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Everything posted by RL-inc

  1. I recently upgraded to X10 and added a new SSD drive as well. Somewhere in the process I have lost auto spell check in my CA text. Now have to click spell check box prior to exiting text dialog. Is there a preference or setting for this? Much thanks
  2. That's awesome Michael- Thank you
  3. I have done some an HVAC contractor buddy - Attached is the plan file as well as the layout page I dropped the view on that includes my overlay of the mech layout. Plan file should have mech and gas anno sets as well. Disclaimer- He hand draws all of the layout and notations- I just transpose into CAD and pass it back. Hope it helps some. LUNCH BOX GAS ISO 02-14-18.pdf LUNCH BOX GAS ISO.plan
  4. Thanks a ton Glenn- Looks like it will do the trick Will jump on it tomorrow am
  5. I am working on a plan for a steeply sloping lot that needs concrete entry stairs that will have a pored retaining wall that will also act as the "rail" so to speak. On the lower portions I have been able to make the rail style follow the stairs with the "follows stairs" DBX. No luck on the upper return to the main entry. Tried several options and adjusted heights but no luck. Any help is appreciated. WITHERSPOON_CD.plan
  6. Business is good here - time to spend some $$$ on upgrading my tools. The upgrade to the 2 TB SSD drive (solid state I am assuming) is a pretty big hop= 600.00 what is the big advantage to that over the 1TB PCIe x4 SSD + 2TB 7200 RPM HDD. Been a 2 monitor user for years and very comfortable with it- probably stay that route.
  7. I thought of trying to swap it out but the upgrade is only 150.00 and I doubt I can buy the unit with out a video card and still keep a warranty.
  8. Thanks for all the input. Rpadge- what graphics card would you suggest
  9. It's been about 6 years and the old girl is staying to wear down. Was looking at pairing the unit in the link below with a couple 29" 4k monitors. Whole package should run just under 2500.00 Any comments appreciated. http://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/dell-desktop-computers/xps-tower-special-edition/spd/xps-8930-se-desktop/ddcwvmax003h
  10. Worked like a champ - thanks as always.
  11. Yes I am- I opened the plan and can see the profile. What I need to know is how to take that line drawing and create the tail that will be applied to the actual rafter.
  12. Way late to the party but am in need of converting the rafter tail profile that Eric poste in rafter tail demo plan to an actual tail I can add to my library. Any direction is appreciated.
  13. Again- i think the code section you are referring to is discussing lateral stability along a given wall line. Not across the section of a building. The king post option to reduce the truss span is generally used to reduce reactions at the endpoints.
  14. If you use the model method however I sugest creating an stripped down layerset that has only the required items. Makes model generation much faster. Search for previous post on this topic.
  15. Agreed with Lew The model method is convenient when creating terrain as well.
  16. Regarding the truss to wall connections it is my experience that they were generally required at he exterior wall lines and along ibt weereior shear walls. The main reason is to resist uplift. As mentioned h2.5 clips or h1 are pretty standard but there is a new toe screw detail that allows for an @ 4-6" timber-lok screw to be run up through the top plate into he truss on an angle. Much faster installation.
  17. Joe Are you certain that you are not referring to the code section that requires braced wall panels to be a max of 25' apart in a wall line for lateral shear in a prescriptive path condition? While it is quite possible that the trusses are designed to have midspan support every 25' that seems like overkill.
  18. May have to go direct to tech support on this one.
  19. CA has a a librayvfull of cad details in he fire and more available as bonus content.
  20. Also adding a proper signature is always a good idea.
  21. The cad to walks tool has been used with mixed reviews. Try a search.
  22. I would at least add the required cricket at the dead valley so the owner or builder can see what will be needed.
  23. You are most certainly not using CA the way it is intended IMO. The program is designed to create a model that contiualy updates as you develope it. The big advantage is that as it evolves and changes all the lines that you have been editing are automatically updated as you go. (Not to mention the actual model that you have access to- which is the real power of the program.) Then as David mentioned using different anno and layersets is the key to keeping all layout views organized and associated with one plan.