what I did.
  20. I think I need to start from scratch with building this knee brace. I opened a new plan to draw it in but I'm not having much luck. Can someone point me in the right direction? As you can see in the attachment I built the knee braces but am having a hard time putting them in the library for re use.
  21. These are some nice clean plans! I prefer to have my own style plans but it helps to get other peoples ideas and build off of them a little bit. I like to take an idea and put my own twist on it. We all have to start from some where.
  22. In the attached picture I made the knee braces out of a poly line solid. All the post and beams are railing walls. My question is how can I put the knee braces in the library for future use. The patio cover is free standing and I will also need to put the knee braces at every post. I'm sure there as to be a better way to duplicate them but as a Psolid they are not very editable. I will take any ideas that anyone might have on my approach to build this free standing cover.
  23. That make sense. I didn't read your post correctly. As Perry said that prices are a lot different out here. I'm not fishing for what I should be charging just interested in the comparison in your area to California. But your system of charging is the same as mine but the only difference is it would be about double your cost out here in California. Some could even be more. I think im to cheap sometimes. Thank you Alan
  24. Allan, Now I'm a little curios. So if you did a 600 sq. ft. room addition you would charge $600.00 for the architectural drawings and 250 or 400 for structural engineering. How much time would you put into measuring the job and preparing the plans and the running around time? After your answer I will follow up with what I would get out here in California for the same thing.