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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. With Auto refresh on, you can not reposition the dimension strings after creation. I am not sure I like that very much. Without Auto Refresh on you can reposition but if you hit Auto dim again you will get a second dimension string in the old location but not doubles of the not moved ones.
  2. Nice Mick. I guess I don't use Auto Dimensions enough.
  3. Sorry Bill. Just trying to add some levity to a Friday. I did not mean to anger you.
  4. They don't override each other. They would be additive just like you are witnessing.
  5. If I raytrace the siding looks black.
  6. I always deal with the RCP through layers. The doors showing as closed is done by turning off doors and turning on door headers. That way there is still an indication of where the door opening is. Creating a different (non live) plan is asking for trouble.
  7. Bill you forgot to mention that you could also change your own oil in your truck, smash atoms for your own fuel source and have a cow in your back yard if you want to put cheese on your sandwich. All of which are a little too much work to make sense.
  8. I am putting a fill into a polyline. I am using the Chief Pave pattern list. Every damn time I change to a new pattern to check it the preview width changes back from the 36" I changed the last one to. What gives with this? Is there a way to lock this down?
  9. Joey, have you used it for an as built?
  10. Might be tough to work on a phone. I have used it a little on an Ipad but that was the previous version. I am hopeful that the newer version enables us to drag and draw a wall. Just creating rooms that abut each other if very counter intuitive to me.
  11. I believe Shane has the correct framing but the camera angle is throwing off the span direction.
  12. MWG (my wild guess) is that there is an invisible wall intersecting.
  13. Pretty wonky behavior. The stretch handles are not working correctly. If you adjust the numerical values in the height or width you can get the stretch and squash. Be sure to uncheck the radio button before entering the numbers as it comes back with a vengeance.
  14. Search for the training video 10033. This video shows how to move the camera up stairs and navigate.
  15. Is this a lighting issue? In good plan you have lighting casting shadow in one direction. In bad plan the shadows throw 2 directions.
  16. I always make my own for total control over the proportions of materials. Slab base, slab cap.
  17. I don't like the way this will resize as a symbol.
  18. The benefit of not making it into a symbol is to be able to unblock it once brought into your new file and resize it easily. If you make it millwork it will not resize on the longitudinal axis.
  19. To put them in the library you just need to select and add to the library. I was just trying to get something that would be resizable about the proper axis and that is a different animal.
  20. I would suggest posting the plan for a better answer to your question but I am not sure what you want your roof configuration to look like. Just extending the roof to those posts creates a host of other design issues. Can you make a sketch of what you are after? Then post the plan and I am sure you will get a live example of what to do.