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  1. Would a duplicate Roof Plane with minimum structure thickness work? GableExamplePlan.plan?
  2. Did you make sure to select the main layer of the wall type? Each layer has separate material properties, and when dialogue is opened it defaults to the exterior layer.
  3. Make sure your exterior wall type Main Layer has framing CHECKED under the material properties tab. If it is unchecked the siding will not cover the sill plate. You can also specify the extension of the siding layer in this same wall definition dialogue.
  4. In the referenced plan file dialog screen, just highlight the unwanted original file (Plan "A") and click browse. Select the new plan file (Plan "B") you want linked to that new layout. It will then condense down to just the single plan reference after clicking ok.
  5. Attached are two pictures with dimensions. All pink dimensions have text moved in dimension string. Blue is unmodified Below is the x15 drawing Below is same plan pulled into x16
  6. Any update on this? I see the problem with new plans on dimensions that won't fit on the string (usually less than 2'). I also see the dimensions moved up off the string on plans pulled from previous versions where I manually shifted the dimension text away from center.
  7. Some nice little things: Reflect about corner snaps Hide selected edge on CAD polyline Stair Style save to library
  8. I just recently have been noticing this soffit issue. I don't know what is causing it. I haven't had any trouble with it before. Sometimes it will show like the picture on the left, other times it will delete the fascia below the soffit line (pic on right). Sometimes, it is not consistent on each side of a reverse dormer. One roof plane will be fine and the other the soffit sticks through. I don't know if it is the eave cut that is the culprit. I haven't had the issue before though. Plan attached. Soffit Issue.plan
  9. Still haven't figured out the trigger for this problem. But I did learn about this great tool, thank you! However, I did realize when using this to "select all similar" that the bay window area shows as a room even though I can't select it as such with the tab key. Maybe this is what is causing the issue? Not sure who to tag from Chief to suggest as the potential issue or if I have to fill out a new support ticket.
  10. Would changing it to an interior door in the "include in schedule as" work for your situation?
  11. On a PC, I can do it by holding the shift key and pressing enter to create a new line.
  12. Just today I started a new plan in X15 and the room labels are disappearing again! This plan has a box window. These window types (Box, Bow, Bay) must be what is causing the room label issue somehow.
  13. I briefly looked at using saved plan views, but I already use the active default sets drop down as my different plan views. It only takes one second to get to the floor I want with hotkeys - and then I don't need the project browser open all the time. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see the advantage.