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Posts posted by builtright3

  1. On 2/22/2020 at 1:26 PM, Kbird1 said:


    Chopsaw's idea works pretty well actually and is automatic if setup in the Plan Defaults  ( setup in New Plan Template too ) , the dimension is there from the moment you draw the wall.


    As you can see it even works for interior Walls.....



    Thank you very much! This is very helpful.

  2. 2 hours ago, amaliya said:

    I am really struggling with this, I don't know what else to do, the deadline is today


    Terrain's can be very frustrating.

    You can ask for someone to give you one on one on line consultation and pay them to get you through this. The fee's people charge seem reasonable and probably worth it.

  3. 10 minutes ago, poltrack said:

    I have been setting my roof pitches as rise/run, e.g. 5" in 12".


    Somehow, I changed a setting so pitches are shown as degrees e.g. 22.619865 degrees.


    I want to go back to rise/run and specify inches per foot.


    I assume this is a check box somewhere, but cannot find it.  Would greatly appreciate

    knowing how to go back to rise/run.


    Thank you.


    Un-check show pitch as degrees


  4. 2 hours ago, wjmdes said:

    Yes, you can make a symbol of it and insert it into the house plan.  That is how I do it and then do a rendering.


    That is the way I do detached garages.  It makes things a whole bunch more simple.


    I have on some drawings put the entire garage on its own layer (or layer's) so that I can just turn it on or off when I need too. This way when you need the garage in the full rendering you have it.

  5. Not that this has anything to do with what your talking about but I tried to submit plans with the elevations labeled front, back, left and right and the plan checker maid me mark them as north, south, east and west.
    Not sure why I decided to do it that way after years of labeling the direction but that's what happened the first time I tried to change it.

  6. Thanks guy's!

    I think I will stay with what I'm doing for now until Chief comes out with a better dimension editing dialog box. Too much work to save a minute or two. Probably not much demand for it. I appreciate the effort.

  7. 1 hour ago, Chopsaw said:

    Wall Labels with or without a macro would work fine for that.

    So it shows up here with using a Macro but it still shows up as the default label in the plan. What am I doing wrong? Any idea?
    Also, I would need it to show up as feet and inches.


  8. 1 hour ago, rgardner said:

    Select your terrain poly line and click show length and angle.  All sides will show up.  The downside is all have to be in the same location so for example above the line preference is set on the upper line the dimension shows above the polyline on the outside of it,  the lower shows inside the polyline and the same on the sides one outside one inside.  Most of the times not an issue but I had one recently I had to manually place text that showed the line.


    I have not done this personally but another option is to do a leader text line with the macros for show length and show angle if you needed to place it remotely.  Then you can “hide” the arrow and line if you want by changing line style and arrow color.

    Thank You!

  9. 31 minutes ago, Designer100 said:

    Is there a way to add pre Mfg. brick to outside of the foundation above grade that does not affect the porches etc or parts you do not want it?


    Newell Cheatheam




    Have you tried the "Wall Material Region" tool?

    • Upvote 2
  10. I typically just put in text for the dimension numbers around the perimeter of the house because I think it's a cleaner look without the dimension lines but it takes a little extra time to do it like that.
    Is there a way to do dimensions and then not show the dimension lines? I never really thought to ask the question because Im sure the answer is no but what the heck, im asking anyway.


  11. Thank you Michael,

    This is very helpful. I don't always send the plan because most of the time I'm just looking for a little direction to figure it out on my own. I tried the help and I struggle with written direction and it take me a lot of time to filter through it but I don't give up. I feel really individuate at time in this forum and hate to be a bother to others but it is better for me to try everything before I ask the question but sometimes I just get stuck on the simplest things.

    Been thinking of doing a private consultation with you at some point to work out a few of my other struggles when I can coordinate the time.

    Thank You!

  12. I was experimenting with using "NOTES" in my sections and it seems to work just fine but the "Auto Detail Tool" it seems like I always have to do work-a-rounds to make it work for me and I haven't really been able to find any instruction for it as far as what I want it to display.

    In this section it put in the dark color of the interior wall that I use for new walls and so I deleted it and that was fine but then I noticed it did not add the insulation in the attic cripple wall or the faulted ceiling.

    I just think, if your gonna have a tool like this, you should be able to change setting's or its worthless. If I have to take the time to do work-a-rounds It doesn't really save me any time. Maybe I'm just missing something simple, It would be the first time! I'm getting older and dumber it seems.


    As always I appreciate any help I can get.



  13. I'm a little perplexed with the "Auto Detail" tool :wacko:

    It can be a pretty useful tool but what if I only want the insulation to show or just the concrete fill and non of the other fills? Is there a way to turn thinks on and off individually?

    Any help would be appreciated. I tried to find help on it and I was unsuccessful.


    Thank You

  14. 1 hour ago, Kbird1 said:


    You can set it to match the Terrain Perimeter Height eg if it is 18" below the Subfloor...... Set the Grade Level Marker to -18 ( negative 18")  instead of Zero and make sure to reference the Grade Level Marker not the 1st Floor Subfloor. 





    Thank perfect, Thank You!!