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Posts posted by builtright3

  1. Can someone tell me the best way to enter cost of framing materials into the materials sheet so that each time I bring up a new materials list it will remember the per piece or per foot number that I entered?


    Help would be much appreciated.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Is anyone familiar with this California Bill?

    AB-68 Land use: accessory dwelling units.

    I'm just now learning of it and it could open a lot doors for more construction in California. Bill comes into affect on January 1 of 2020


    Here is the link for the Bill:





  3. 18 minutes ago, DRAWZILLA said:

    Joe sorry buddy, late to the party.  

    I really don't use the save to the lib. tool for notes. what I do is have my notes already to go in my template plan , its a lot easier to delete some then to create them each time. Mostm of my plan notes are not changed much but framing notes are creates each time and the schedule is already set up and ready to go, already sent to the template layout.   As you may know I have everything already sent to the layout, floors, foundation, sections ,elevations , notes, site plan and lot calc's. details etc..  Deleting is much faster than creating and as I change things it's automatic    1 plan template and 1 layout template.          


    Yes, that is perfect because it is in line with everything else I'm doing! Same as you. I agree! Deleting is more fun than typing or searching!!!

    The added step I'm taking is saving each note to the Library just in case I delete a note and I want to go back and recall it.


    Thank You Perry!:)

    • Upvote 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:


    I may be misunderstanding the question, but you can simply save the note directly to your library.  

    Are you kidding me!

    I don't even want to respond I feel so stupid. I cant believe I overlooked add to library. Even after all the hours of training I been through.

    Thank You Michael !

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Alchemyjim said:

    I put all my notes and schedules on a separate cad detail file that can be accessed through the project browser. That way I can send each to the layout in my preferred scale.

    I also save this with each plan so my schedule defaults remain the same.

    Something like this...

    I'd love to hear if anyone has a better method.



    I do the same thing but what I don't understand is;

    When I make a note, is there a way to save the text for the note? If the note number gets deleted or moved you lose the text with it and its gone forever. You either have to retype the information or have it saved somewhere so you can cut and paste it.

    I was thinking of using user defined macros to save the note.


  6. On 8/25/2019 at 10:24 AM, DRAWZILLA said:

    I agree with Joe, all my note schedules  and in fact all my schedules are in a cad detail.




    Can you elaborate a little more on how you organize your note schedules?

    I'm curious because I use a lot of your techniques and I have been struggling with how to not only organize them but how to save all the text (notes). Not sure If I should be saving the notes in my macros or as a schedule somehow.... It just seems awkward to me.


    If you can, enlighten me a little

    Thank You

  7. 26 minutes ago, Chrisb222 said:

    You can click on the extension and drag the length of it wherever you want.


    If you want all of them the same and you have a large number of them to move, you can click on the first one and drag it where you want, then open the DBX for the string and copy that extension's distance away from marked object and paste to other extensions, or use "apply to all"

    Thank you very much for the added information I really appreciate it!

    I'm familiar with editing dimensions as you explained from when I went through my classes, I just couldn't find the setting for it to work with the automatic dimensions. Rene pointed to exactly what I was looking for.


  8. 4 minutes ago, Renerabbitt said:

    Gap from marked object under the extensions tab in your dimension defaults. set it to say 12"-18"

    That did it!

    I should have been able to find that but I have been very sick and its affecting my work.

    Thank You!!!

  9. 17 minutes ago, Kenoeightspot said:

    Bring both stairs close to the corner and they will snap together.

    Move the right side of the center stairs towards the far right stairs .

    Also check "Wrap Stairs" in dia. box




    I was over lapping instead of snapping it at the corner. I got it to work now. Thank you for your help!

  10. 18 minutes ago, Joe_Carrick said:

    It would appear that the dimension is showing to the "Bottom of the Soffit" rather than to the "Top of the Cabinet".  

    IOW, there's a discrepancy in the model.

    That was it Joe, I had the soffit set to low.

    Thank You

  11. 19 minutes ago, EconBlueprints said:

    I cannot get the floor surfaces to show in overviews....all I see is OSB, not the finish floor.

    I turned on "Floor Surfaces" in every place I can think of, but I must be missing something.
    Anyone know what the problem might be?


    Turning on the layer would be the only thing I can think of. Sometimes closing the program and going back it can fix a glitch (refresh it). 

    Otherwise you may want to post the plan so other can help you

  12. So, what I know about "Plan Check" is that it appears that you cant edit it, you just use it as is. I like to run it when I think I'm done with a plan and it picks up things that I may have left out or over looked. It is actually can be pretty handy.

  13. You would think that you would have to have a character in the text box with spacing in between. That's really strange to me. I mean the text didn't even show a space or separation anywhere.


    Also I was able to duplicate the problem as you did

  14. 41 minutes ago, glennw said:

    Go to Tools>Project Information>Client Information, and make sure that you don't have a carriage return after the Street text (or any of the other entry boxes).

    I can duplicate your problem by placing a carriage return after the zip code in the Street text. 

    Screen Shot 2019-05-23 at 11.49.36 am.png


    Screen Shot 2019-05-23 at 11.55.42 am.png


    I went to the bottom of the street name text box and back spaced to the text and that did the trick.

    Thank You!!!:rolleyes:

  15. 3 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:

    Ok that looks like it should match.  Which is distinctly different from your initial posting.  Let me give it a try in X11 and see what happens.


    I even put it all in one line and It doesn't come out right


  16. 8 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:


    If you are always going to enter the city,state,and zip code in the Street field of the Client info, then you don't need the city, state, and zip macro's in the label.


    One is my layout and one is a new layout from CA. Bothe entered exactly the same and I cut and paste the macros into a rich text box for both.



    Single line spacing is set
