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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. When we cut the I joists we almost always make a jig which enables easy cross cuts. For a shed roof the plumb cut more easily enables you to create a drip curf at the bottom of the fascia. That drip is pretty critical since the water wants to travel right into the vulnerable spot where the rafter meets the plate at the top end. Detail the beejeezus out of that to get some liquid flash a that point (don't ask me how I know).
  2. 1x12 with a shadow board? Spacer below the shadow board to make up the difference.
  3. Help me understand something. Is this a plan you designed? If so, what is your experience/training in Architecture? If you did not design it, where did the plan come from?
  4. Fly, you need to makes some adjustments to that landing on your stairs. That does not meet code.
  5. version button checked.plan?dl=0
  6. It appears you are about 927 words short of your answer. But, you know what they say about a picture?
  7. Dear gawd, that is a great and horrible solution. This is an ideal item for the suggestions since this is a pretty common element that would be nice to represent without overlaying an extra model in our model.
  8. It took me by surprise. I had placed a bunch of cad blocked plant images (Bonus library of Image Cad Blocks). These were plant images in plan view. Too dark and bold so I went to edit one by exploding. In X14 it jumped to the CAD Block as a separate file. I edited, reblocked and copied it into the plan. Then when I closed the CAD Block file, it prompted me to update all instances. Like Xmas in July.
  9. Personally, I would not have hesitated to sell the file. I would have required a release of liability. Also, based on the scope of that building and it being a government agency, you would probably have been rehired to fix the problems they were having after starting to make modifications. I would have based the price on what was the most I thought they would pay plus about 20% and then when they negotiate down the 20% we all win.
  10. When I open a DBX like as shown below, the text field for something (Name in this case) is highlighted. It always leads me to believe that I can then start typing in this text field to modify it. But, nay, nay. It only appears to be highlighted (because it is dag nab it). Once I start typing I am transported to whatever tab or command matches my idiocy in trying to kick the football one more time. Anyone else?
  11. The value for electrical schedules shows up when working on advanced Lutron switching systems. The only time I have done detailing on switching was for an electrical contractor who wanted me to make a reflected ceiling plan with the circuit layout. Granted, this was for a very high end job.
  12. Ya' got a bunch of clowns, you're gonna' have a circus.
  13. Has anyone else noticed a long lag time when unblocking a CAD Block? I just did a simple CAD detail from view and blocked it to move to another plan file. When I unblocked it (after realizing I wanted to grab a cad line) it was about 5-10 seconds of waiting. Other blocks have seemed even longer. Anyone else?
  14. .plan files are 1"-1". When you go to print you need to adjust your scale. You can send to layout and print at 1-1. If you are printing directly from the .plan file, I would suggest changing your methodology.
  15. This is on a plan started fresh in X14. It has happened with multiple library objects.
  16. I am just starting to work in X14. I am noticing an odd behavior. If I have placed an object from the Library into a plan file, when I switch to my layout file (by clicking into a new window) the last Library item I placed is now active again and wanting a new home in the layout file. After placing the library item other work has happened so the tool is not active in the plan view. Is this a know bug?
  17. @ChefCadhla How is the accuracy level for the pdf measurements? I will be doing a check on my end soon but just wanted to see how close you were finding the data to actual. Thanks Alan
  18. Under construction and I wanted to do a test before I clean up for the pre insulation photo tour. It certainly delivers. I spent about 1 hour setting up around 40 camera shot locations. I only had one failure warning when I did not move sequentially enough for it to stitch together.
  19. This is the type of drawing that a steel fabricator would be looking for. 2d only. Are they asking for a 3d view?
  20. @buzzsaw204Let me get this straight. You are seeking to pay someone to write macros for you. There is this guy who sells macros to to do what you need to do. Then you want him banned for doing what you want him to do for You. Sarcastic or ironic?
  21. I am not sure. But, I would verify which layer it is on when open in x13 and then verify that the same layer is displayed when you open it in x14. If that is not the solution, turn on All Layers and then see if you can find it.