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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. Its a poor mans lake front property. lol
  2. I tried to get paid extra for the boat in the pool but they didn't buy it.
  3. Larry, Mick & Eric, You guys are awesome! Thank you that helps me tremendously. I can see how it was done now and finish it up myself. Thank You :)
  4. I haven't used it for anything yet. I just played around with it for a while yesterday and not to impressed so far but its too early to tell. I need to learn how to use it first. As soon as I get a little free time I will review the information that Kirk sent to me.
  5. I have attached this plan and I need to put a mansard roof on it just like the attached pictures in drop box. Does anyone have a couple of minutes to maybe give me some instruction or do a video? I'm under a time crunch and Its not working right for me right know. I posted the plan so hopefully it works. www.dropbox.com/sh/rli5vp0zwpd4unx/AAAW6z12P3gmSrAfKYOi8bTAa?dl=0 Lumsden Origional.plan
  6. Thank you I will check it out
  7. Im using it on my phone. Samsung Note 4 which is a larger than normal display but it also works on my smaller Samsung also.
  8. I downloaded room planner on my note 4 android. Tried to use it and figured out a few things but if anyone knows of a video for instructions please let me know.
  9. Is this the mini display plug? And if so why do they call it a mini display?
  10. Where is the original person that posted? Does any of this matter? Does anybody care? Does anybody know what time it is? Time to take a break with the little guy!
  11. Thank you, that's good advice. I will look into that. Right now I really only wanted to duplicate one monitor for the customers can see. At my office I have a 40" on the wall and my laptop with the second monitor. I would like to just duplicate the second monitor with the 40" on the wall so the customers can see it.
  12. Just to be clear because I don't want to miss inform anyone. I'm not a computer expert. I just gave the information of what I have and how well it is working for me. I just shared the facts. And one thing I know for sure is after installing the solid state hard drive on my lap top the performance is an estimated 10 times faster with opening any of my programs. I don't know that it really helped that much with the operations of Chief Architect once the program is opened. But opening and closing programs, multi-tasking and windows startup is almost instantaneous with the solid state hard drive.
  13. I will make my best effort to go to the UGM this year. Not 100% sure but I am going to try. The cabin thing sounds good and I will start to work on that in November or December to try to work out a good date to meet at the cabin.
  14. I'm using laptop with a second monitor. Works great for me because I go back in forth from home to the office and my vacation home. I have an extra monitor set up at each place so all I have to do is have my laptop with me. Extra monitors are cheap but make sure you get a good laptop. My laptop is listed here in my post signature. Works well for me but its about 2 years old now so you may want to get yours with more updated equipment. Important to have a good video card. A solid state hard drive is nice especially for a laptop. At least 16 megabits of ram. Make sure you have a good cooling system. You what to make sure it will handle at least one additional monitor. Next time I upgrade I want to be able to have two added monitors. With me I find that the bigger the monitors aren't always better. Your eyes have to travel back and forth and up and down a lot on the bigger monitors so I like the smaller ones better. My laptop is a 17" and my added monitor is 20". I have one at the office that is 24" and I actually like using the 20" better. "Acer" makes a nice inexpensive monitor. I paid 89.00 for my 20" on sale. I like my Dell computer because I like the support that comes with it and its been a great computer. I think if you don't know much about fixing computers you really need to have good support that get you up and running fast. I can't afford for my computer to be down for more than a day so I have a few open options to get the help I need immediately. That's my 2 cents. I hope something was useful
  15. I'm serious I just never even been to a UGM yet and I don't know what to expect for a showing of people or should I just open for certain amount of people? I guess when the time gets closer I will announce It a see who wants to come and see what happens. Does CA headquarters need to know about it and do they offer any materials of anything? Or do we just fly by the seat of our pants and share our work with each other and have a good time? Or do we just get on the boat and go fishin.
  16. Here are some pictures of the cabin. Not sure if it would be big enough. We can squeeze in about 16 people. Don't have the out side decks built yet but that may change by next year. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rm0lekiiqrnwe0h/AABVu_-GHpln0oxV6wgLKimca?dl=0
  17. I'm not having any problems so far.
  18. Hey Guys. Everything seems to be working fine for me. I tried to open the program in every way I could think of and everything seems to be working. Is there any particular thing that anyone would like me to try that you are having problems with?
  19. I have the note 4 and I love it! Best phone ever! The camera doesn't get any better with the 16mp. Best phone camera on the market. Also; You know when you take a picture and how it picks up the light from a window and it darkens everything around it? This camera has a quick setting right on the screen that eliminates that problem. I have always had trouble with tying to take kitchen pictures with a window in it because everything around the window goes dark. Not with this camera though! You should check it out.
  20. I don't have an I phone either. I'm a die hard widows based computer and droid user. No fruit (apple products) in my life except for the fruit of the spirit!
  21. Ok guys I will update it. Thank you
  22. I think I will wait until they fix it then. Thanks Joe!
  23. The picture just states how I feel. I don't why it went in upside down