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Posts posted by builtright3

  1. 13 hours ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    I find it interesting that some of you who find the point system utterly useless are amongst the first to get in a tizzy when they get some down votes and you also commonly seen to feel the need to hand out a few up votes for no other reason than to help even the scales, for what?  To make sure everyone gets a trophy?  You either care or you don’t.  If you really and truly find them useless, just ignore them and don’t click on them.  


    Your right, I did the down vote just because your statement p*ssed me off so much and than I thought I better voice my opinion to you directly. I don't have a problem with confronting things straight on and I also don't have a problem with apologizing when I'm wrong.
    With that said, I did the down vote with a follow up of how I felt and I will promise that I will never use a down vote again.
    My apologies if I hurt your feeling on the down vote.

  2. 3 minutes ago, ChiefUserBigRob said:

    i figured negative reps means noone will take the time to help ya. they judge ya on them. 


    Yes, this is not a winning battle for anyone. I am thankful for the help I get on this forum and we should probably agree to just end this thread and forgive and forget what was said.
    Love you guys! Please don't hate me!

  3. 7 minutes ago, HumbleChief said:

    So their purpose is for new users to tell if someone knows what they are talking about? So, what if a user doesn't like another user, who knows what he's talking about? And how could one possibly know if someone knows what they are talking about by the little clicks and up or down votes?


    In trying to imagine response from Michael, or Steve Nestor, or ChopBox, or Glenn, or MarkM, to name a few without the aid of the little ticker counter of brownie points awarded under his name, I read their replies and don't even THINK about how many little points have been accumulated in the reputation score box. Instead I look for content, helpfulness, and knowledge of the program which any post from the above short list and many others have in triple spades - without looking to see if they have a merit badge or two. NEVER look to see how many votes ANY user has in order to measure their competency or their helpful nature.


    On the other hand I was just in a thread where a user had a different opinion and other users down voted him because he had a different viewpoint. NOT because he didn't understand the program or that he didn't know what he was talking about, but simply because people disagreed. Childish and immature.


    So once again the purpose is what? What useful purpose do they really serve?


    I just noticed besides the up vote and down vote it looks like there is a third selection to "Like" it by clicking the heart. Its nice to be able to like a post because its just thanking the other person. I agree though I don't like the up and down vote.
    I appreciate your statement Larry. Thank You


  4. 1 hour ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    This has been discussed a ton in the past, but I personally think they serve a crucial purpose that cannot otherwise be accomplished in a heavy traffic online forum.  They are really the only real form of positive/negative consequence, and more importantly they’re really the only way of

    effectually providing a measurable peer review and serve as a virtual replacement to the real world “reputation”.  There are thousands of users who frequent the forum but never post and I’d venture to say that there are thousands more who only ever stop by 2 or 3 times.  In all cases, but especially in the case of the occasional user, there is no other metric in place that gives them any clue as to whether or not any given user knows what they’re talking about.  

    I see conflicting information every single day and in every other thread.  The Reputation Point system gives us at least some way of weeding through it in an environment where there’s otherwise no real way to tell the difference between someone who just likes to talk and someone who actually knows what they’re talking about.  


    This is a very offensive statement. If this is what you want then you should open up your own chat room with your own rules. At this point I have to contain my thoughts and be careful what I say.

    • Upvote 1
    • Downvote 2
  5. 1 hour ago, HumbleChief said:

    Just wandered over to this thread and am a bit confused about the confusion re: Layer Sets and Plan Views etc. If a new user then a learning curve is not something to be surprised by, frustrated yes, and initially confused but not surprised.


    I then watched a couple of the videos referred to above and again if one is completely new to Chief then hang on because the program is complex but the videos IMO are excellent. Maybe because I am familiar with most of the terms as a long time user and if that's true then the basics of Chief's operational paradigm have to be part of any learning process and to the OP you have to start there if you are new to Chief. Hang in there and it will get easier and perhaps a more specific question will alleviate some confusion?


    And what's with the Up Votes and Down Votes? They cause nothing but harm and absolutely no good - at all. What exactly is there purpose? What good do they do?


    I agree but I just gave you an up vote anyway! LOL

    • Upvote 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Michael_Gia said:

    By the downvotes and messages I’ve received it seems that Saved Plan Views are a religious topic on this forum. 
    I won’t comment anymore. How dare I have an opinion. And your collective answer to OP’s original posts should be, “Plan Views or the highway, suck it up, learn them and only work that way”


    I agree, I don't like down votes!
    Down votes without an explanation of why they are down voting doesn't help. Please don't get discouraged because everyone's input is important to someone and I don't want to miss out on your opinion. Don't let the few mess it up for others.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Dermot said:

    I disagree with Michael on this (and apparently so do some other people although I am not one of the people that down-voted him).


    I actually think it is easier to learn and use saved plan views than it is to learn and use default sets.  It doesn't have to be that complicated and you don't need to spend a lot of time setting them up.  Just think of them as working the same as saved camera views.  If you have a view you want to work in or send to layout, just save it and then you can reopen it anytime you want.  You can pretty much ignore default sets until a later date when and if you want learn to be even more efficient.


    I did not down vote Micheal either but I do agree with you. When the plan views came out I decided to start from scratch with my templates. With all the preset plan views I think it makes it very user friendly to the new guy because everything is all set up for us right out of the box to start using. Of course I could be over speaking a little because I have been using the program for a long time but with me starting from ground zero it was easy.
    I would suggest to new users to sign up for the on line classes. That really helped me to work through getting the new templates setup quicker and understanding how the plan views work.

    Thank You Dermot!

  8. I have been using Chief for a long time and since the Plan views and notes have been added I have decreased my time to draw plan significantly.
    Also, the library plays a huge part in the time saving. If you utilize your library and organize it right its very powerful to use. I don't have to build many templates anymore because of it. To many templates can get confusing trying to keep everything linked with the layout file so I have it setup a little differently than some. All my notes I also save to the library. 

    For example:
    I send schedules thru cad details to send them to layout but I don't save the schedules in the template. I just save a cad detail as framing notes, elevation notes, windows, doors...and I leave it blank so I can just generate the schedule in a pre-named cad detail. This way everything is fresh and clean each time and I don't have to worry about placing, linking or sizing. When I'm drawing a floor plan and I'm putting windows in, this way is better for me because I can see the window size label and not just the callout label.

    All my general notes of course is set to go straight from the library into the layout and that is set as my layout template along with some other things.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm finding that saving the notes to the library in whatever category or subcategory you want to save them works really well for me. I don't try to do templates for the schedules because they are so easy to add them in each plan for a nice clean look. Also, templates are confusing to me to keep track of because when you use it for one plan and then another I run into problems so I just build the schedule for each plan.

    Just my personal experience and the way my mind works for what its worth


  10. 33 minutes ago, SNestor said:

    @builtright3 - I'll just say this about Bluebeam.  It isn't just a PDF annotation/markup software...it has been designed for construction use. It has tools you will relate to and know how to use.  See if you can get a trial version...give it a shot.  It's an amazing piece of software.  


    That said, If all you need is a markup program to add some text notes, arrows and some other simple text to a PDF...then yes, something less expensive would be a smart move. 

    I'm going to download it later tonight and take it for a trial run. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, SNestor said:

    @builtright3 - looks like you can purchase for 349.00.  Well worth the price.  I clicked on "store" and it took me to this page...



    Thank you, I didn't see that. That's a little costly but might be worth it. I will try the free trial.

  12. 3 minutes ago, TheKitchenAbode said:


    Here's a link to it. You can also check out other available programs in the SnapFiles site. They have a section for free and paid for software. This site is good and have used it for many years, the only thing to watch for is that some freeware will want to install some other software. SnapFiles usually notes this in the description so you can make sure to uncheck the option when installing.





    Thank you! This and the other program so far recommended are great but are so far apart from each other for what they can do. I have my research cut out for me. I'm not even sure what I want or need until I research it.


  13. 12 minutes ago, rwdozier said:

    Check out Bluebeam Revu  (https://www.bluebeam.com/) Very afordable.

    Can you give me an Idea for cost of this program? Looks like I have to subscribe to find out. I just need to know if this is something that is affordable first and I'm not over buying. It looks like it is a very powerful program.
    Thank You

  14. 46 minutes ago, TheKitchenAbode said:

    You may wish to check out PDF-Viewer, it's free and has a wide range of markup tools. Have used it for several decades and it works well. It will also allow you to password the PDF doc so others can't alter your changes or you can convert the PDF doc into an image. Probably about as many tools as you will be able to get for free, they also have a paid for version that offers even more features.

    Can you be a little more specific on the name of it? Several different types or Viewers come up in a search

  15. Good morning from wonderful Michigan!

    I'm looking for a program that I can use to markup PDF's and other documents like a plan checker would do for corrections or as I have seen some of you do to help other on the forum.
    I have "Adobe DC" but the markup capabilities are limited and the windows "snipping tool" isn't near advanced enough.
    Does anyone have suggestions for me for what I'm looking for? Some of these programs out their like "eCopy" can be very expensive and I don"t mind spending some money but I don't want it to break the bank account either. 

    Any help or direction would be much appreciated.

  16. 1 hour ago, DzinEye said:

    You sound a bit like the Dos Equis man there Joe.  The most interesting man in the world...  


    Its hard to make out your picture. Is that a monkey on your back?

  17. 1 hour ago, Kbird1 said:

    Did you try breaking the lower railing and making it Post to Beam under the upper Balcony?



    Thank you for the direction. I might be able to work with that after a little more tweaking.


  18. I don't often have to do balconies over decks but when I do, I run into this problem of the post disappearing and the handrail post not working together. Is there a way to get this to work together or do I have to put in post and place the railing in between them?



    • Upvote 1