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About CharlesVolz

  • Birthday December 8

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    San Antonio, Texas
  • Interests
    Texas Music, motorcycle riding, hang gliding, paramotoring, sailing, water skiing, boating, snow skiing and . . . oh, I forgot.

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  1. The ceiling outside of the room (walled area) is a soffit. Look at the settings in your roof plane.
  2. 1. 2. Add a wall on floor 3. 3. Connect flat roof to shed roof. Delete ridge from the flat roof. 4. Use a single roof plane for the shed roof and roof holes.
  3. Did you get this figured out? All of the sudden I am having this problem. They changed the program in X16.
  4. Howdy, I suggest you post your plan if you want someone to explain that behavior. Guesses: That is a post to beam railing wall. Walls moved in 3d. Ceiling ht changed. Remember that roof planes are built on top of wall plate/ceiling settings, not a wall that has been altered. And a wall will build to the default plate/ceiling ht unless it encounters an existing roof or ceiling plane.
  5. Yeppers. You cannot bring the roof plane through part of a wall. A roof plane and its structure will only go to the outside surface of a wall. You can make the lower wall a party wall as mentioned. "Reset To Defaults" tool does work but you have to re-frame your walls or have auto-framing on or just open the wall DBX and close it.
  6. Try this... I just turned on the Default Wall Heights for the adjacent wall and the attic wall above. If you want the lower wall brick to end at a lower height, make it a pony wall. Brunk3
  7. A 50" (which I have) is the very largest. I would recommend 45" to 48". My neck hurts if I look at the top menu too much. (Vertically stacked monitors is a bad idea.) I put my toolbars on the bottom and sides. I use an adjustable TV stand so that the bottom of the monitor is level with the top of my 3'x6' desk and the monitor is 3'+ away from me. 4k is great. But you have to adjust the text size. Refresh rates are not important since you are not watching movement like sports, but I recommend 60 Hz minimum. The lower refresh rate will save you money. TV Stand.pdf
  8. You need to get your referenced plans fixed before you will know what window schedule to fix. Once you are dealing with the correct window schedule, you control what displays here:
  9. Hang a platform. Four connection points, 2 adjacent trusses' top chords. No worries about overloading bottom chords. Less vibration and noise below. Better drainage slope on primary and secondary pan drains. Easier access.
  10. Howdy Steve, Smart. Nice. Thanks for posting. Best, Charles
  11. Don't tell anybody but 45 years in December, all told.