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Posts posted by builtright3

  1. 3 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:


    The unused city, state, and zip macro's are causing the space.

    Im not having the problem on a new layout. Only my layout that I have been using for several years. I rebuilt all the macros and otherwise doing the same thing as far as I can tell

  2. For some reason the client information has a space in between the address and phone number. I never had an issue with this until X11 that I know of.

    Anyone know what's happening here or experience the same problem?

    Thanks in advance

    I will call Tech support if no one can help me.


  3. 4 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:


    It is a little more like an interior railing looking over an open below room the way he has a second floor balcony and that requires skirting from the extra railing layers.  Otherwise your single layer railing is the way to go.

    OK, I see the difference. Thank You

  4. 7 hours ago, BryceEngstrom said:



    By making this revised wall definition unique to the railing wall, this appears to be a good solution, thank you.  Will send in a feature request to fix this, which seems really non-sensical to me.

    I'm not quite sure I understand. Why do you need the additional layers? Am I miss understanding your question?

    I'm not having a problem with the post not lining up.


  5. 51 minutes ago, skoz44 said:

    I've just switched from X7 to X11.  I seem to have lost a very helpful feature in X11.  That is, when I select a wall, object, etc, all layers except the associated layers go away (in the Active Layer Display Options).  This occurs in X7, but not in X11 (see attached pics).  Is this something I have to turn on?  Or is there any way to fix it?


    Thanks in advance.



    Uncheck "Show All Layers" in settings



    • Upvote 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:


    Click it and it will sort all the "Used" layers to the top of the list.  All the other columns also work in a similar way.

    Wow! That's pretty powerful. I can see where that could help me find things easier.

  7. On 2/28/2019 at 11:48 AM, Alaskan_Son said:

    I'm guessing Chief was just getting too many complaints about all the unwanted, excessive, and duplicate/triplicate dimensions showing up on the plan so they decided to help us by doing a little micromanaging (forcing us to use the tool in the edit toolbar instead).  I think it was a good move.  

    I agree but it why do they have to hide it in plain sight! LOL

    Its like when I send my son out to the garage and tell him to get a tool for me and he comes back and says he can find it. I then tell him to go back out there and just look at what is in front of you and he come's back in and says, yea it was just sitting on the bench right there in front of me.

    It's funny how we tend to look to hard sometimes when all along its right in front of us the whole time.

    Appreciate you my friend!

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, TheKitchenAbode said:


    Yes, but not in all cases. The 3D Model rebuild, which is likely the most time intensive process can be controlled to a certain extent via the display layer options. However, there appears to be circumstances where CA seems to ignore the display layers and performs a full 3D Model Rebuild. 

    Got it, thank you

  9. On 5/17/2019 at 11:49 AM, TheKitchenAbode said:


    You are very welcome.


    I'm learning this stuff myself right now but I was under the impression that if you turn off those layers that are effecting the speed while you are working it will speed things up a bit.

    True, not true?

  10. 1 minute ago, parkwest said:

    I will second the T520.


    I have had mine for a while and I am impressed with the machine.


     I use it to “proof” plansets, and marketing banners and posters, along with printing 3D model templates for foam board house models.

    Yes, you were the reason I purchased mine.

    Thank You! Good Advice!


  11. 21 hours ago, Alaskan_Son said:


    I find that sometimes asking is the thing that triggers the requirement.  I typically just provide the electronic signature and wait for them to ask for something else. 

    I agree and do the same thing. Its been at least a year since I have been asked for a wet stamp or signature.

    Thanks for the Tip!

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, lbuttery said:



    I would recommend skipping on the plotter and just use a local print shop


    I bought an HP Designjet 100 Plus for $900+ in 2007 and ended up never even plugging it in

    it was easier to use a local shop


    and I decided it was better to send the PDF to the builder and let them do the prints


    after one builder rushed the clearly marked DRAFT version to the printer

    I added a clause to the contract stating "by printing the client agrees that they have reviewed the documents and found them acceptable"



    I agree. Send the PDF's out even if it is to the printer company for the contractors and let them pick them up and pay for them. I only print for the required city plans to get them approved and for my employees to use on the site of the jobs we are on. I'm also charging for almost every print that goes out otherwise this doesn't work and the printer wont pay for itself. Also you should be charging the client for all the printing on top of your fee. Printing adds up to a lot of money.

    I understand where your coming from with sending the prints out but this new printer is a huge improvement from the 100 and 110 printers.

    I'm not trying to talk you into anything just wanted to give you and others an update of how much better and more efficient this printer is.

    Here Is a short video I did so you can see what I'm talking about.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/fzpmwe8yaueknx4/2019-05-18 06.44.40.mp4?dl=0



  13. I owned the HP design 110 plus for several years and loved it!

    I recently purchased the Design jet T520-24 (attachment below) on amazon a few months ago and I am very happy with it. In six months after the purchase of it and all the expenses of paper and ink it will pay for itself already. I used to just print very little on my old printer because I was afraid of over using it and wearing it out. So I would take my big sets of plans down to get them copied at the print shop. But my friend that works on printers said that these HP printers are almost bullet proof and they are built to print high volumes. I don't worry about it any more I print everything and it takes about 35 seconds to print each page and that fine. Its a roll feed so you don't have to keep feeding it.

    And also the T520 Is really easy load the paper. Its like a 110% improvement over the 100 plus.

    After unboxing the printer it only took me about 30min and I had it set up and I was printing my first page. Very easy to setup. I chose not to use the stand because I don't have a lot of room so I just have it sitting on a cabinet. The size of the printer is 40" wide x 20" deep and 11" tall.


  14. Thanks guys!

    This is one of those situations where they wanted to go over the top of the existing joist with new trusses and it led to a lot of out of the box thinking to make the plan work. I know there are other ways of doing this the way I did but this all works really well for the sections. I did all standard 2x4 roof framing and then put one trust joist in so it would pick up the look I want in the section view.

    Anyway I got the attic wall in and it looks good thanks to you.


  15. 5 minutes ago, DavidJames said:

    The image shown was snipped from a PDF. 

    When you snip and save an image, are you importing it via File > Import > Import Picture? 

    Perfect! That did it!:rolleyes:

    Now I just have to add a folder to my template plan file for images!:)

  16. I used the snipping tool to cut and paste a picture in my layout plan but now I would like to save that picture to the library.

    Does anyone know how to do that? I tried blocking it and putting it in but it doesn't work.